A wrapper for a Flutter ScrollView which enables lazy loading


Lazy load scrollview

A wrapper for a ScrollView that will enable lazy loading


Add lazy_load_scrollview dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

  lazy_load_scrollview: 1.3.0

In your Dart code, import package:lazy_load_scrollview/lazy_load_scrollview.dart Then you can wrap your ListView, GridView, RefreshIndicator etc with the LazyLoadScrollView. Make sure you add an endOfPageListener which will receive the call when the bottom of the list has been reached.

import 'package:lazy_load_scrollview/lazy_load_scrollview.dart';

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: LazyLoadScrollView(
        onEndOfPage: () => loadMore(),
        child: ListView.builder(
          itemCount: data.length,
          itemBuilder: (context, position) {
            return Text("Position $position");

Class definition

  endOfPageListener: () => loadMore(), // The callback when reaching the end of the list
  scrollOffset: 100 // Pixels from the bottom that should trigger a callback 
  child: Widget, // A subclass of `ScrollView`
  • CustomScrollView implementation

    CustomScrollView implementation

    Does it work with CustomScrollView and related SliverList? I wrapped the CustomScrollView with the LazyLoadScrollView, but I can only obtain the first pagination. After that the onEndOfPage method does not get called anymore.

    opened by Slaine066 6
  • onEndOfPage called more than once

    onEndOfPage called more than once

    Hi, I've used this plugin inside of a StreamBuilder without issues however when I try to use it inside a custom StatefulWidget the onEndOfPage callback gets called more than once.

    Here the example app,

    import 'dart:convert';
    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:http/http.dart';
    import 'package:lazy_load_scrollview/lazy_load_scrollview.dart';
    main() {
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            title: Text('LazyLoading'),
          body: Home(),
    class Home extends StatefulWidget {
      final int pageSize;
      Home({this.pageSize = 10});
      State<StatefulWidget> createState() => HomeState();
    class HomeState extends State<Home> {
      List<Map> documents;
      bool loading;
      int currentPage;
      Client client;
      void initState() {
        documents = [];
        loading = false;
        currentPage = 0;
        client = Client();
        () async {
          await _loadMore();
    // 'http://monster6.disco.unimib.it/API/documents/search/?s=informatica&paging=${widget.pageSize}&offset=${currentPage > 0 ? currentPage * widget.pageSize : ''}'
      Future<void> _loadMore() async {
        print('loading more!');
        setState(() {
          loading = true;
        final response = await client.get(
              's': 'informatica',
              'paging': '${widget.pageSize}',
                  currentPage > 0 ? '${currentPage * widget.pageSize + 1}' : null
        final results = List<Map>.from(
        if (mounted) {
          setState(() {
            loading = false;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Stack(
          children: <Widget>[
              child: LazyLoadScrollView(
                child: ListView.builder(
                  itemCount: documents.length,
                  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                    return AspectRatio(
                      aspectRatio: 2,
                      child: Card(
                        child: Text(documents[index]['title'] ?? 'null'),
                onEndOfPage: () {
                scrollOffset: 600,
              top: 0,
              left: 0,
              right: 0,
              child: loading ? LinearProgressIndicator() : Container(),
    opened by GregorySech 6
  • RefreshIndicator stops working when

    RefreshIndicator stops working when

    RfreshIndicator stops working when LazyLoadScrollView is added to the tree. This makes it really inconvenient as Most ListViews fetching data have a RefreshIndicator. It would be nice if RehreshIndicator still works with LazyLoad

    opened by Sameerkash 3
  • can't add a RefreshIndicator as a parent to the listview.builder and child to LazyLoadScrollView

    can't add a RefreshIndicator as a parent to the listview.builder and child to LazyLoadScrollView

    Hey there, recently I've been working on this package.. and I tried to put my ListView.builder inside the LazyLoadScrollView, OK that's worked fine. BUT... when I tried to wrap my ListView.builder by RefreshIndicator it gives me an error and that because the child accepts only ScrollView Widget...

    // rest of the code
                return LazyLoadScrollView(
                  onEndOfPage: () {
                      FetchProducts(count: 20),
                  child: ListView.builder(
                    itemCount: state.count,
                    itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                      return ListTile(
                        title: Text('Loaded Data $index'),

    HOW can I wrap the (listview with lazy load scrollview) with a refresh indicator too?? Any solutions??

    opened by devmuaz 3
  • onEndOfPage( ) triggers for every scrollview in the widget tree

    onEndOfPage( ) triggers for every scrollview in the widget tree

    this is how my widget tree looks

    onEndOfPage: ( ) { }
    child: SingleChildScrollView(      //vertical scroll view
    child : Column( 
    . . . . . 
    CarouselSlider (                         //horizontalScrollview
    . . . . . 

    onEndOfPage gets triggered for horizontal scroll view too which is not ideal for pagination, which is what I'm using it for, I tried using different scorllControllers, but nothing seems to be working, Is there any way I can make this work, or can this be implemented in the package?


    opened by Sameerkash 2
  • when reaches the bottom, does infinite loop calls.

    when reaches the bottom, does infinite loop calls.

    When scrolling and reaches the bottom, does infinite loop calls. Should verify if position.pixels == position.maxScrollExtent and if true do another call.

    opened by jahiron 1
  • Add support for RefreshIndicator

    Add support for RefreshIndicator

    This change makes the use of RefreshIndicator with LazyLoadScrollView possible.


          onEndOfPage: () {
          child: RefreshIndicator(
            onRefresh: () async {
              print('On refresh');
            child: ListView.builder(
    opened by mbartn 1
  • Do not scroll on the web !?

    Do not scroll on the web !?

    In Flutter Android everything is fine. But I tested it on a small Flutter Web project and the package didn't work. Do you have any special configuration?

    opened by catalunha 0
  • Updated example and v2 of lazy_load_scrollview

    Updated example and v2 of lazy_load_scrollview

    Hello ! I didn't know of the existence of this package and ended up creating listview notifier similar to this but slightly different. In any case, I'd like to offer it up as a PR. To improve I took both my ideas and your ideas and kind of squashed them together as well as implemented a few things from the issues here.

    Here are a few things the new:

    • lazyloadscrollview takes an optional ScrollController now that will work in place of bubbling notifier events (this is useful to avoid predicates)
    • Added notificationPredicate #15
    • Added an example on how to add animation when reached the end #2
    • lazyloadscrollview can now work in both directions of a listview
    • Added debounce timer that will prevent the callback from firiing a bunch of times

    Breaking change:

    • the lazyloadscrollview takes a builder instead of a child. This builder passes through isLoadingBefore and isLoadingAfter that tell the user when the respective async op is running.
    • Renamed onEndOfPage to to onLoadAfter

    I'd love to get your opinion on this big change. Leaving it as a draft for now

    opened by Nolence 2
  • Check for notification level depth

    Check for notification level depth

    Hi please can you add a level depth check into _onNotifcation method. If you have a list with animated widget that scroll vertically this method is calle endlessly and also _loadMore.

    The changes to do are these: At row 61 of lazy_load_scrollview.dart

    if (widget.scrollDirection == notification.metrics.axis) {

    should turn into

    if (widget.scrollDirection == notification.metrics.axis && defaultScrollNotificationPredicate(notification)) {

    This check if the scroll came from the real list scroll and not from a scrollable item into it.

    Regards Massimo

    opened by carmas123 1
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