A flutter package to convert any widget to an Image.


Davinci Supported Platforms Pub version MIT Lisence linter Codacy Badge PR's welcome

A package to convert any widget to an image which can be saved locally or can be shared to other apps and chats.

📹 Preview

ℹ️ Usage


on iOS

Add the following keys to your Info.plist file, located in /ios/Runner/Info.plist :

  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription - describe why your app needs permission for the photo library. This is called Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description in the visual editor.

on Android

  • android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Permission for usage of external storage


import 'package:davinci/core/davinci_capture.dart';
import 'package:davinci/davinci.dart';

Pseudo code

If the widget is in the widget tree
Use click method
If the widget is not in the widget tree
Use offStage method

By default the generated image name will be "davinci". But if you wish to change it, you can pass the image name in DavinciCapture.click method.
await DavinciCapture.click(imageKey, fileName: "Hello");

When the image is captured, you can either open the image preview or get the image in Uint8List.
await DavinciCapture.click(imageKey, fileName: "Hello", openFilePreview = false, returnImageUint8List = true);

If the captured image is pixelated, calculate the pixel ratio dynamically based on the device and pass it to the DavinciCapture.click method.
double pixelRatio = MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio;

await DavinciCapture.click(imageKey, fileName: "Hello", pixelRatio: pixelRatio);

To save the image directly to the device, set saveToDevice flag to true. You can also specify the album name or you can leave it undefined.

await DavinciCapture.click(imageKey, fileName: "Hello", saveToDevice = true, album: "Davinci", openFilePreview = false);

ℹ️ All the parameters in the click method is present in offStage method too.

🛎️ Note :

  • Black Border with the Image?

    Black Border with the Image?

    The Plugin is very beautiful it removed my major issues and there is always big praise to its creators, I always Believe in this kind of Humanful - Opensource. My Experience with this Opensource is very beautiful. And I am also dedicated to helping grow this Plugin, Amen.

    My Issue When I am Capturing Something, it is giving a black border as outputs, How can I fix these?

    i love opensource

    testing needed possible bug 
    opened by madd-project 9
  • Ability to capture the widget which is outside the viewport.

    Ability to capture the widget which is outside the viewport.

    If the widget is outside the viewport, meaning the entire widget comes into view only if we have to scroll, Then this package fails.

    This can be achieved by converting the entire widget into a canvas and then export it as image.

    Check if the widget is in viewport, i.e key.currentContext.findRenderObject is not null or doesn't throw any exception

    • If yes, use the existing method to export the widget into a image.
    • If not, convert the widget to canvas then export it as image.
    enhancement P1 
    opened by Imgkl 5
  • `DavinciCapture.click` returning `null`

    `DavinciCapture.click` returning `null`

    Hi! Firstly, thank you for your awesome package :bowtie:


    I am trying to get the Uint8List data from the DavinciCapture.click on the initState of an StatefulWidget like this:

    WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) async {
          if (mounted && pictureKey.isNotNull) {
            pictureBytes = await DavinciCapture.click(
              fileName: 'diven',
              returnImageUint8List: true,
              openFilePreview: false,
              saveToDevice: false,

    but pictureBytes is always null. Am I doing something wrong? Is it a bug?

    Full Widget code
    class ShareModal extends StatefulWidget {
      const ShareModal({Key? key, required this.plan}) : super(key: key);
      final PlanDTO plan;
      _ShareModalState createState() => _ShareModalState();
    class _ShareModalState extends State<ShareModal> with Utils, ShareableMixin {
      late final Future<Uri> uri;
      bool isLinkLoading = true;
      Uri? url;
      bool isScreenshotLoading = true;
      late Widget widgetPreview;
      // late final Future<dynamic> picture;
      Uint8List? pictureBytes;
      GlobalKey? pictureKey;
      void initState() {
        uri = generatePlanLink(plan: widget.plan);
          () async {
            if (mounted) {
              url = (await uri);
              setState(() {
                isLinkLoading = false;
        WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
          if (mounted && pictureKey.isNotNull) {
            pictureBytes = await DavinciCapture.click(
              fileName: 'diven',
              returnImageUint8List: true,
              openFilePreview: false,
              saveToDevice: false,
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        final imageHeight = context.screen.height * .7;
        return ListView(
          physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
          shrinkWrap: true,
          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10.0),
          children: [
            if (isScreenshotLoading)
                builder: (key) {
                  pictureKey = key;
                  return _PlanSharePreview(
                    plan: widget.plan,
                child: ScaleOnTap(
                  onTap: () => context.navigator.push(
                      builder: (_) => HeroInteractiveViewerDialog(
                          tag: 'planPreview', child: Image.memory(pictureBytes!)),
                  child: Hero(
                    tag: 'planPreview',
                    child: Image.memory(
                      height: imageHeight,
            const SizedBox(
              height: 10,


    Flutter Doctor
    Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.0.4, on macOS 11.1 20C69 darwin-x64, locale es-ES)
    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.3)
    [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS
    [✓] Chrome - develop for the web
    [✓] Android Studio (version 4.1)
    [✓] VS Code (version 1.58.2)
    [✓] Connected device (2 available)
    • No issues found!


    davinci: ^2.0.5

    opened by raulmabe 3
  • Unable to save offstage images without openFilePreview

    Unable to save offstage images without openFilePreview

    When offstage is used with these options. it works as expected, previews the image and saves a new file.

            openFilePreview: true,
            returnImageUint8List: false,
            saveToDevice: true

    But I just want to save the file and not preview it. So when I turn openFilePreview=false. Not only is the preview gone. But the file isn't being saved. Expected behavior: No Preview and local saved file.

            openFilePreview: false,
            returnImageUint8List: true,
            saveToDevice: true

    I even tired to get the Uint8List in return to manually save. But the object returned null.

            openFilePreview: false,
            returnImageUint8List: true,
            saveToDevice: false
    bug P1 
    opened by bharadwajpalakurthy 3
  • How to use this Plugin in ListView Builder

    How to use this Plugin in ListView Builder

    This is My HomeScreen,


    There is the More Button, Which Captures the ScreenShot. code

    I can Easily with the Plugin Capture ScreenShot, But the Issue Coming is when I added the New Element the Plugin Captures the Screenshot of new element and when I add again a new element the plugin captures the screenshot the new one and forgets about the old. like this,

    last photo

    opened by madd-project 3
  • type 'RenderConstrainedBox' is not a subtype of type 'RenderRepaintBoundary' in type cast

    type 'RenderConstrainedBox' is not a subtype of type 'RenderRepaintBoundary' in type cast

    Uint8List? thumbData = await DavinciCapture.click(globalKey, fileName: "Hello", openFilePreview: false, returnImageUint8List: true);

    result: I/flutter (27697): type 'RenderConstrainedBox' is not a subtype of type 'RenderRepaintBoundary' in type cast

    opened by mingV2019 2
  • Just save generated images

    Just save generated images

    It is only possible to choose between return uint8 list and open preview. There is no way to just save the file.

    I know that having the uint8list i can save the file. But i think it would be nice if the package did it. The share package accepts a path for sharing files. I want to just share the image without previewing it.

    enhancement P2 
    opened by lucas-gauer 2
  • Fix RawKeyboard exception

    Fix RawKeyboard exception

    This pull request fixes #10. If we manually supply a FocusManager instance to BuildOwner, the system will not call registerGlobalHandlers() on it and therefore not try to override the global input event handler. This is explicitly stated in the documentation of BuildOwner: "If the focusManager argument is not specified or is null, this will construct a new [FocusManager] and register its global input handlers via [FocusManager.registerGlobalHandlers], which will modify static state. Callers wishing to avoid altering this state can explicitly pass a focus manager here."

    opened by Coronon 1
  • OffStage not working: RawKeyboard.instance.keyEventHandler == null

    OffStage not working: RawKeyboard.instance.keyEventHandler == null

    After my own implementation had the exact same problem I decided to switch to this package. Sadly, it has the exact same problem.

    This happens whenn calling as follows:

    Future<dynamic> image = DavinciCapture.offStage(
        logicalSize: logicalSize,
        imageSize: imageSize,
        openFilePreview: false,
        fileName: fileName,
        returnImageUint8List: true,
    (await image) // <- Error
    E/flutter ( 7481): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(199)] Unhandled Exception: 'package:flutter/src/widgets/focus_manager.dart': Failed assertion: line 1463 pos 12: 'RawKeyboard.instance.keyEventHandler == null': is not true.
    E/flutter ( 7481): #0      _AssertionError._doThrowNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:46:39)
    E/flutter ( 7481): #1      _AssertionError._throwNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:36:5)
    E/flutter ( 7481): #2      FocusManager.registerGlobalHandlers
    E/flutter ( 7481): #3      new BuildOwner
    E/flutter ( 7481): #4      DavinciCapture.offStage
    opened by Coronon 0
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