An equation solving library written purely in Dart.


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An equation solving library written purely in Dart

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Thanks to the equations package you will be able to solve numerical analysis problems with ease. It's been written purely in Dart, meaning that it has no platform-specific dependencies and it doens't require Flutter to work. You can use, for example, equations with Flutter for web, desktop and mobile. Here's a summary of what you can do with this package:

  • Solve polynomial equations with Algebraic types;
  • Solve nonlinear equations with Nonlinear types;
  • Solve linear systems of equations with SystemSolver types;
  • Evaluate integrals with NumericalIntegration types;
  • Interpolate data points with Interpolation types.

In addition, you can also find utilities to work with:

  • Real and complex matrices, using the Matrix<T> types;
  • Complex number, using the Complex type;
  • Fractions, using the Fraction and MixedFraction types.

This package is meant to be used with Dart 2.12 or higher because the code is entirely null safe. There is a demo, built with Flutter, that shows an example on how this library can be used (especially for numerical analysis apps) πŸš€

Equation Solver logo

Equation Solver - Flutter web demo

The source code of the above website can be found at example/flutter_example. In the following lines, you'll find an overview of the various types in this package and their APIs; make sure to visit the documentation for details about methods signatures and docstring comments.

Algebraic (Polynomial equations)

Use one of the following classes to find the roots of a polynomial equation (also known as "algebraic equation"). You can use both complex numbers and fractions as coefficients.

Solver name Equation Params field
Constant f(x) = a a ∈ C
Linear f(x) = ax + b a, b ∈ C
Quadratic f(x) = ax2 + bx + c a, b, c ∈ C
Cubic f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d a, b, c, d ∈ C
Quartic f(x) = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e a, b, c, d, e ∈ C
DurandKerner Any polynomial P(xi) where xi are coefficients xi ∈ C

There's a formula for polynomials up to the fourth degree, as explained by Galois Theory. Roots of polynomials whose degree is 5 or higher, must be seeked using DurandKerner's method or any other root-finding algorithm. For this reason, we suggest to go for the following approach:

  • Use Linear to find the roots of a polynomial whose degree is 1.
  • Use Quadratic to find the roots of a polynomial whose degree is 2.
  • Use Cubic to find the roots of a polynomial whose degree is 3.
  • Use Quartic to find the roots of a polynomial whose degree is 4.
  • Use DurandKerner to find the roots of a polynomial whose degree is 5 or higher.

Note that DurandKerner can be used with any polynomials, so you could use it (for example) to solve a cubic equation as well. However, DurandKerner internally uses loops, derivatives, and other mechanics to approximate the actual roots. When trying to solve a polynomial equation whose degree is 4 or lower, prefer using Quartic, Cubic, Quadratic and Linear since they use direct formulas to find the roots. Here's how you can solve a cubic:

// f(x) = (2-3i)x^3 + 6/5ix^2 - (-5+i)x - (9+6i)
final equation = Cubic(
  a: Complex(2, -3),
  b: Complex.fromImaginaryFraction(Fraction(6, 5)),
  c: Complex(5, -1),
  d: Complex(-9, -6)

final degree =; // 3
final isReal = equation.isRealEquation; // false
final discr = equation.discriminant(); // -31299.688 + 27460.192i

// f(x) = (2 - 3i)x^3 + 1.2ix^2 + (5 - 1i)x + (-9 - 6i)

// f(x) = (2 - 3i)x^3 + 6/5ix^2 + (5 - 1i)x + (-9 - 6i)

 * Prints the roots of the equation:
 *  x1 = 0.348906207844 - 1.734303423032i
 *  x2 = -1.083892638909 + 0.961044482775
 *  x3 = 1.011909507988 + 0.588643555642
 * */
for (final root in {

Alternatively, you could have used DurandKerner to solve the same equation:

// f(x) = (2-3i)x^3 + 6/5ix^2 - (-5+i)x - (9+6i)
final equation = DurandKerner(
  coefficients: [
    Complex(2, -3),
    Complex.fromImaginaryFraction(Fraction(6, 5)),
    Complex(5, -1),
    Complex(-9, -6),

 * Prints the roots of the equation:
 *  x1 = 1.0119095 + 0.5886435
 *  x2 = 0.3489062 - 1.7343034i
 *  x3 = -1.0838926 + 0.9610444
 * */
for (final root in {

As we've already pointed out, both ways are equivalent but DurandKerner is computationally slower than Cubic and it doesn't guaranteed to always converge to the correct roots. Use DurandKerner only when the degree of your polynomial is greater or equal than 5.

final quadratic = Algebraic.from(const [
  Complex(2, -3),
  Complex(1, 6)

final quartic = Algebraic.fromReal(const [
  1, -2, 3, -4, 5

The factory constructor Algebraic.from() automatically returns the best type of Algebraic according with the number of parameters you've passed.

Nonlinear equations

Use one of the following classes, representing a root-finding algorithm, to find a root of an equation. Only real numbers are allowed. This package supports the following root finding methods:

Solver name Params field
Bisection a, b ∈ R
Chords a, b ∈ R
Netwon x0 ∈ R
Secant a, b ∈ R
Steffensen x0 ∈ R
Brent a, b ∈ R
RegulaFalsi a, b ∈ R

Expressions are parsed using petitparser, a fasts, stable and well tested grammar parser. These algorithms only work with real numbers. Here's a simple example of how you can find the roots of an equation:

final newton = Newton("2*x+cos(x)", -1, maxSteps: 5);

final steps = newton.maxSteps; // 5
final tol = newton.tolerance; // 1.0e-10
final fx = newton.function; // 2*x+cos(x)
final guess = newton.x0; // -1

final solutions = await newton.solve();

final convergence = solutions.convergence.round(); // 2
final solutions = solutions.efficiency.round(); // 1

 * The getter `solutions.guesses` returns the list of values computed by the algorithm
 * -0.4862880170389824
 * -0.45041860473199363
 * -0.45018362150211116
 * -0.4501836112948736
 * -0.45018361129487355
final List<double> guesses = solutions.guesses;

Note that certain algorithms don't always guarantee t converge to a correct root so read the documentation carefully before choosing the method.

Systems of equations

Use one of the following classes to solve systems of linear equations. Note that only real coefficients are allowed (so double is ok but Complex isn't) and you must define N equations in N variables (so a square matrix is needed). This package supports the following algorithms:

Solver name Iterative method
CholeskySolver ❌
GaussianElimination ❌
GaussSeidelSolver βœ”οΈ
JacobiSolver βœ”οΈ
LUSolver ❌
SORSolver βœ”οΈ

In any case, solvers only work with square matrices so N equations in N variables. These solvers are used to find the x in the Ax = b equation. Methods require at least the equation system matrix A and the vector b containing the unknowns. Iterative methods may require additional parameters such as an initial guess or a particular configuration value.

// Solve a system using LU decomposition
final luSolver = LUSolver(
  equations: const [
    [7, -2, 1],
    [14, -7, -3],
    [-7, 11, 18]
  constants: const [12, 17, 5]

final solutions = luSolver.solve(); // [-1, 4, 3]
final determinant = luSolver.determinant(); // -84.0

If you just want to work with matrices (for operations, LU/Cholesky/QR/SVD decompositions, etc...) you can consider using either RealMatrix (to work with the double data type) or ComplexMatrix (to work with the Complex data type). Both classes are of type Matrix<T> so they have the same public API.

final matrixA = RealMatrix.fromData(
  columns: 2,
  rows: 2,
  data: const [
    [2, 6],
    [-5, 0]

final matrixB = RealMatrix.fromData(
  columns: 2,
  rows: 2,
  data: const [
    [-4, 1],
    [7, -3],

final sum = matrixA + matrixB;
final sub = matrixA - matrixB;
final mul = matrixA * matrixB;
final div = matrixA / matrixB;

final lu = matrixA.luDecomposition();
final cholesky = matrixA.choleskyDecomposition();
final cholesky = matrixA.choleskyDecomposition();
final qr = matrixA.qrDecomposition();
final svd = matrixA.singleValueDecomposition();

final det = matrixA.determinant();
finak rank = matrixA.rank();

You can use toString() to print the content of the matrix but there's also the possibility to use toStringAugmented() which prints the augmented matrix (the matrix + one extra column with the known values vector).

final lu = LUSolver(
  equations: const [
    [7, -2, 1],
    [14, -7, -3],
    [-7, 11, 18]
  constants: const [12, 17, 5]

 * Output with 'toString':
 * [7.0, -2.0, 1.0]
 * [14.0, -7.0, -3.0]
 * [-7.0, 11.0, 18.0]

 * Output with 'toStringAugmented':
 * [7.0, -2.0, 1.0 | 12.0]
 * [14.0, -7.0, -3.0 | 17.0]
 * [-7.0, 11.0, 18.0 | 5.0]

The ComplexMatrix has the same API and the same usage as RealMatrix with the only difference that it works with complex numbers rather then real numbers.

Numerical integration

The numerical integration term refers to a group of algorithms for calculating the numerical value of a definite integral (on a given interval). The function must be continuous within the integration bounds. This package currently supports the following algorithms:

Algorithm type

Other than the integration bounds (called lowerBound and lowerBound), the classes also have an optional parameter called intervals. It already has a good default value but if you wanted to change the number of parts in which the interval will be split, just make sure to set it!

const simpson = SimpsonRule(
  function: 'sin(x)*e^x',
  lowerBound: 2,
  upperBound: 4,

// Calculating the value of...
//   ∫ sin(x) * e^x dx
// ... between 2 and 4.
final results = simpson.integrate();

// Prints '-7.713'

// Prints '32'

The integrate() function returns an IntegralResults which is a simple wrapper for 2 values:

  1. result: the actual result, which is the value of the definite integral evaluated within lowerBound and lowerBound,
  2. guesses: the various intermetiate values that brought to the final result.


If you want to perform linear, polynomial or spline interpolation, then you can use the Interpolation types provided by this package. You just need to provide a few points in the constructor and then use compute(double x) to interpolate the value. This package currently supports the following algorithms:

Interpolation type

You'll always find the compute(double x) method in any Interpolation type but some classes may have additional methods that others haven't. For example:

const newton = NewtonInterpolation(
  nodes: [
    InterpolationNode(x: 45, y: 0.7071),
    InterpolationNode(x: 50, y: 0.7660),
    InterpolationNode(x: 55, y: 0.8192),
    InterpolationNode(x: 60, y: 0.8660),

// Prints 0.788
final y = newton.compute(52);

// Prints the following:
// [0.7071, 0.05890000000000006, -0.005700000000000038, -0.0007000000000000339]
// [0.766, 0.053200000000000025, -0.006400000000000072, 0.0]
// [0.8192, 0.04679999999999995, 0.0, 0.0]
// [0.866, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Since the newtown interpolation algorithm internally builds the "divided differences table", the API exposes two methods (forwardDifferenceTable() and forwardDifferenceTable()) to print those tables. Of course, you won't find forwardDifferenceTable() in other interpolation types because they just don't use it. By default, NewtonInterpolation uses the forward difference method but if you want the backwards one, just pass forwardDifference: false in the constructor.

const polynomial = PolynomialInterpolation(
  nodes: [
    InterpolationNode(x: 0, y: -1),
    InterpolationNode(x: 1, y: 1),
    InterpolationNode(x: 4, y: 1),

// Prints -4.54
final y = polynomial.compute(-1.15);

// Prints -0.5x^2 + 2.5x + -1

This is another example with a different interpolation strategy. The buildPolynomial() returns the interpolation polynomial (as an Algebraic type) internally used to interpolate x.

  • Which expressions are available?

    Which expressions are available?

    I am trying to solve a non-linear equation and getting the error: Error: ExpressionParserException: The given expression cannot be parsed! Make sure that all operators are supported. Make also sure that the product of two values explicitly has the '*' symbol.

    How do I find which expressions are available?

    Here's my code:

    final newton = Newton(function: "0.03606737602222409*x*log(exp((3537.428612970299+x)/287.171070460561)+4914469.74557367)-15.455695470480395", x0: 5);
    opened by jpiabrantes 5
  • how to solve the equation of the line

    how to solve the equation of the line "Ax + By + C = 0" in this library

    how to solve the equation of the line "y = (-C - Ax) / B" in this library

    var A = 1.3333333333333333;
    var B = -1;
    var C = 0.3333333333333335;
    //y = (-C - Ax) / B
    //Y = (-0.3333333333333335 - 1.3333333333333333 * X) / -1
    opened by insinfo 1
  • inverse method bug for big matrix

    inverse method bug for big matrix

    I used the inverse method for the 12*12 matrix and the result was wrong. also, I checked this method with Matlab and Matlab worked correctly. but this method return NaN values I/flutter (31573): [-1.0, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, -1.0, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, -1.0, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.0, NaN, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, -2.0, NaN, NaN] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, -2.0, -0.0] I/flutter (31573): [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, -0.0, -2.0]

    opened by geopardaz 1
  • chore: Update to Dart 2.18 and review example apps

    chore: Update to Dart 2.18 and review example apps


    We need to:

    1. Update Dart to version 2.18
    2. Update dependencies
    3. Update examples in example/


    I have upgraded Dart to version 2.18 in the package and the examples

    Types of Changes

    • General improvements (quality updates to improve the stability of the project)


    • [x] I have provided a description of the proposed changes.
    • [x] I added unit tests for all relevant code.
    • [x] I added golden tests for all UI changes.
    • [x] I added documentation for all relevant code.
    documentation enhancement 
    opened by albertodev01 1
  • Make `solve()` function async

    Make `solve()` function async

    In the readme, it seems that solve is async. You have the following example where you await for solve:

    final newton = Newton("2*x+cos(x)", -1, maxSteps: 5);
    final solutions = await newton.solve();

    However, solve is not async and does not return a Future.

    opened by jpiabrantes 1
  • chore: version bump and examples updates

    chore: version bump and examples updates


    • Dependencies versions need to be updated
    • The Flutter example needs to be updated to also support Desktop
    • The Dart examples should feature a complete Dart project


    • I've updated dependencies
    • Created a new Dart project at example/dart_example
    • Updated the Flutter project at example/flutter_example

    Types of Changes

    • Documentation change (change to update documentation)
    • General improvements (quality updates to improve the stability of the project)


    With this update, the 1.0.0 version of the Flutter example for mobile, web and desktop builds will be added in the "Release" tab


    • [x] I have provided a description of the proposed changes.
    • [x] I added unit tests for all relevant code.
    • [x] I added golden tests for all UI changes.
    • [x] I added documentation for all relevant code.
    opened by albertodev01 1
  • chore: Added more linter rules and minor fixes

    chore: Added more linter rules and minor fixes


    There should be some more linter rules to add and a few minor fixes for the Flutter and Dart examples


    I have updated the analysis_options.yaml file and updated the Dart and Flutter examples

    Types of Changes

    • General improvements (quality updates to improve the stability of the project)




    • [x] I have provided a description of the proposed changes.
    • [x] I added unit tests for all relevant code.
    • [x] I added golden tests for all UI changes.
    • [x] I added documentation for all relevant code.
    opened by albertodev01 1
  • chore: Updated analysis options and minor example fixes

    chore: Updated analysis options and minor example fixes


    There should be some more linter rules to add and a few minor fixes for the Flutter and Dart examples


    I have updated the analysis_options.yaml file and updated the Dart and Flutter examples

    Types of Changes

    • General improvements (quality updates to improve the stability of the project)




    • [x] I have provided a description of the proposed changes.
    • [x] I added unit tests for all relevant code.
    • [x] I added golden tests for all UI changes.
    • [x] I added documentation for all relevant code.
    opened by albertodev01 1
  • feat: Adding integration tests to the Flutter app

    feat: Adding integration tests to the Flutter app


    The Flutter example in the example/flutter_example requires some integration testing


    I have added the integration testing SDK, written integration tests in integration_test and updated CI to support integration tests

    Types of Changes

    • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)


    Tests are run on Android, iOS and Web


    • [x] I have provided a description of the proposed changes.
    • [x] I added unit tests for all relevant code.
    • [x] I added golden tests for all UI changes.
    • [x] I added documentation for all relevant code.
    opened by albertodev01 1
  • chore: Improving the Flutter example app

    chore: Improving the Flutter example app


    I need to polish and improve the Flutter example app in example/flutter_example


    • Added more unit and widget tests
    • Updated some blocs after the 8.0.0 update
    • Reworking the internals of some widgets
    • Improving the responsiveness of certain widgets
    • Improving translations

    Types of Changes

    • General improvements (quality updates to improve the stability of the project)




    • [x] I have provided a description of the proposed changes.
    • [x] I added unit tests for all relevant code.
    • [x] I added golden tests for all UI changes.
    • [x] I added documentation for all relevant code.
    opened by albertodev01 1
  • feat: Added Riddler's method and updated Flutter example

    feat: Added Riddler's method and updated Flutter example


    I need to update the Flutter example in example/flutter_example and add a new root finding algorithm to the core library


    I've added the new Riddler type and updated the Flutter example.

    Types of Changes

    • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • General improvements (quality updates to improve the stability of the project)


    The Flutter example app is being worked on the flutter_example branch!


    • [x] I have provided a description of the proposed changes.
    • [x] I added unit tests for all relevant code.
    • [x] I added golden tests for all UI changes.
    • [x] I added documentation for all relevant code.
    opened by albertodev01 1
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