An interpolated progress builder for video_player controllers


Have you been here before: you created a video player using video_player, but the progress bar updates way to infrequently and makes your UX look choppy?

Look no further than this package. It will make your video progress bars look smooooth

Demo GIF

Since this is a GIF, the framerate is reduced, but rest assured that the bottom slider animates at the same framerate as your app.


  • Build a smoothly interpolated progress bar for video_player's VideoPlayerController instances.
  • Completely unopinianeted, build whatever you want design-wise
  • Use it for progress bars, spinners, more accurate time displays, ...

Getting started

Install the package. This package depends on flutter_hooks, because I use it for everything anyway, check out the package if you don't know it, it makes life so much easier.


Here is how you would build a simple slider for example:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    controller: controller,
    builder: (context, position, duration, child) => Slider(
      onChangeStart: (_) => controller.pause(),
      onChangeEnd: (_) =>,
      onChanged: (value) =>
          controller.seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: value.toInt())),
      value: position.inMilliseconds.toDouble(),
      min: 0,
      max: duration.inMilliseconds.toDouble(),

Example Project

To take a look at the example (seen on the GIF above)

  1. Open example folder
  2. Run flutter create .
  3. flutter run on the iOS, android or web
  4. You might have to do additional setup steps for video_player to work, check their documentation for details
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