JavaScriptCore for Flutter use dart:ffi.



License Awesome Flutter Pub

JavaScriptCore for Flutter. The plugin provides the ability to evaluate JavaScript programs from within dart.


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Getting Started

Add plugin

// pub
  flutter_jscore: ^last_version

// import
    path: Your local path

// git
      url: git://

Add dynamic library

Due to the size limitation of pub on package upload, you need to add JavaScriptCore dynamic library to the project by yourself.
You can refer to the example. of course you can refer to webkit to compile it.
Set JscFfi.lib to use the JavaScriptCore dynamic library.

JscFfi.lib = Platform.isIOS || Platform.isMacOS
  : Platform.isWindows
  : Platform.isLinux


You can get the aar file containing in jsc-android, and add to your project.
Take the libs folder as an example, add it to the build.gradle of the module.

android {
    repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
    implementation(name:'**', ext:'aar')

You also need to add, because this is a dependency of
Take the jniLibs folder as an example, add it to the build.gradle of the module.

android {
    sourceSets {
        main {
            jniLibs.srcDirs = ['jniLibs']

If your project uses C++, then you can add the code in the module’s build.gradle.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        externalNativeBuild {
            make {
                arguments "-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared"

iOS and macOS

You don’t need to do anything, because JavaScriptCore comes with iOS and macOS.


You can use the dynamic library in the example, or compile it yourself. And configure in CMakeLists.txt.

# Add JavaScriptCore libs
  COMPONENT Runtime)


You can use libjavascriptcoregtk as a dependency, or compile webkitgtk yourself.
The names of dynamic libraries in different Linux distributions may be different. So you need to set JscFfi.lib.

ubuntn or Debian

apt-get install libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-18
JscFfi.lib ='');


pacman -S webkit2gtk
JscFfi.lib ='');


import 'package:flutter_jscore/flutter_jscore.dart';

void runJS() {
    JSContext jsContext = JSContext.createInGroup();
    // Replace '1 + 1' with your JavaScript code
    JSValue jsValue = jsContext.evaluate('1 + 1');


Evaluate JavaScript programs from within an app, and support JavaScript scripting of your app.



Foreign Function Interface for interoperability with the C programming language. flutter_jscore uses dart:ffi so you don't have to worry about performance loss across programming languages.


Supported platforms

  • iOS (7.0+)
  • macOS (10.5+)
  • Android (arm32, arm64, x86, x86_64)
  • Windows (x86_64)
  • Linux (x86_64)

Linux dependencies

If you use it on Linux, you must make sure to have the following dependencies.



I don't think there is much to describe, flutter_jscore just makes a simple package. You can refer to the documentation of JavaScriptCore and the documentation on pub.




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  • 异步调用回调方法崩溃


    我这里创建一个test方法,接收一个回调函数。如果我同步触发这个函数可以正常工作。 如果异步触发就直接崩溃了。

    class TestBug2 extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
          body: Center(
              child: RaisedButton(
            child: Text('TEST2'),
            onPressed: () {
              final jsContext = JSContext.createInGroup();
                      jsContext, 'test',
              jsContext.evaluate('test((n) => n + n)');
      static Pointer testFunction(
          Pointer ctx,
          Pointer function,
          Pointer thisObject,
          int argumentCount,
          Pointer<Pointer> arguments,
          Pointer<Pointer> exception) {
        final context = JSContext(ctx);
        final jsv = JSValue(context, arguments[0]);
    //    jsv.protect();
        // ⬇️同步执行 没有问题直接输出结果
        final data = jsv.toObject().callAsFunction(JSObject(context, thisObject), JSValuePointer(JSValue.makeNumber(context, 2.0).pointer));
        // ⬇️模拟异步执行,直接崩溃
        Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 300), () {
          final data = jsv.toObject().callAsFunction(JSObject(context, thisObject), JSValuePointer(JSValue.makeNumber(context, 2.0).pointer));


    F/libc    ( 9378): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 in tid 9417 (Thread-2), pid 9378 ()
    *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
    Build fingerprint: 'google/coral/coral:10/QQ2A.200305.003/6156912:user/release-keys'
    Revision: 'MP1.0'
    ABI: 'arm64'
    Timestamp: 2020-03-17 14:29:15+0800
    pid: 9378, tid: 9417, name: Thread-2  >>> com.example.jsrun <<<
    uid: 10289
    signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
    Cause: null pointer dereference
        x0  0000006ff2a46c98  x1  0000000000000000  x2  0000006fdc7e5b40  x3  0000006ff2a45f40
        x4  0000006fcd6c2ee0  x5  0000006fdc7e5b40  x6  0000006fd63515e4  x7  0000006fd4cb48f1
        x8  0000006ff2a44000  x9  0000000000000001  x10 0000000000000001  x11 0000007040000000
        x12 0000000000000a00  x13 000000000c4ef110  x14 0000000000000068  x15 0000006ff2a46cc0
        x16 0000000000000000  x17 0000007051dc0970  x18 0000000000000002  x19 0000006fdc7e5b40
        x20 0000000000000000  x21 0000006fcd6c2ee0  x22 0000006ff2a45f40  x23 0000007051d2e2b8
        x24 0000006fe2d80041  x25 0000006ff296e000  x26 0000007051dc0400  x27 0000006fe1187010
        x28 0000000000000004  x29 0000006ff2a46cd8
        sp  0000006ff2a46c80  lr  0000006fd635161c  pc  0000006fd6906e8c
          #00 pc 0000000000680e8c  /data/app/com.example.jsrun-IMKGo_ZTkeXv0aKVB8-Nmw==/lib/arm64/
          #01 pc 00000000000cb618  /data/app/com.example.jsrun-IMKGo_ZTkeXv0aKVB8-Nmw==/lib/arm64/ (JSValueToObject+52)
          #02 pc 000000000000485c  <anonymous:6fe2d00000>
    Lost connection to device.
    opened by xioxin 10
  • support for windows and linux platform

    support for windows and linux platform

    近期会添加windows和linux平台支持吗? 我找到一个支持windows、linux、macos的JSC项目 Lichtso/JSC-Standalone,它的头文件flutter_jscore/lib/binding 下声明一致,但是这个项目时间太古老,链接库是六年前的了,缺少一些方法。 如果coming soon还要等比较久的话,我准备用这个老版本先凑合用。

    opened by mabDc 5
  • Failed to lookup symbol (undefined symbol: JSObjectMakeDeferredPromise)

    Failed to lookup symbol (undefined symbol: JSObjectMakeDeferredPromise)

    I want to create a function return promise to javascript, but the code only run to print('2') and got error at JSObject.makeDeferredPromise

     Pointer _getUser(
          Pointer ctx,
          Pointer function,
          Pointer thisObject,
          int argumentCount,
          Pointer<Pointer> arguments,
          Pointer<Pointer> exception) {
        print('getUrl called');
        final resolve = JSObject.makeFunction(
            _jsContext, 'resolve', JSStringPointer.array(['value']), '', '');
        final reject = JSObject.makeFunction(
            _jsContext, 'reject', JSStringPointer.array(['value']), '', '');
        final promise = JSObject.makeDeferredPromise(_jsContext,
            JSObjectPointer(resolve.pointer), JSObjectPointer(reject.pointer));
        return promise.pointer;

    both version from or git got the error


    flutter doctor

    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 1.22.4, on Mac OS X 10.14.6 darwin-x64,
        locale en-US)
    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.2)
    [!] Android Studio (version 4.1)
        ✗ Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
        ✗ Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
    [✓] VS Code (version 1.51.1)
    [✓] Connected device (1 available)
    opened by winterdl 1
  • jscore中类的使用问题



    js执行的: [new Text('测试1'), new Text('测试2'), new Text('测试3')]; 到dart中取到的内容是 (测试3, 测试3, 测试3) 全部变成最后一个了



    class TestBug extends StatelessWidget {
      static Pointer jsClassInitialize(
          Pointer ctx,
          Pointer constructor,
          int argumentCount,
          Pointer<Pointer> arguments,
          Pointer<Pointer> exception) {
        String text;
        final context = JSContext(ctx);
        final that = JSValue(context, constructor).toObject();
        if (argumentCount >= 1) {
          final arg1 = JSValue(context, arguments[0]);
          if (arg1.isString) {
            text = arg1.string;
            JSValue.makeString(context, text),
        return constructor;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
          body: Center(
              child: RaisedButton(
                child: Text('TEST'),
                onPressed: () {
                  final jsContext = JSContext.createInGroup();
                  final classDef = JSClassDefinition(
                    version: 0,
                    attributes: JSClassAttributes.kJSClassAttributeNone,
                    className: 'Text',
                    callAsConstructor: Pointer.fromFunction(jsClassInitialize),
                    staticFunctions: [],
                  var flutterJSClass = JSClass.create(classDef);
                  var flutterJSObject = JSObject.make(jsContext, flutterJSClass);
                  jsContext.globalObject.setProperty('Text', flutterJSObject.toValue(),
                  final data = jsContext.evaluate("""
                  [new Text('测试1'), new Text('测试2'), new Text('测试3')]
                  final list = jsValueToList(data).map((e) => e.toObject().getProperty('text').string);
                 // I/flutter ( 8752): (测试3, 测试3, 测试3)
    opened by xioxin 1
  • Error: Property 'count' cannot be accessed on 'JSValuePointer?' because it is potentially null.

    Error: Property 'count' cannot be accessed on 'JSValuePointer?' because it is potentially null.

    I have following error after migrate to null safety .

    lib/js/js_engine.dart:71:32: Error: Property 'count' cannot be accessed on 'JSValuePointer?' because it is potentially null.
     - 'JSValuePointer' is from 'package:myApp/js/js_core_mock.dart' ('lib/js/js_core_mock.dart').
    Try accessing using ?. instead.
          if (jsContext!.exception.count > 0) {
    lib/js/js_engine.dart:71:38: Error: Operator '>' cannot be called on 'int?' because it is potentially null.
          if (jsContext!.exception.count > 0) {
    lib/js/js_engine.dart:72:50: Error: Property 'count' cannot be accessed on 'JSValuePointer?' because it is potentially null.
     - 'JSValuePointer' is from 'package:myApp/js/js_core_mock.dart' ('lib/js/js_core_mock.dart').
    Try accessing using ?. instead.
            for (int i = 0; i < jsContext!.exception.count; i++)
    opened by Gursewak-Uppal 0
  • require这类要加载第三方的函数要这么做


    本地js种使用到了require 自己本地通过setProperty的方式 的确让require在执行的时候 回调了回来 但是自己接管了require以后 就等于自身默认不在支持require语法

     var jsAlertFunction =
            JSObject.makeFunctionWithCallback(_jsContext, 'require', Pointer.fromFunction(require));
        _jsContext.globalObject.setProperty('require', jsAlertFunction.toValue(),

    比如这种语法 image


    我现在的问题 就是 如何能让jscore自身就支持require语法 并且可以自己去找指定文件读取

    opened by fangkyi03 16
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