API-based HTML editor for Flutter.



Slim HTML editor for Flutter with full API control and optional Flutter-based widget controls. screenshot

API Documentation

Check out the full API documentation at https://pub.dev/documentation/enough_html_editor/latest/


The current enough_html_editor package the following widgets:

  • HtmlEditor the HTML editor.
  • HtmlEditorControls optional editor controls.
  • SliverHeaderHtmlEditorControls wrapper to use the editor controls within a CustomScrollView as a sticky header.
  • HtmlEditorApi - not a widget - the API to control the editor, use the API to access the edited HTML text or to set the current text bold, add an unordered list, etc.
  • PackagedHtmlEditor a simple to use Widget that contains both the HtmlEditor and the HtmlEditorControls

Access API

You choose between two options to access the API:

  1. Use the onCreated(HtmlEditorApi) callback:

        onCreated: (api) {
            setState(() {
            _editorApi = api;

    You can then access the API afterwards directly, e.g.

    final text = await _editorApi.getText();
  2. Define and assign a GlobalKey<HtmlEditorState>:

    final _keyEditor = GlobalKey<HtmlEditorState>();
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return HtmlEditor(
              key: _keyEditor,

    You can then access the HtmlEditorState via this GlobalKey:

    final text = await _keyEditor.currentState.api.getText();

Either the API or the global key is required for creating the HtmlEditorControls.

Quick Start

Use the PackagedHtmlEditor for a quick start. This contains both the default controls and the editor.

import 'package:enough_html_editor/enough_html_editor.dart';
HtmlEditorApi _editorApi;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return PackagedHtmlEditor(
          onCreated: (api) {
            _editorApi = api;
          initialContent: '''<p>Here is some text</p>
          <p>Here is <b>bold</b> text</p>
          <p>Here is <i>some italic sic</i> text</p>
          <p>Here is <i><b>bold and italic</b></i> text</p>
          <p style="text-align: center;">Here is <u><i><b>bold and italic and underline</b></i></u> text</p>
          <ul><li>one list element</li><li>another point</li></ul>
          <blockquote>Here is a quote<br/>
            that spans several lines<br/>
                Another second level blockqote 

Use the HtmlEditorApi that you receive in the onCreated callback to query the final text:

// retrieve only the edited text as HTML code: 
final text = await _editorApi.getText();
// retrieve the full document as HTML code:
final fullHtml = await _editorApi.getFullHtml();


Add this dependency your pubspec.yaml file:

  enough_html_editor: ^0.0.4

The latest version or enough_html_editor is enough_html_editor version.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


Licensed under the commercial friendly Mozilla Public License 2.0.

  • I can not paste text in the html_editor

    I can not paste text in the html_editor


    On device android When I do a long tap in the html_editor nothing happens. But it works well on iOS

    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.10.1, on macOS 11.5.2 20G95 darwin-arm, locale en-VN)
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    • No issues found!
    opened by dab246 1
  • Detect bold/italic/underline also from CSS styles

    Detect bold/italic/underline also from CSS styles

    Right now the editor assume that , and elements are being used for bold, italic and underlined texts. Additionally, the editor should recognize such formats from CSS styles, too.

    opened by robert-virkus 1
  • Support iOS

    Support iOS

    Currently the editor does not work at all on iOS.

    In principle, contenteditable should work fine:

    • https://webkit.org/blog/7358/enhanced-editing-with-input-events/
    • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4251227/contenteditable-div-not-actually-editable-in-webkit
    bug iOS 
    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • Specify fonts

    Specify fonts

    Provide API and UI for setting the font for the selected text, the current paragraph or possibly for the whole document. Consider using web safe fonts: https://blog.hubspot.com/website/web-safe-html-css-fonts

    enhancement api controls 
    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • Allow to specify font color

    Allow to specify font color

    Let users specify the font color.

    Use execCommand("foreColor", false, "#00ff00")

    foreColor Changes a font color for the selection or at the insertion point. This requires a hexadecimal color value string as a value argument.

    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • Allow to increase and decrease font size

    Allow to increase and decrease font size

    Add API and widgets in HtmlEditorControls.

    Use execCommand("fontSize", false, 1...7) for that.

    fontSize Changes the font size for the selection or at the insertion point. This requires an integer from 1-7 as a value argument.

    enhancement api controls 
    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • Access HTML with styles

    Access HTML with styles

    Right now only a style for blockqotes is being used but over time there will come more (default) styles. It should be possible to request a full HTML text not only the HTML text of the content area.

    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • Simplify usage

    Simplify usage

    In most cases devs will want to use the editor controls as they are. For this case there should be option to have one simple widget like HtmlEditorWithControls.

    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • Option to break up blockquotes when editing

    Option to break up blockquotes when editing

    It should be possible to configure <blockquote> elements to break up when users edit them. This is for example desired when editing mail messages.

    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • I can't edit the text in IOS

    I can't edit the text in IOS

    In IOS the text field is not editable. As you mentioned in #22 , it's possible to use CSS to solve this as it says here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4251227/contenteditable-div-not-actually-editable-in-webkit, but I couldn't understand how to add this css in the editor.

    My config is: enough_html_editor: ^0.0.4 sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0" • Flutter version 2.0.6 • Dart version 2.12.3

    bug iOS 
    opened by GuilhermeDemoliner 2
  • How unfocus the HtmlEditor to close keyboard?

    How unfocus the HtmlEditor to close keyboard?

    I need to close keyboard by onTap in Parent, but not found where to configure FocusNode of editor. I have: final GlobalKey<HtmlEditorState> _keyEditor = GlobalKey<HtmlEditorState>(); with: HtmlEditor(key: _keyEditor,)

    documentation enhancement 
    opened by GuilhermeDemoliner 9
  • Resource provider

    Resource provider

    Currently an image can only be displayed inline with base64 HTML code. It should be possible to alternativly specify a resource loader to visualize images and possibly other media inline.

    api core 
    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • Controls for including images

    Controls for including images

    The API already includes to add images, so add a simple to configure UI control for this, too. enough_html_editor should not depend on further packages such as file_picker, so abstract the picking process.

    enhancement controls 
    opened by robert-virkus 0
  • v0.0.5(May 18, 2022)

    • New feature: edit / add links
    • New feature: color document foreground and background
    • New feature: replace text (parts) using the HtmlEditorApi.
    • Use cupertino look and feel on iOS
    • Improve code style and documentation
    • Ensure compatibility with Flutter 3.0
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.4(Apr 28, 2021)

    • Support dark theme
    • Simpler usage with PackagedHtmlEditor #2
    • Select text foreground and background colors #12, $14
    • New strike through option
    • Bold, italic, underline text is now detected from inline CSS styles, too #5
    • Optionally specify your own context menu items using the textSelectionMenuItems parameter
    • Optionally specify your own widgets for the predefined HtmlEditorControls widget using the prefix and/or suffix parameters
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.3(Mar 13, 2021)

  • v0.0.2(Feb 27, 2021)

    • Improve documentation.
    • Retrieve the full HTML document's text with await editorApi.getFullHtml()
    • Add any custom CSS styles with editorApi.customStyles setter, for example
      editorApi.customStyles = 
        blockquote {
            font: normal helvetica, sans-serif;
            margin-top: 10px;
            margin-bottom: 10px;
            margin-left: 20px;
            padding-left: 15px;
            border-left: 3px solid #ccc;
    • Replace all CSS styles with the editorApi.styles setter.
    • Use the minimum height specified in HtmlEditor.minHeight.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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