Help developers build the most beautiful search bar🍹.

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Help developers build the most beautiful search bar 🍹 .

[FSearch] provides developers with a one-stop search bar construction service. Supports borders, corners, gradient background colors and shadows, as well as any number of prefix and suffix action buttons. Provides beautiful Hint animation.

Author:Newton([email protected])

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  • Support beautiful border effect

  • Provide rich corner configuration

  • Support stunning gradient effects

  • Provides easy to use shadow capabilities

  • Support any number of prefix and suffix action buttons

  • Provide colorful, flexible and powerful Hint effects

  • Controllers that are easier to use for developers

🛠 Guide

⚙️ Parameter & Interface

🔩 FSearch Param

Param Type Necessary Default desc
controller FSearchController false null Controller. See [FSearchController] for details
width double false null width
height double false null height
enable bool false true enable
onTap VoidCallback false null Callback when the input box is clicked
text String false null Input content
onSearch ValueChanged false null Callback when the keyboard search button is clicked
corner FSearchCorner false null Corner effect. See [FSearchCorner] for details
cornerStyle FSearchCornerStyle false null Corner style. The default [FSearchCornerStyle.round]. See [FSearchCornerStyle] for details
strokeColor Color false null Border color
strokeWidth double false null border width
backgroundColor Color false null background color
gradient Gradient false null Background gradient. Will overwrite [backgroundColor]
shadowColor Color false null Set widget shadow color
shadowOffset Offset false null Set widget shadow color
shadowBlur double false null Set the standard deviation of the widget Gaussian and shadow shape convolution
cursorColor Color false null Cursor color
cursorWidth double false null Cursor width
cursorRadius double false null Cursor corner size
prefixes List false null Prefix action widget
suffixes List false null Suffix action widget
padding EdgeInsets false null The distance between the actual input area and the edge of [FSearch]
margin EdgeInsets false null [FSearch] outer spacing
style TextStyle false null Input text style
hintStyle TextStyle false null Hint text style
hints List false null Hint. If there is only one Hint, Hint swap animation cannot be enabled.
hintSwitchDuration Duration false null Hint exchange interval
hintSwitchAnimDuration Duration false null Hint swap animation time
hintSwitchEnable bool false null Whether to enable Hint swap animation
hintSwitchType FSearchAnimationType false null Hint exchanges animation types. The default [FSearchAnimationType.Scroll]. See [FSearchAnimationType] for details.
stopHintSwitchOnFocus bool true null When the focus is obtained, whether to automatically stop the Hint exchange animation.
hintPrefix Widget false null Hint prefix widget
center bool false null Centered。

💻 FSearchController

FSearchController is the controller of FSearch, which can return to the input text, Hint, focus status and other information. At the same time provide a variety of monitoring and text update capabilities.

🔩 Param

Param Type Desc
text String Input text
hint String Current Hint text
focus bool Focus state

📲 Interface

  • setListener(VoidCallback listener)

Set input monitor

  • setOnFocusChangedListener(ValueChanged<bool> listener)

Set focus change monitoring

  • requestFocus()

Request focus

  • clearFocus()

Remove focus

🎥 FSearchAnimationType

FSearchAnimationType Used to specify the FSearch Hint exchange animation type.

enum FSearchAnimationType {
  /// 渐变动画
  /// Alpha animation

  /// 缩放动画
  /// Scale animation

  /// 上下滚动动画
  /// Scroll up and down animation

📺 Demo

🔩 Base Demo


  /// 设置高
  /// Set height
  height: 30.0,
  /// 设置背景颜色
  /// Set background color
  backgroundColor: color,

  /// 设置输入内容样式
  /// Set input text style
  style: style,

  /// 点击键盘搜索时触发
  /// Fired when you click on the keyboard to search
  onSearch: (value) {
    /// do something

  prefixes: [buildAction()],

Using FSearch to build a search bar is very relaxing.

Through some simple parameters, developers can easily change the size, color, and font of the search bar.

When the user clicks on the keyboard to search for Action, onSearch will be triggered, allowing the developer to perform some search operations here.

🌖 Prefixes & Suffixes

  height: 30.0,
  backgroundColor: mainBackgroundColor,
  style: style,

  /// 前缀 Widget
  /// prefix widget
  prefixes: [ buildAction() ],

  /// 后缀 Widget
  /// suffix widget
  suffixes: [
  onSearch: _onSearch,

In FSearch, developers can configure any number of prefix or suffix action buttons for the search bar through the prefixes and suffixes parameters.

🌈 Gradient

  height: 30.0,
  backgroundColor: mainBackgroundColor,
  style: style,

  /// 配置渐变色
  /// Set gradient
  gradient: _gradient,
  prefixes: [ buildAction() ],

FSearch can support developers to create a beautiful gradient search bar.

Only need to configure through the gradient parameter.

🍄 Corner & Stroke & Shadow

/// #1
  height: 30.0,
  backgroundColor: color,
  style: style,

  /// 边角
  /// Corner
  corner: FSearchCorner(
      leftTopCorner: 15.0,
      leftBottomCorner: 15.0,
      rightBottomCorner: 15.0),

  /// 边框宽
  /// border width
  strokeWidth: 1.0,

  /// 边框颜色
  /// border color
  strokeColor: mainTextTitleColor,

  /// 阴影
  /// shadow
  shadowColor: Colors.black38,
  shadowBlur: 5.0,
  shadowOffset: Offset(2.0, 2.0),
  prefixes: [buildAction()],

The Border and Shadow effects of FSearch are the same as those of other FWidget members, and are simple and easy to use.

Through the corner parameter, developers can use FSearchCorner to freely control the table corner size of FSearch.

/// #2
  height: 30.0,
  backgroundColor: color,
  style: style,

  /// 边角
  /// Corner
  corner: FSearchCorner.all(6.0),

  /// 边角风格
  /// Corner style
  cornerStyle: FSearchCornerStyle.bevel,
  prefixes: [buildAction()],

If combined with cornerStyle, more complex and exquisite effects can be achieved.

📍 Cursor

  /// 光标配置
  /// Cursor
  cursorRadius: 5.0,
  cursorWidth: 5.0,

  height: 36.0,
  style: style,
  gradient: _gradient,
  corner: _corner,
  prefixes: [ buildAction() ],
  suffixes: [ buildAction() ],

FSearch supports modifying the cursor in the input box of the search bar. You can change it to whatever you want.

🗂 Hint

/// #1
  height: 36.0,
  style: style,
  color: _color,
  corner: _corner,
  prefixes: [ buildAction() ],
  suffixes: [ buildAction() ],

  /// Hints
  hints: [
    "FSuper is awesome 👍",
    "Come to use FButton",
    "You will love FSearch",

  /// 开启 hint 交换动画
  /// Turn on hint exchange animation
  hintSwitchEnable: true,

  /// 配置 hint 交换动画类型
  /// Configure hint exchange animation type
  hintSwitchType: FSearchAnimationType.Fade,

FSearch provides developers with a very powerful Hint effect.

Developers can easily set multiple Hint for FSearch, and can configure multiple Hint swap animations by configuring hintSwitchEnable: true.

When the user starts typing, Hint will be automatically hidden, and the swap animation will also be stopped.

When the content of the search input box becomes empty again, Hint will appear again, and the exchange animation will start playing.

/// #2
  height: 36.0,
  style: style,
  color: _color,
  corner: _corner,
  prefixes: [ buildAction() ],
  suffixes: [ buildAction1(),  buildAction2()],
  hints: [
    "Do you want to try FFloat?😃",
    "FRadio can do more 😱 !",
    "I heard that you have been waiting for FDottedLine for a long time...",
  hintSwitchEnable: true,

FSearch has prepared rich exchange animations for developers. By default, FSearch will use the most common scroll swap animation, which is FSearchAnimationType.Scroll.

Of course, developers can configure their favorite animation types through the hintSwitchType parameter.

💡 Note that when hints.length == 1, the Hint swap animation will not be played. Only an ordinary Hint will be displayed at this time.

/// #3
  height: 36.0,
  style: style,
  color: _color,
  corner: _corner,
  prefixes: [ buildAction() ],
  suffixes: [ buildAction() ],

  /// Hints
  hints: [
    "Embrace FWidget 👬",
    "We care about your app 🥰",
    "Want to build beautiful apps 🤨 ?",
  hintSwitchEnable: true,

  /// 配置 hint 交换动画类型
  /// Configure hint exchange animation type
  hintSwitchType: FSearchAnimationType.Scale,

  /// 获得焦点时是否停止交换动画
  /// Whether to stop exchanging animation when focus is obtained
  stopHintSwitchOnFocus: false,

By default, when FSearch gains input focus, FSearch will automatically pause Hint to swap animations; when it gets focus again, it will resume automatically.

By configuring stopHintSwitchOnFocus: false, you can continue to play Hint swap animation until the user starts typing when FSearch has the focus.

💻 Controller

  controller: _controller,
  height: 36.0,
  style: style,
  gradient: _gradient,
  corner: _corner,
  prefixes: [ buildAction() ],
  suffixes: [ buildAction() ],
  hints: [
    "Want more beautiful widgets 🤨 ?",
    "We will launch the official website of FWidget",
    "Will you expect it?",
  hintStyle: hintStyle,
  hintSwitchEnable: true,

/// 获取输入框内容
/// Get the input box content
String input = controller.text;

/// 清空输入框内容
/// Clear the contents of the input box
controller.text = null;

/// 获取当前 hint,如果有的话
/// Get the current hint, if any
String hint = controller.hint;

/// 移除焦点
/// Remove focus

/// 获取焦点
/// Request focus

FSearch provides developers with simple, easy-to-use, certain controllers, through which developers can modify or obtain the contents of the search bar at any location.

😃 How to use?

Add dependencies in the project pubspec.yaml file:

🌐 pub dependency

  fsearch: ^<version number>

⚠️ Attention,please go to [pub] ( to get the latest version number of FSearch

🖥 Git dependency

      url: '[email protected]:Fliggy-Mobile/fsearch.git'
      ref: '<Branch number or tag number>'

⚠️ Attention,please refer to [FSearch] ( official project for branch number or tag.

💡 License

Copyright 2020-present Fliggy Android Team <[email protected]>.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at following link.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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How to run Demo project?

  1. clone project to local

  2. Enter the project example directory and run the following command

flutter create .
  1. Run the demo in example
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    代码: class SearchBar extends StatelessWidget implements PreferredSizeWidget { Color appBarBackgroundColor;


    @override Size get preferredSize => Size.fromHeight(kToolbarHeight);

    @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { appBarBackgroundColor ??= Theme.of(context).appBarTheme.color; return Container( color: appBarBackgroundColor, child: SafeArea( child: FSearch( enable: true, width: double.maxFinite, height: double.maxFinite, corner: FSearchCorner.all(18.0), cornerStyle: FSearchCornerStyle.round, strokeColor: UiColors.primaryColor, strokeWidth: 0.5, backgroundColor: appBarBackgroundColor, shadowColor: UiColors.textGrey3, shadowOffset: Offset(2.0, 2.0), shadowBlur: 4.0, padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 0, 20, 0), // margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 10, 16, 10), style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18, color: UiColors.textGrey0), prefixes: [ Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 5, top: 6, bottom: 5), child: Icon(, color: UiColors.textGrey1), ) ], hints: ['大家都在搜:李沁'], hintStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 18, color: UiColors.textGrey1), onTap: () { log('onTap'); }, ), ), ); } }

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                          leftBottomCorner: 18,
                          rightTopCorner: 18,
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