A multi-purpose Bitcoin Wallet



A multi-purpose Bitcoin Wallet

Table of Contents


This app uses stackmate-core for it's Bitcoin specific logic.
stackmate-core is built using Rust.
This app communicates with stackmate-core's Rust binary via FFI.


  • modern descriptor wallets: uses all the latest technologies from the Bitcoin ecosystem
  • address book: store and organise public descriptors
  • calculator: calculate current exchange rates with our built-in calculator
  • cross platform: built using Flutter πŸ’™ and Rust

Getting Started

Flutter Development

Make sure Flutter and Dart are installed.

flutter pub get
flutter run

Run freezed code-gen while updating cubit state classes or model classes.

flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

VSCode Explorer

Visibility of files and folders can be toggled from

    └── settings.json 

Exchange Rates API

The coincap API is currently implemented for calculating exchange rates.
Request an API Key from coincap and update the _apiKey in

└── api/
    └── rates.dart

Updating stackmate-core

Optional Advanced Usage
Make sure Rust and Android NDK are installed.

cd packages/bitcoin
sh update-core.sh






  • New SQLite Backend + 24 Word Seed Option

    New SQLite Backend + 24 Word Seed Option

    Added new SQLite backend from stackmate-core 0.12.2 release.

    Affects the following cubits:

    • info
    • receive
    • send

    Receive uses both Sqlite and MemoryDb. Memory Db is used to manually increment indexes while SQLite loads LastUnusedAddress.

    This update results in a significant speed improvement since network sync keeps track of last_synced_block in SQLite.

    Pending: SQLite db file encryption.

    AFAIK Android uses a permissions folder to store the sqlite db, which other apps cannot access. This raises the questions about how necessary encrypting the db file is. More research needs to be done on this.

    Please extensively test this update as SQLite implementation is still in BETA.

    opened by i5hi 8
  • iOS support

    iOS support

    Hey @i5hi, I have made some changes for iOS support. Most things seem to work fine. However there are some issues which we can fix in this PR itself.

    1. '.a' files generated by stackmate-core doesn't seem to work with emulator on m1. For this, we either have to run Xcode using rosetta or generate .a file with target set to aarch64-apple-ios-sim.
    2. dummyMethodToEnforceBundling in swift file seems to have derive_hardened and days_to_blocks methods but can't find the same in stackmate-core. So, it throws an error. I've commented these for now.
    3. Tor package not working. So, we might have to disable it for iOS.
    4. There was some file size issue while pushing to Github. So, I've removed it for now. We can add it using update-core.sh.
    opened by MrUnfunny 7
  • /lib/x86_64/libtor.so: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

    /lib/x86_64/libtor.so: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

    Hi, I am trying to start to on android using UtopicTorOnionProxy.startTor() and I am getting this error. Is there anything I need to do E/TorNativeLoader(18204): /data/app/~~5LvdEY2hDiPfuUNCXqT2LA==/{my package}-D4ocGlpeQc13AFEzgJUvjw==/lib/x86_64/libtor.so: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) D/CompatibilityChangeReporter(18204): Compat change id reported: 147798919; UID 10183; state: ENABLED W/TorInstaller(18204): Failed to setup tor. No tor executable installed W/System.err(18204): java.io.IOException: Failed to Failed to setup tor. No tor executable installed W/System.err(18204): at ru.utopicnarwhal.utopic_tor_onion_proxy.thali_sources.android.AndroidTorInstaller.setup(AndroidTorInstaller.java:90) W/System.err(18204): at ru.utopicnarwhal.utopic_tor_onion_proxy.thali_sources.OnionProxyManager.setup(OnionProxyManager.java:611) W/System.err(18204): at ru.utopicnarwhal.utopic_tor_onion_proxy.UtopicTorOnionProxyPlugin.startTor(UtopicTorOnionProxyPlugin.java:125) W/System.err(18204): at ru.utopicnarwhal.utopic_tor_onion_proxy.UtopicTorOnionProxyPlugin.onMethodCall(UtopicTorOnionProxyPlugin.java:98) W/System.err(18204): at io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel$IncomingMethodCallHandler.onMessage(MethodChannel.java:262) W/System.err(18204): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger.invokeHandler(DartMessenger.java:295) W/System.err(18204): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger.lambda$dispatchMessageToQueue$0$io-flutter-embedding-engine-dart-DartMessenger(DartMessenger.java:319) W/System.err(18204): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(Unknown Source:12) W/System.err(18204): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938) W/System.err(18204): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) W/System.err(18204): at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201) W/System.err(18204): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288) W/System.err(18204): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7842) W/System.err(18204): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) W/System.err(18204): at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:548) W/System.err(18204): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1003) I/flutter (18204): type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'StackTrace' in type cast

    Regards. AG

    opened by ag-0214 7
  • Select network fee error

    Select network fee error

    I am trying to use your wallet, I have 100000 Sats in my wallet now when I try to send 50000 sats to another wallet, when it gets to the stage of selecting network fee it gives the following error. If I click back the where I to the screen I entered amount it will display message instance of SMError . For smaller amounts like 50 sats it doesnt give an error but there ont be any fee to select so cant proceed

    [log] 'package:flutter/src/material/slider.dart': Failed assertion: line 147 pos 15: 'value >= min && value <= max': is not true. #0 _AssertionError._doThrowNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:51:61) #1 _AssertionError._throwNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:40:5) #2 new Slider (package:flutter/src/material/slider.dart:147:15) #3 _SelectFeeState.build (package:sats/ui/component/Send/SelectFee.dart:118:13) #4 StatefulElement.build (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4919:27) #5 ComponentElement.performRebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4806:15) #6 StatefulElement.performRebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4977:11) #7 Element.rebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4529:5) #8 BuildOwner.buildScope (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:2659:19) #9 WidgetsBinding.drawFrame (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:891:21) #10 RendererBinding._handlePersistentFrameCallback (package:flutter/src/rendering/binding.dart:370:5) #11 SchedulerBinding._invokeFrameCallback (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1146:15) #12 SchedulerBinding.handleDrawFrame (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1083:9) #13 SchedulerBinding._handleDrawFrame (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:997:5) #14 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1426:13) #15 _CustomZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) #16 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1236:7) #17 _invoke (dart:ui/hooks.dart:151:10) #18 PlatformDispatcher._drawFrame (dart:ui/platform_dispatcher.dart:308:5) #19 _drawFrame (dart:ui/hooks.dart:115:31) regards AG

    opened by ag-0214 5
  • All keys don't work for Taproot derive

    All keys don't work for Taproot derive

    Not all keys work for taproot derive.

    There is a 50-50% chance your derived taproot wallet will not work because the corresponding pubkey is not an XOnlyPubKey.

    This might also create issues for cypherpost since cypherpost also uses Schnorr XOnlyPubkeys so we need to make sure that all keys derived from the master are always XOnlyPubkeys.

    opened by i5hi 4
  • Send Amount Bug

    Send Amount Bug

    Send amount BTC value doesn't update after 3 digits of sats value is entered. For example while typing 50,090 sats

    Upto 500 the BTC value reflects as 0.00000500 then when we type the 4th digit 9, the BTC value resets to 0.00000000

    opened by i5hi 3
  • Wallet remodel

    Wallet remodel

    Stripped down the app into a single sig descriptor wallet.

    Remodelled wallet to support saving wallet creation state and Partial/Complete states for script wallets.

    Maintained reddit fix from previous commit to master.

    Updated a few ffi outputs to support new api. Few fixes still required here. Mainly with build_tx: new input called txOutputs which is a dart List<txOutput> stringified. It supports batch transactions rather than single address amount field. Where address and amount is read from a user, a txOutput {address:String,amount:int} must be constructed. User should be able to add more outputs. The array of List<txOutput>.

    opened by i5hi 3
  • Changing to testnet bug

    Changing to testnet bug

    Changing from mainnet to testnet from settings

    • Toggle to testnet does not check for master key and errors.
    • if there is no master key/wallets for testnet,it throws an error on homepage
    opened by yashwanthambati 2
  • Bump to v0.0.14

    Bump to v0.0.14

    This update brings the following new changes:


    • User does not have to wait for Tor to load to enter the wallet and generate addresses (offline operations). Online operations will not work as a default socks5 proxy value is used with libstackmate which will lead to an error.
    • Tor now has a dedicated configuration page
    • Users can not use an external Tor instance
    • Users can not opt out of Tor (although Tor is default)


    • Users can derive a taproot account


    • End to end support for ColdCard Air Gapped Operation
    • Supports file system operations for reading generic.json to create watch only wallet,writing .psbt, and reading .tx file to broadcast transaction hex


    • Users can backup their wallet (write down their seed words and passphrase) later. This allows them to wait to be in a safe space to backup their wallet, for cases when they want to receive bitcoin immediately after on-boarding./


    • Users can now only manage a single master key wallet from which they can derive a segwit or taproot account.
    • They will later be able to derive multi-sig accounts from the same master key.
    • Users cannot import multiple seeds anymore.


    • The wallet is now stable for the most part with a few minor known bugs.


    • RECEIVE rotates addresses everytime clicked.

    This can lead to unnecessary address index rotation and lead to a messy wallet.

    If users create large enough gaps between addresses that receive funds, this could lead to errors in wallet sync. This can be fixed by updating libstackmate to use a larger wallet stop gap, however this comes at the cost of longer sync time. This is not the best approach. We need to figure out how to effectively manage unused addresses and prevent large gaps.

    Another alternative is to save a list of all addresses ever generated by the wallet, so users can reuse addresses that they have not used before.

    opened by i5hi 2
  • Allow user to backup key later

    Allow user to backup key later

    Allow users to write down seed phrase later.

    This makes onboarding someone at a social event easier.

    Show a warning on the homepage if backup is not made.

    Store seed phrase backup in MasterKey model.

    Make warnings more severe if wallet balance gets above certain amounts and backup is still not made.

    opened by i5hi 2
  • Merging Updates to Single Sig wallet only with Tor by Default

    Merging Updates to Single Sig wallet only with Tor by Default

    v 0.0.10 corrects various minor bugs and strips down the app into only a single signature descriptor wallet with the ability to recover and create new signers or watchers.

    It also now uses tor by default and as a result android only until libstackmate provides a cross compatible tor daemon.

    Other feature additions include:

    • incognito mode
    • sats/btc unit selector (still needs to update in TransactionItemDetail popup)
    • Global PSBT broadcaster
    • Ability for Watcher wallets to build a PSBT for an external signer.

    Some known bugs:

    • Buttons can be janky and unresponsive in certain sections like Wallet recovery and SEND.
    • A particular case was found where change was not being picked up by the wallet. This is an issue with libstackmate. TESTERS should always verify balances and history after a TX to see if this bug appears again.
    • Since we use bdk's memory database, sync happens before every api that requires a network call i.e. balance, history and build.
    • Fee estimator is very naive (allows fall back into user set rates)
    enhancement frontend 
    opened by i5hi 2
  • Tor update

    Tor update

    Allow users to more easily toggle tor off on the Home Screen.

    When Tor is disabled, change the shield to Yellow colour rather than Red. This is because Tor off is not necessarily an error. A user might have a safe node setup over clearnet.

    Red colour should be reserved for Disconnected while Tor is enabled.

    opened by i5hi 0
  • Low fees returns weird error

    Low fees returns weird error

    When using lowest fee option in some cases, the transaction fails at the broadcast stage with a weird error.

    Will add the exact error message here when I am able to test again.

    This particular error has to be translated to "Use higher fee"

    opened by i5hi 0
  • Create screens for cypherpost

    Create screens for cypherpost

    Following screens are. required:

    • [ ] NetworksHome: List of joined networks and link to Join new network.
    • [ ] NetworkJoin: Form to register to a network
    • [ ] NetworkSingle: Contains menu for Info & Discover + List of counterParties with whom user has chatHistory
    • [ ] Chat: A Chat with a single counterParty
    • [ ] NetworkDiscover: List of all existing counterParties(members) on a network.
    • [ ] MyNetworkInfo: Info about the user on a network
    opened by i5hi 1
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