❄️ An extension based Anime & Manga client.



Yukino lets you read manga or stream anime ad-free from multiple sources. The project's name "Yukino" meaning "Snow" named after the character "Yukino Yukinoshita" from the anime "Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru".

The developer of this application does not have any affiliation with any of the third-party sources.

Downloads Latest release CodeFactor Android (Apk) Linux (AppImage) MacOS (Dmg) Windows (Zip & Installer) iOS (Ipa)




Primary Secondary


Code structure


Ways to contribute to this project:

  • Submitting bugs and feature requests in issues.
  • Opening pull requests containing bug fixes, new features, etc.



  • Database (ObjectBox) fails to initialize

    Database (ObjectBox) fails to initialize

    This Was The error.


    This Was The error code:

    Message: Something horribly went wrong. Error: Null check operator used on a null value Stack trace: #0 AppState.settings (package:yukino_app/modules/app/state.dart:26) #1 AppLifecycle.preinitialize (package:yukino_app/modules/app/lifecycle.dart:118) #2 main (package:yukino_app/main.dart:10)

    status: wont fix 
    opened by Ink25 6
  • The app is not even opening

    The app is not even opening

    The app is not even opening. When I open it, it freezes.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Click on the app.
    2. It freezes.



    Environment :

    • Android 5.1
    • App version v1.0.10-beta.0


    type: bug 
    opened by Ink25 4
  • feat: show loading when player is buffering

    feat: show loading when player is buffering

    Hey @zyrouge !

    This PR adds:

    • Video buffering detection to show user when it's loading
    • A new ValueListenableBuilder widget capable of listening 2 values
    • One updated string for pt_br translation

    Btw, I had some issues with recent translations changes but I managed to fix it for running locally (I am not pushing these translation changes since I just wanted to check this buffering feature). Maybe we could use intl to facilitate things a little bit?

    Let me know what you think. Thank you!

    type: enhancement area: translation area: ui 
    opened by KyleKun 3
  • Add Brazilian Portuguese and minor improvements

    Add Brazilian Portuguese and minor improvements

    Hey @zyrouge !

    Basically, this PR adds pt_BR language and some tooltips, improving desktop experience. I also updated the hive generator command on scripts.md since I had problems with the previous command.

    Thank you for your awesome work!

    type: enhancement area: translation status: waiting for response 
    opened by KyleKun 3
  • [Feature] VideoPlayer and DownloadManager.

    [Feature] VideoPlayer and DownloadManager.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Add VideoPlayer and DownloadManager.

    Describe the solution you'd like It would be better to have a videopalyer, to watch and Download-manager to download, internally.

    Additional context Infuture The UI of the Yukino-app can be like this, with feature to watch, download, Accounts,C, my list, etc...

    Home Page. Screenshot1

    My Anime, My List, Favorite, etc.. Screenshot2

    This Season, Schedule, etc... Screenshot3

    Genres, Search... Screenshot4

    Schedule... Screenshot5

    type: enhancement 
    opened by ghost 3
  • [Feature] MacOS Support

    [Feature] MacOS Support

    I would like to request a release for macOS as there are no such releases available. The release for Linux works well but I wish there were a release or download link for macOS and more preferably homebrew release to install it via the terminal like so: brew install yukino .


    type: enhancement status: wont fix 
    opened by thamognya 2
  • [Bug] Kawaiifu not working?

    [Bug] Kawaiifu not working?

    Describe the bug Kawaiifu leads to just waiting eternally

    To Reproduce search any anime with kawaiifu and select one


    • OS: manjaro
    • latest version

    Additional context it's probably because of cloudflare


    status: wont fix status: reproducible 
    opened by OukilIl 2
  • [Bug] DISPLAY_NAME column is null

    [Bug] DISPLAY_NAME column is null

    Describe the bug Unable to install latest Android APK on Android 12

    To Reproduce Download APK Install APK

    Expected behavior App to be installed

    Screenshots Screenshot_20211124-111619

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Android 12
    • Version: V1.0.10-beta0

    Additional context

    Logs Rooted installer error:

    Device: google Pixel 6 | Not MIUI | Android 12 | Using FilterApkSource ApkSource implementation | SAI 4.5

    com.aefyr.sai.model.filedescriptor.ContentUriFileDescriptor$BadContentProviderException: DISPLAY_NAME column is null at com.aefyr.sai.model.filedescriptor.ContentUriFileDescriptor.name(ContentUriFileDescriptor.java:30) at com.aefyr.sai.model.apksource.DefaultApkSource.getApkName(DefaultApkSource.java:42) at com.aefyr.sai.model.apksource.SignerApkSource.getApkName(SignerApkSource.java:64) at com.aefyr.sai.model.apksource.SignerApkSource.nextApk(SignerApkSource.java:46) at com.aefyr.sai.model.apksource.FilterApkSource.nextApk(FilterApkSource.java:25) at com.aefyr.sai.installer2.impl.shell.ShellSaiPackageInstaller.install(ShellSaiPackageInstaller.java:112) at com.aefyr.sai.installer2.impl.shell.ShellSaiPackageInstaller.lambda$enqueueSession$0$ShellSaiPackageInstaller(ShellSaiPackageInstaller.java:93) at com.aefyr.sai.installer2.impl.shell.-$$Lambda$ShellSaiPackageInstaller$VdI3y9AkULdYCG2o9afJnUCfQnA.run(Unknown Source:6) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:920)


    type: bug 
    opened by nate-moo 2
  • [Bug - Extension] Gogoanime.be doesn't work

    [Bug - Extension] Gogoanime.be doesn't work

    Describe the bug The bug was when I select Gogoanime.be in the Yukino search bar, it appeared as "No results were found" but when I looked up on gogoanime.be (the real website) searched perfectly and the query in the website was in.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to 'search'
    2. Click on 'the search box' and select Gogoanime.be
    3. Type the query
    4. See error

    Expected behavior Yukino cannot find the query based on Gogoanime.be but on the website itself was found

    Screenshots image image

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 10 Pro
    • Version: v1.0.7-beta.0


    type: bug good first issue priority: 2 area: internal 
    opened by zeankundev 2
  • [Bug] MAL/Anilist account won't connect on Linux

    [Bug] MAL/Anilist account won't connect on Linux

    Describe the bug When trying to connect either a MAL or Anilist account to Yukino after pressing "allow" on the third parties' website nothing actually links to Yukino

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Pop_os
    • Version: 21.04

    Additional context [20:17:57 DBUG] main: Starting app [20:17:57 WARN] main: Creating window (app ready) [20:17:57 DBUG] main: Environment: undefined [20:17:57 DBUG] main: Created igniter [20:17:57 DBUG] igniter: Created window [20:17:57 DBUG] igniter: Opened url in ignition window: file:///tmp/.mount_YukinoOzoL6k/resources/app.asar/environments/electron/igniter/splash.html?title=Yukino&version=0.0.31-beta.0 [20:17:57 DBUG] main: Started igniter [20:17:57 DBUG] igniter: Checking for update [20:17:58 DBUG] igniter: No updates were found [20:17:58 WARN] main: Continue process: true [20:17:58 ERR!] main: Failed to register deeplink protocol: Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/usr/share/applications/yukino-app.desktop' [20:17:58 DBUG] main: Created window [20:17:58 DBUG] main: Opened URL: file:///tmp/.mount_YukinoOzoL6k/resources/app.asar/dist/vite/index.html [20:17:58 ERR!] discord-rpc: Failed to connect to Rpc: Error: Could not connect [20:17:58 WARN] main: Closing igniter and opening main window [20:17:59 DBUG] main: App initiated in 33ms [20:18:01 DBUG] main: Open external url: [20:18:02 DBUG] main: Opening external url: [20:25:08 WARN] main: Closing window [20:25:08 WARN] main: Qutting app

    type: bug platform: linux status: reproducible 
    opened by konaOnTheHub 2
  • chore(deps): bump vue and @vue/compiler-sfc

    chore(deps): bump vue and @vue/compiler-sfc

    Bumps vue and @vue/compiler-sfc. These dependencies needed to be updated together. Updates vue from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3


    Updates @vue/compiler-sfc from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​vue/compiler-sfc's releases.


    Please refer to CHANGELOG.md for details.


    Sourced from @​vue/compiler-sfc's changelog.

    3.1.3 (2021-07-01)

    Bug Fixes

    • compiler-core: properly exit self-closing pre tag (d2df28d), closes #4030
    • compiler-sfc: avoid script setup marker showing up in devtools (211793d)
    • compiler-sfc: fix defineProps() call on imported identifier (691d354)
    • compiler-sfc: fix defineProps/defineEmits usage in multi-variable declarations (62c1b2f), closes #3739
    • compiler-sfc: fix script setup hidden flag codegen (a5a66c5)
    • compiler-sfc: support method signature in defineProps (afdd2f2), closes #2983
    • compiler-sfc: support TS runtime enum in <script setup> (1ffd48a)
    • runtime-core: add missing serverPrefetch hook error string (#4014) (d069796)
    • runtime-core: fix mouting of detached static vnode (fded1e8), closes #4023
    • runtime-dom: fix static node content caching edge cases (ba89ca9), closes #4023 #4031 #4037
    • sfc: allow variables that start with _ or $ in <script setup> (0b8b576)
    • ssr: ensure behavior consistency between prod/dev when mounting SSR app to empty containers (33708e8), closes #4034
    • ssr: properly hydrate non-string value bindings (34d4991), closes #4006
    • types: improve type of unref() (127ed1b), closes #3954
    • defineExpose type definition and runtime warning (1675b6d)
    • prevent withAsyncContext currentInstance leak in edge cases (9ee41e1)


    • compiler-sfc: compileScript parseOnly mode (601a290)
    • expose: always expose $ instance properties on child refs (b0203a3)
    • sfc: add defineEmits and deprecate defineEmit (#3725) (a137da8)
    • sfc: auto restore current instance after await statements in async setup() (0240e82)
    • sfc: change <script setup> directive resolution to require v prefix (d35e0b1), closes #3543
    • sfc: defineExpose (be2b1d3)
    • sfc: make ref sugar disabled by default (96cc335)
    • sfc: remove \<template inherit-attrs> support (6f6f0cf)
    • sfc: support referenced types for defineEmits (2973b6c)
    • sfc: support using declared interface or type alias with defineProps() (2f91db3)
    • sfc: useAttrs + useSlots (63e9e2e)
    • sfc: withDefaults helper (4c5844a)
    • sfc-playground: support lang=ts (be0f614)
    • sfc/types: make <script setup> helper types available globally (004bd18)
    • types: support IDE renaming for props (#3656) (81e69b2)
    • types/ide: support find definition for jsx tags, events (#3570) (8ed3ed6)
    • fc7b640 release: v3.1.3
    • 1ffd48a fix(compiler-sfc): support TS runtime enum in \<script setup>
    • 601a290 feat(compiler-sfc): compileScript parseOnly mode
    • 96cc335 feat(sfc): make ref sugar disabled by default
    • 0240e82 feat(sfc): auto restore current instance after await statements in async setup()
    • fd7fa6f test: fix script setup directive test
    • 211793d fix(compiler-sfc): avoid script setup marker showing up in devtools
    • 2e10261 chore: warn script setup compiler macro imports
    • 62c1b2f fix(compiler-sfc): fix defineProps/defineEmits usage in multi-variable declar...
    • 2973b6c feat(sfc): support referenced types for defineEmits
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    related: dependencies 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 2
  • Getting 404 Not Found Right After The Loading Screen

    Getting 404 Not Found Right After The Loading Screen

    Using the latest windows release, right after the loading screen the error I have described in the title and below appears.

    Message: Something horribly went wrong. Error: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 4) 404: Not Found ^

    Stack trace: #0 _ChunkedJsonParser.fail (dart:convert-patch/convert_patch.dart:1405) #1 _ChunkedJsonParser.parse (dart:convert-patch/convert_patch.dart:892) #2 _parseJson (dart:convert-patch/convert_patch.dart:40) #3 JsonDecoder.convert (dart:convert/json.dart:612) #4 JsonCodec.decode (dart:convert/json.dart:216) #5 ExtensionsManager._loadStore (package:yukino_app/modules/extensions/extensions.dart:79) #6 ExtensionsManager.initialize (package:yukino_app/modules/extensions/extensions.dart:34) #7 AppLifecycle.initialize (package:yukino_app/modules/app/lifecycle.dart:112) #8 _PageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/stacked_home_page/splash_page.dart:42) #9 HooksState.markReady (package:yukino_app/modules/state/hooks.dart:14)

    type: bug 
    opened by Nezzst 1
  • [Bug] Error when install extension

    [Bug] Error when install extension

    Describe the bug Install clean app, goto extentions tab, chose one extension to install. The console log with this error:

    2022-02-08 09:21:35.472775+0700 Runner[23188:4381254] [VERBOSE-2:ui_dart_state.cc(209)] Unhandled Exception: File: anonymous_script_14a0ca18: external class Clo...
    Thrown Line: 543, Purged Line: 7, Column: 21
    Syntactic error: unexpected
    Message: Expected [=], met [:].
    #0      Hetu.handleError (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:250)
    #1      Hetu.evalSource (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:304)
    #2      HTAbstractInterpreter.eval (package:hetu_script/interpreter/abstract_interpreter.dart:144)
    #3      ExtensionInternals.transpileToAnimeExtractor (package:extensions/core/internals.dart:44)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #4      ExtensionsManager._addExtension (package:yukino_app/modules/extensions/extensions.dart:126)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #5      ExtensionsManager.install (package:yukino_app/modules/extensions/extensions.dart:46)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #6      _ExtensionPopupState.build.<anonymous closure> (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/store_page/extensions_page/extensions_page.dart:293)
    <asynchronous suspension>

    the script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yukino-app/extensions-store/dist/extensions/zyrouge.twist_moe.ht

    line 7, column 21 is:

    const baseURL = 'https://twist.moe';
    const apiURL = 'https://api.twist.moe/api';
    const _twistDecryptKey = '267041df55ca2b36f2e322d05ee2c9cf';
    const _twistAccessToken = '0df14814b9e590a1f26d3071a4ed7974';
    const defaultHeaders**:** Map<str> = {
        'User-Agent': httpUserAgent(),
        'Referer': baseURL,
        'x-access-token': _twistAccessToken,

    flutter 2.8.2, ios, yukino version: 1.0.14-beta.0

    type: bug 
    opened by winterdl 1
  • [Bug] Unable to remove Anime from 'Repeat' on MAL

    [Bug] Unable to remove Anime from 'Repeat' on MAL

    Describe the bug Can't remove completed Anime from 'Watching' section under the MyAnimeList page due to inability to uncheck the 'Repeat' box after editing.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to 'Extensions'
    2. Make sure to log onto MyAnimeList
    3. Tap 'MyAnimeList - Anime'
    4. Tap any Anime in the 'Watching' list that's on repeat.
    5. Tap the 'Edit' button.
    6. Tap the 'Repeat' box to uncheck it.
    7. Tap 'Save'.
    8. Tap the 'Edit' button again.
    9. See error

    Expected behavior The Anime should no longer have the the 'Repeat' status/attribute and be moved to the 'Completed' section.

    Screenshots Screenshot_20220204-145726

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Android
    • Version: 10

    [2022-02-04T00:52:19.547294 INFO] AppLifecycle: Starting "preinitialize" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.601603 INFO] DataStore: Initialized "ObjectBox" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.603073 INFO] AppState: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.603250 INFO] AppLifecycle: Finished "preinitialize" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.603320 INFO] main: Completed "preinitialize" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.603349 INFO] main: Starting "MainApp" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.651402 INFO] InstanceManager: Finished "register" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.651921 INFO] ProtocolHandler: Finished "register" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.652443 INFO] Screen: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T00:52:19.652602 INFO] VideoPlayerManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T00:52:20.154291 INFO] ExtensionsManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T00:52:20.154993 INFO] Trackers: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T00:53:04.529157 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T00:53:34.482916 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T00:53:34.841488 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T00:53:44.688590 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-02-04T01:18:18.018489 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:18:18.216523 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:20:20.189763 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T01:20:26.420548 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T01:20:52.263356 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T01:21:12.682970 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-02-04T01:24:14.659097 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:24:14.829035 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:24:26.168688 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-02-04T01:25:33.827384 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-02-04T01:26:21.786371 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:26:21.915695 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:26:32.743954 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-02-04T01:32:23.452989 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:32:23.489567 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:32:36.593728 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-02-04T01:33:44.824835 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:33:44.945651 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T01:33:58.845127 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-02-04T01:57:31.430059 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T14:13:51.760334 INFO] AppLifecycle: Starting "preinitialize" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.818170 INFO] DataStore: Initialized "ObjectBox" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.819781 INFO] AppState: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.819964 INFO] AppLifecycle: Finished "preinitialize" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.820044 INFO] main: Completed "preinitialize" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.820080 INFO] main: Starting "MainApp" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.856363 INFO] InstanceManager: Finished "register" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.856767 INFO] ProtocolHandler: Finished "register" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.857209 INFO] Screen: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T14:13:51.857372 INFO] VideoPlayerManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T14:13:52.376979 INFO] ExtensionsManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T14:13:52.377639 INFO] Trackers: Finished "initialize" [2022-02-04T14:14:01.986101 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T14:15:30.328220 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 State.setState (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:1141) #1 _MyAnimeListSectionState.getNodeId (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/home_page/sections/myanimelist_section/view.dart:79)

    [2022-02-04T14:16:43.550492 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T14:17:17.032786 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T14:17:20.055005 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T14:17:26.214504 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T14:17:53.555481 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T14:17:54.051144 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T14:18:14.461341 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-02-04T14:38:03.134395 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T14:38:18.143841 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T14:38:18.257130 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    [2022-02-04T14:47:27.958737 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-02-04T14:47:29.516268 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)


    type: bug status: needs triage 
    opened by RaphaelNunes10 0
  • [Bug] Fail to load dynamic library error on android

    [Bug] Fail to load dynamic library error on android

    Describe the bug When I open the app it gives me an error saying Fail to load dynamic library error.

    To Reproduce I just open the app and it gives me the error

    Expected behavior I expected the application to open and take me to the home page.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. image

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • Android
    • 5

    Additional context This is the error it give me

    Message: Something horribly went wrong. Error: Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library 'libobjectbox-jni.so': dlopen failed: library "libobjectbox-jni.so" not found Stack trace: #0 _open (dart:ffi-patch/ffi_dynamic_library_patch.dart:12) #1 new DynamicLibrary.open (dart:ffi-patch/ffi_dynamic_library_patch.dart:23) #2 _tryObjectBoxLibFile (package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart:56) #3 loadObjectBoxLib (package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart:66) #4 C (package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart:84) #5 new Model (package:objectbox/src/native/model.dart) #6 new Store (package:objectbox/src/native/store.dart:105) #7 openStore (package:yukino_app/modules/database/objectbox/objectbox.g.dart:136) #8 DatabaseManager.initialize (package:yukino_app/modules/database/database.dart:20) <asynchronous suspension> #9 AppLifecycle.preinitialize (package:yukino_app/modules/app/lifecycle.dart:76) <asynchronous suspension> #10 main (package:yukino_app/main.dart:10) <asynchronous suspension>


    type: bug 
    opened by Latenighthunter 1
  • [Bug] High CPU Usage issue

    [Bug] High CPU Usage issue

    Describe the bug CPU Usage is too high if I play an anime episode then go back

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to 'any anime'
    2. Watch it
    3. Seek in video then go back
    4. CPU Usage goes high while watching and stays high even after going out of the episode (it seems like its still playing but silently), it goes normal if i restart the app

    Expected behavior Anime stops working and it stops using system resources

    Screenshots image

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 11
    • Version 21H2

    Additional context Also, when I seek in video the audio cuts and I have to click outside of the app then click in app again for it to work and cpu usage seems... high for video playback if I try watching on the site its much lower


    [2022-01-12T00:40:34.608867 INFO] AppLifecycle: Starting "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:34.624162 INFO] LocalServer: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:34.624162 INFO] LocalServer: Serving at http://localhost:58503 [2022-01-12T00:40:34.698791 INFO] DataStore: Initialized "ObjectBox" [2022-01-12T00:40:34.698791 INFO] AppState: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:34.726758 INFO] AppLifecycle: Finished "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:34.726758 INFO] main: Completed "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:34.726758 INFO] main: Starting "MainApp" [2022-01-12T00:40:34.784343 INFO] InstanceManager: Finished "register" [2022-01-12T00:40:35.045973 INFO] ProtocolHandler: Finished "register" [2022-01-12T00:40:35.045973 INFO] Screen: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:47.707072 INFO] VideoPlayerManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:49.658316 INFO] ExtensionsManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:49.658316 INFO] Trackers: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:40:58.547524 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-01-12T00:42:12.695001 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-01-12T00:42:16.564615 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-01-12T00:42:34.065665 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation. #0 throwError (package:extensions/hetu/helpers/error.dart:28) #1 Function._apply (dart:core-patch/function_patch.dart:11) #2 Function.apply (dart:core-patch/function_patch.dart:34) #3 HTFunction.call (package:hetu_script/interpreter/function/function.dart:403) #4 Hetu._handleCallExpr (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:915) #5 Hetu._handleUnaryPostfixOp (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:980) #6 Hetu._execute (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:618) #7 Hetu.execute (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:402) #8 HTFunction.call (package:hetu_script/interpreter/function/function.dart:308) #9 resolveFuture (package:extensions/hetu/helpers/future.dart:29) #10 ExtensionInternals.transpileToAnimeExtractor. (package:extensions/core/extension.dart:96) #11 WatchPageController.fetchSources (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/anime_page/subpages/watch_page/controller.dart:101) #12 WatchPageController.ready (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/anime_page/subpages/watch_page/controller.dart:80)

    [2022-01-12T00:42:51.464949 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-01-12T00:43:54.848873 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-01-12T00:45:12.114162 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-01-12T00:46:49.140634 INFO] AppLifecycle: Starting "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:46:49.157226 INFO] LocalServer: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:46:49.157226 INFO] LocalServer: Serving at http://localhost:51208 [2022-01-12T00:46:51.196115 INFO] DataStore: Initialized "ObjectBox" [2022-01-12T00:46:51.196115 INFO] AppState: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:46:51.201064 INFO] AppLifecycle: Finished "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:46:51.201064 INFO] main: Completed "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:46:51.201064 INFO] main: Starting "MainApp" [2022-01-12T00:46:51.210828 INFO] InstanceManager: Finished "register" [2022-01-12T00:46:51.373915 INFO] ProtocolHandler: Finished "register" [2022-01-12T00:46:51.373915 INFO] Screen: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:46:53.156750 INFO] VideoPlayerManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:46:54.333139 INFO] ExtensionsManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:46:54.334115 INFO] Trackers: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:47:03.406924 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-01-12T00:47:26.706672 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: type '_OneByteString' is not a subtype of type 'List' of '' #0 throwError (package:extensions/hetu/helpers/error.dart:28) #1 Function._apply (dart:core-patch/function_patch.dart:11) #2 Function.apply (dart:core-patch/function_patch.dart:34) #3 HTFunction.call (package:hetu_script/interpreter/function/function.dart:403) #4 Hetu._handleCallExpr (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:915) #5 Hetu._handleUnaryPostfixOp (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:980) #6 Hetu._execute (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:618) #7 Hetu.execute (package:hetu_script/interpreter/interpreter.dart:402) #8 HTFunction.call (package:hetu_script/interpreter/function/function.dart:308) #9 resolveFutureAll (package:extensions/hetu/helpers/future.dart:48) #10 resolveFuture (package:extensions/hetu/helpers/future.dart:29) #11 resolveFuture (package:extensions/hetu/helpers/future.dart:29) #12 ExtensionInternals.transpileToAnimeExtractor. (package:extensions/core/extension.dart:96) #13 WatchPageController.fetchSources (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/anime_page/subpages/watch_page/controller.dart:101) #14 WatchPageController.ready (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/anime_page/subpages/watch_page/controller.dart:80)

    [2022-01-12T00:48:47.151774 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-01-12T00:49:07.288417 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-01-12T00:49:32.841487 INFO] select_source: Popping with value [2022-01-12T00:58:32.440689 INFO] AppLifecycle: Starting "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:32.450448 INFO] LocalServer: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:32.450448 INFO] LocalServer: Serving at http://localhost:59208 [2022-01-12T00:58:34.480527 INFO] DataStore: Initialized "ObjectBox" [2022-01-12T00:58:34.480527 INFO] AppState: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:34.484279 INFO] AppLifecycle: Finished "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:34.484279 INFO] main: Completed "preinitialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:34.484279 INFO] main: Starting "MainApp" [2022-01-12T00:58:34.495991 INFO] InstanceManager: Finished "register" [2022-01-12T00:58:34.597494 INFO] ProtocolHandler: Finished "register" [2022-01-12T00:58:34.597494 INFO] Screen: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:36.316248 INFO] VideoPlayerManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:37.367419 INFO] ExtensionsManager: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:37.368395 INFO] Trackers: Finished "initialize" [2022-01-12T00:58:47.615084 ERR!] main: Uncaught error: Null check operator used on a null value #0 SearchPageController.onInitState (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/controller.dart:171) #1 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:31) #2 _SearchPageState.initState. (package:yukino_app/ui/pages/search_page/view.dart:30) #3 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434)

    [2022-01-12T00:59:05.945842 INFO] select_source: Popping with value


    type: bug status: wont fix 
    opened by Faresgmr 1
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