Flutter picker plugin



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Flutter plugin picker. Include NumberPicker, DateTimePicker, ArrayPicker, and default linkage Picker. Provide flexible parameters to meet various needs. At the same time, you can extend more functions through custom adapters.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • IOS


How to Use

# add this line to your dependencies
  git: git://github.com/yangyxd/flutter_picker.git
import 'package:flutter_picker/flutter_picker.dart';
    showPicker(BuildContext context) {
      Picker picker = new Picker(
        adapter: PickerDataAdapter<String>(pickerdata: new JsonDecoder().convert(PickerData)),
        changeToFirst: true,
        textAlign: TextAlign.left,
        columnPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
        onConfirm: (Picker picker, List value) {

    showPickerModal(BuildContext context) {
      new Picker(
        adapter: PickerDataAdapter<String>(pickerdata: new JsonDecoder().convert(PickerData)),
        changeToFirst: true,
        hideHeader: false,
        onConfirm: (Picker picker, List value) {
      ).showModal(this.context); //_scaffoldKey.currentState);

    showPickerIcons(BuildContext context) {
      new Picker(
        adapter: PickerDataAdapter(data: [
          new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.add), value: Icons.add, children: [
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.more)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.aspect_ratio)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.android)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.menu)),
          new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.title), value: Icons.title, children: [
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.more_vert)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.ac_unit)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.access_alarm)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.account_balance)),
          new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.face), value: Icons.face, children: [
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.add_circle_outline)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.add_a_photo)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.access_time)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.adjust)),
          new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.linear_scale), value: Icons.linear_scale, children: [
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.assistant_photo)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.account_balance)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.airline_seat_legroom_extra)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.airport_shuttle)),
            new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.settings_bluetooth)),
          new PickerItem(text: Icon(Icons.close), value: Icons.close),
        title: new Text("Select Icon"),
        onConfirm: (Picker picker, List value) {

  showPickerDialog(BuildContext context) {
    new Picker(
        adapter: PickerDataAdapter<String>(pickerdata: new JsonDecoder().convert(PickerData)),
        hideHeader: true,
        title: new Text("Select Data"),
        onConfirm: (Picker picker, List value) {

  showPickerArray(BuildContext context) {
    new Picker(
        adapter: PickerDataAdapter<String>(pickerdata: new JsonDecoder().convert(PickerData2), isArray: true),
        hideHeader: true,
        title: new Text("Please Select"),
        onConfirm: (Picker picker, List value) {

  showPickerNumber(BuildContext context) {
    new Picker(
        adapter: NumberPickerAdapter(data: [
          NumberPickerColumn(begin: 0, end: 999),
          NumberPickerColumn(begin: 100, end: 200),
        delimiter: [
          PickerDelimiter(child: Container(
            width: 30.0,
            alignment: Alignment.center,
            child: Icon(Icons.more_vert),
        hideHeader: true,
        title: new Text("Please Select"),
        onConfirm: (Picker picker, List value) {

PickerData Example


const PickerData2 = '''


const PickerData = '''
        "a": [
                "a1": [
                "a2": [
                "a3": [
        "b": [
                "b1": [
                "b2": [
                "b3": [
        "c": [
                "c1": [
                "c2": [
                "c3": [
  • DateTimePickerAdapter is not selecting default datetime

    DateTimePickerAdapter is not selecting default datetime

    DateTimePickerAdapter is not selecting default datetime can you please help me how datetime gets selected.. i used selecteds: [6,4,1,7,2,0] but its not doing anything on arraypicker it works fine but on datetimepicker its not

    opened by rafuns 5
  • No way to show just the picker widget (no modal)

    No way to show just the picker widget (no modal)

    I tried numerous ways from the docs, but none of them allowed me to just show Picker() in the place I needed without any modal/dialog/box. There should be such way and it should be well documented

    opened by dvorapa 5
  • picker doesn't update adapter start/end values in setState

    picker doesn't update adapter start/end values in setState

    I use picker as a widget and i want to update adapter start & end to new value every time the user click on button , but it only keeps the first values it's get, i even try with state to call setState but it still not working . here is my code any help is appreciated

    class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
      int start = 0;
      int end = 5;
      void _updatePicker() {
        setState(() {
          start = 12;
          end = 24;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            title: Text(widget.title),
          body: Center(
            child: Picker(
                adapter: NumberPickerAdapter(data: [
                  NumberPickerColumn(begin: start, end: end),
                  NumberPickerColumn(begin: 0, end: 59),
                delimiter: null,
                hideHeader: true,
                itemExtent: 32.0,
                height: 120.0,
                textScaleFactor: 1.1,
                columnPadding: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
                selectedTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue, fontSize: 18.0),
                onSelect: (Picker picker, int i, List value) {
                  List selectedValues = picker.getSelectedValues();
              backgroundColor: Colors.white,
          floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
            onPressed: _updatePicker,
            child: Icon(Icons.access_time),
    opened by fatimahossny 3
  • feature request: maxHour / minHour for DateTimePickerAdapter

    feature request: maxHour / minHour for DateTimePickerAdapter

    Hi your library works great. Thank you.

    However i have a request to limit the hour for datetime adapter picker, So for example, user can only select from 8am to 5pm, instead 24hours.

    Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 11 12 59


    opened by dexcell 3
  • Add publish on tag push

    Add publish on tag push

    Please add the OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN and OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN in the secrets on this repo. Ref: https://medium.com/evenbit/publishing-dart-packages-with-github-actions-5240068a2f7d. Enable github actions if you haven't. Once you are ready to publish a new version, simply tag as v1.1.4 etc.

    opened by harsimranmaan 3
  • textStyle是用来控制选项文本样式的吗?好像不起作用


    Picker picker1 = Picker( adapter: PickerDataAdapter(data: goodsList), cancelText: '取消', confirmText: '确定', selecteds: [], height: 280, itemExtent: 38.0, changeToFirst: true, textAlign: TextAlign.left, textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.red, fontSize: 9.0), columnPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), onConfirm: (Picker picker, List value) async { print(value.toString()); } ); 是我用得不对吗? 现在这个版本的flutter_picker选项字号很大,我想让它能缩小一点,以前版本的挺正常的,不知道是不是我升级了flutter造成的 我尝试设置 textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.red, fontSize: 9.0), 但既不变色,字号也不缩小 微信图片_20191101173631 知道的请指教一二,谢谢

    opened by zhyf08 3
  • Add the ability to jump numbers in NumberPickerColumn

    Add the ability to jump numbers in NumberPickerColumn

    Add a new parameter to the NumberPickerColumn class, called jump, that would skip n numbers. For example:

    • NumberPickerColumn(begin: 100, end: 500) returns 100, 101, 102 ,..., 499, 500.
    • NumberPickerColumn(begin: 100, end: 500, jump: 100) would return 100, 200, 300, 400, 500.
    opened by jesusrp98 3
  • How to pre-select a certain item?

    How to pre-select a certain item?


    I am using this picker with two options in the list (let's call them "A" and "B"). Initially, the default option is "A". When I switch to "B", I would like the picker to "remember" it somehow, so when I open it again, I would like the option "B" to be preselected. Is this possible? Thanks.

    opened by vtomic85 2
  • Continious Scroll triggering onSelect too early

    Continious Scroll triggering onSelect too early

    Thanks for super useful component!

    Let me try to explain my issue. onSelect event is triggered too early in scrolling over multiple values. I would expect it to be triggered only after user has stopped interacting with the scroll wheel. Because if I would do some

    onSelect: (Picker picker, index, List value) {
      setState(() {
               <some assigning>

    Then it would refresh the widget and scrolling would be jumping, allowing to scroll only one number at the time. Also juming from 11am to 12pm automatically on the way would be cool addition.

    opened by alarmatwork 2
  • Clear button or the possibility of hide cancel and confirm buttons

    Clear button or the possibility of hide cancel and confirm buttons

    I need to add clear button to dialog picker. If I add custom footer and set cancel: SizedBox(height: 0), confirm: SizedBox(height: 0),

    There is too much empty space at the end of a section. Can we be able to hide the automatically generated buttons for our footer?

    opened by hanyska 2
  • Rest Time Picker initial Value

    Rest Time Picker initial Value

    I am using this libray for custom time picker as shown below Currently it shows with nearest current time. How can we reset it to 00:00 initally rather than picking nearest time?

            adapter: DateTimePickerAdapter(
              type: PickerDateTimeType.kHM,
              minuteInterval: 15,
            hideHeader: true,
            title: Text("Selecteer Tijd"),
            confirmText: "Selecteren",
            cancelText: "Annuleren",
            onConfirm: (Picker picker, List value) {
              // todo
    Screenshot 2021-05-06 at 1 56 30 PM
    opened by thapli9A 2
  • AM/PM are backward for 12:00

    AM/PM are backward for 12:00

    When using AM/PM mode (PickerDateTimeType.kHM_AP), the AM & PM are backwards.

    Selecting 12:00 AM returns 12:00:00.000. It should return 00:00:00.000. Selecting 12:00 PM returns 00:00:00.000. It should return 12:00:00.000.

    This also applies to any minutes within the 12 range.

    Selecting 12:30 AM returns 12:30:00.000. Selecting 12:30 PM returns 00:30:00.000.

    Note: In AM/PM notation AM & PM switch exactly at 12:00. 11:59 = AM, 12:00 = PM

    opened by tkeithblack 1
  • Datetimepicker custom buttons

    Datetimepicker custom buttons

    using datetimepicker only for hours and minutes, how can I use a custom button so it can return data?

    confirm: TextButton( style: ButtonStyle( shape: MaterialStateProperty.all( RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0), side: const BorderSide(color: ConstColor.coloreSfondo) ) ), backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(ConstColor.coloreSfondo), fixedSize: MaterialStateProperty.all(const Size(100, 44)) ), child: Text(AppLocalizations.instance.text("ok"), style: const TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: ConstColor.coloreMedium)), onPressed: () { ????????????????? Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ),

    opened by massimilianochiodi 0
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