Multi select flutter tejpal - A package for creating multi-select widgets in a variety of ways


Multi Select Flutter

Pub Version

Multi Select Flutter is a package for creating multi-select widgets in a variety of ways.





  • Supports FormField features like validator.
  • Neutral default design that can be altered to your heart's content.
  • Choose between Dialog, BottomSheet, or ChoiceChip style widgets.
  • Make your multi select searchable for larger lists.


Add this to your pubspec.yaml file:

  multi_select_flutter: ^3.1.8


MultiSelectDialogField / MultiSelectBottomSheetField

These widgets provide an InkWell button which open the dialog or bottom sheet and are equipped with FormField features. You can customize it to your liking using the provided parameters.

To store the selected values, you can use the onConfirm parameter. You could also use onSelectionChanged for this.

By default these widgets render a MultiSelectChipDisplay below the field. This can be overridden with the chipDisplay parameter or removed completely by using chipDisplay: MultiSelectChipDisplay.none().

  items: => MultiSelectItem(e,,
  listType: MultiSelectListType.CHIP,
  onConfirm: (values) {
    _selectedAnimals = values;

MultiSelectDialog / MultiSelectBottomSheet


If you prefer to create your own button for opening the dialog or bottom sheet, you may do so and then make a call to a function like this:

MultiSelectDialog can be used in the builder of showDialog().

void _showMultiSelect(BuildContext context) async {
  await showDialog(
    context: context,
    builder: (ctx) {
      return  MultiSelectDialog(
        items: _items,
        initialValue: _selectedAnimals,
        onConfirm: (values) {...},

MultiSelectBottomSheet can be used in the builder of showModalBottomSheet().

void _showMultiSelect(BuildContext context) async {
  await showModalBottomSheet(
    isScrollControlled: true, // required for min/max child size
    context: context,
    builder: (ctx) {
      return  MultiSelectBottomSheet(
        items: _items,
        initialValue: _selectedAnimals,
        onConfirm: (values) {...},
        maxChildSize: 0.8,


To display the selected items, this widget can be used alongside your own button or it can be specified as a chipDisplay parameter of widgets like MultiSelectDialogField.

You can also remove items from the source list in the onTap function.

  items: => MultiSelectItem(e, e)).toList(),
  onTap: (value) {
    setState(() {

A MultiSelectChipDisplay that is part of a MultiSelectDialogField still renders outside the BoxDecoration of the MultiSelectDialogField as seen here:


If you want to encapsulate the MultiSelectChipDisplay, wrap the MultiSelectDialogField in a Container and apply the decoration to that instead:

  decoration: BoxDecoration(...),
  child: MultiSelectDialogField(
    items: _items,
    chipDisplay: MultiSelectChipDisplay(...),




This widget is similar to MultiSelectChipDisplay, except these chips are the primary interface for selecting items.

  items: _items,
  icon: Icon(Icons.check),
  onTap: (values) {
    _selectedAnimals = values;

Using itemBuilder to create custom items:

  items: _items,
  key: _multiSelectKey,
  validator: (values) {...}
  itemBuilder: (item, state) {
    // return your custom widget here
    return InkWell(
      onTap: () {
			      ? _selectedAnimals.remove(item.value)
			      : _selectedAnimals.add(item.value);
	    child: Text(,

The itemBuilder param takes a function that will create a widget for each of the provided items.

In order to use validator and other FormField features with custom widgets, you must call state.didChange(_updatedList) any time the list of selected items is updated.

Using scrollControl to auto scroll:

  items: _items,
  scrollControl: (controller) {

// waits 5 seconds, scrolls to end slow, then back fast
void _startAnimation(ScrollController controller) {
  // when using more than one animation, use async/await
  Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 5000), () async {
    await controller.animateTo(
      duration: Duration(milliseconds: 8000), 
      curve: Curves.linear);
    await controller.animateTo(
      duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1250),
      curve: Curves.fastLinearToSlowEaseIn);



Parameter Type Description
backgroundColor Color Set the background color of the dialog.
cancelText Text Specifies the cancel button text.
checkColor Color Set the color of the check in the checkbox.
closeSearchIcon Icon Icon(Icons.close)
confirmText Text Specifies the confirm button text.
colorator Color Function(V) Set the selected color of individual items based on their value. Applies to both chips and checkboxes.
height double Give the dialog a fixed height.
initialValue List List of selected values. Required to retain values when re-opening the dialog.
items List > The source list of options.
itemsTextStyle TextStyle Specifies the style of text on chips or list tiles.
listType MultiSelectListType Change the listType. Can be either  MultiSelectListType.LIST or MultiSelectListType.CHIP
onSelectionChanged Function(List ) Fires when an item is selected or unselected.
onConfirm Function(List) Fires when the confirm button is pressed.
searchable bool Enables search functionality within the dialog.
searchHintStyle TextStyle Style the text of the search hint.
searchIcon Icon The icon button that shows the search field.
searchHint String Set the placeholder text of the search field.
searchTextStyle TextStyle Style the search text.
selectedColor Color Set the color of the checkbox or chip items that are selected.
title Widget The title that is displayed at the top of the dialog.
unselectedColor Color Set the color of the chip body or checkbox border while not selected.


MultiSelectDialogField has all the parameters of MultiSelectDialog plus these extra parameters:

Parameter Type Description
autovalidateMode AutovalidateMode If enabled, form fields will validate and update their error text immediately after every change. Default is disabled.
barrierColor Color Set the color of the space outside the dialog.
buttonText Text Set text that is displayed on the button.
buttonIcon Icon Specify the button icon.
chipDisplay MultiSelectChipDisplay Override the default MultiSelectChipDisplay that belongs to this field.
decoration BoxDecoration Style the Container that makes up the field.
key GlobalKey Access FormFieldState methods.
onSaved List A callback that is called whenever we submit the field (usually by calling the save method on a form.
validator FormFieldValidator Validation. See Flutter's documentation.


Parameter Type Description
cancelText Text Specifies the cancel button text.
checkColor Color Set the color of the check in the checkbox.
confirmText Text Specifies the confirm button text.
closeSearchIcon Icon The icon button that hides the search field .
colorator Color Function(V) Set the selected color of individual items based on their value. Applies to both chips and checkboxes.
initialChildSize double The initial height of the BottomSheet. Default is 0.3
initialValue List List of selected values. Required to retain values when re-opening the BottomSheet.
items List > The source list of options.
itemsTextStyle TextStyle Specifies the style of text on chips or list tiles.
listType MultiSelectListType MultiSelectListType.LIST
maxChildSize double Set the maximum height threshold of the BottomSheet. Default is 0.6
minChildSize double Set the minimum height threshold of the BottomSheet before it closes. Default is 0.3
onSelectionChanged Function(List ) Fires when an item is selected or unselected.
onConfirm Function(List) Fires when the confirm button is pressed.
searchable bool Toggle search functionality within the BottomSheet.
searchHint String Set the placeholder text of the search field.
searchHintStyle TextStyle Style the text of the search hint.
searchIcon Icon The icon button that shows the search field.
searchTextStyle TextStyle Style the search text.
selectedColor Color Set the color of the checkbox or chip items that are selected.
title Widget The title that is displayed at the top of the BottomSheet.
unselectedColor Color Set the color of the chip body or checkbox border while not selected.


MultiSelectBottomSheetField has all the parameters of MultiSelectBottomSheet plus these extra parameters:

Parameter Type Description
autovalidateMode AutovalidateMode If enabled, form fields will validate and update their error text immediately after every change. Default is disabled.
backgroundColor Color Set the background color of the BottomSheet.
barrierColor Color Set the color of the space outside the BottomSheet.
buttonIcon Icon Specify the button icon.
buttonText Text Set text that is displayed on the button.
chipDisplay MultiSelectChipDisplay Override the default MultiSelectChipDisplay that belongs to this field.
decoration BoxDecoration Style the Container that makes up the field.
key GlobalKey Can be used to call methods like _multiSelectKey.currentState.validate().
onSaved List A callback that is called whenever we submit the field (usually by calling the save method on a form.
shape ShapeBorder Apply a ShapeBorder to alter the edges of the BottomSheet. Default is a RoundedRectangleBorder with top circular radius of 15.
validator FormFieldValidator Validation. See Flutter's documentation.


Parameter Type Description
autovalidateMode AutovalidateMode If enabled, form fields will validate and update their error text immediately after every change. Default is disabled.
chipColor Color Set the chip color.
chipShape ShapeBorde Define a ShapeBorder for the chips.
closeSearchIcon Icon The icon button that hides the search field .
colorator Color Function(V) Set the selected chip color of individual items based on their value.
decoration BoxDecoration Style the surrounding Container.
headerColor Color Set the header color.
height double Set the height of the selectable area.
icon Icon The icon to display prior to the chip label.
initialValue List List of selected values before any interaction.
itemBuilder Function(MultiSelectItem , FormFieldState >) Build a custom widget that gets created dynamically for each item.
items List > The source list of options.
key GlobalKey Can be used to call methods like _multiSelectKey.currentState.validate().
onSaved List A callback that is called whenever the field is submitted (usually by calling the save method on a form.
onTap Function(V) Fires when a chip is tapped.
scroll bool Enables horizontal scrolling.
scrollBar HorizontalScrollBar Define a scroll bar.
scrollControl Function(ScrollController) Make use of the ScrollController to automatically scroll through the list.
searchable bool Toggle search functionality.
searchHint String Set the placeholder text of the search field.
searchHintStyle TextStyle Style the text of the search hint.
searchIcon Icon The icon button that shows the search field.
searchTextStyle TextStyle Style the search text.
selectedChipColor Color Set the color of the chip items that are selected.
selectedTextStyle TextStyle Set the TextStyle on selected chips.
showHeader bool Determines whether to show the header.
textStyle TextStyle Style the text on the chips.
title Widget The title that is displayed in the header.
validator FormFieldValidator Validation. See Flutter's documentation.


Parameter Type Description
alignment Alignment Change the alignment of the chips. Default is Alignment.centerLeft.
chipColor Color Set the chip color.
colorator Color Function(V) Set the chip color of individual items based on their value.
decoration BoxDecoration Style the Container that makes up the chip display.
height double Set a fixed height.
icon Icon The icon to display prior to the chip label.
items List The source list of selected items.
onTap Function(V) Fires when a chip is tapped.
scroll bool Enables horizontal scroll instead of wrap.
scrollBar HorizontalScrollBar Enable the scroll bar.
shape ShapeBorder Define a ShapeBorder for the chips.
textStyle TextStyle Style the text on the chips.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.# multi_select_flutter

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