Aplicação para aula sobre Scaffold, Drawer e Navigator

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中文文档 英文文档 问题集 原仓库不再维护,代码已经很老了 最近版本更新会很快,主要是增加新特性,涉及到混合栈的稳定性的问题应该不多,可放心升级,发现问题加 QQ 群号码:1014085473,我会尽快解决。 不打算好好看看源码的使用者可以放弃这个库了,因为很多设定是比较死的,而我本人不打算花时间写

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flutter_thrio makes it easy and fast to add flutter to existing mobile applications, and provide a simple and consistent navigator APIs.

flutter_thrio makes it easy and fast to add flutter to existing mobile applications, and provide a simple and consistent navigator APIs.

本仓库不再维护,可移步新仓库 https://github.com/flutter-thrio/flutter_thrio 中文文档 问题集 QQ 群号码:1014085473 The Navigator for iOS, Android, Flutter. Version 0.2.2 requir

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Deyvid J. Lira
Mobile Tech Lead. Native Android | Flutter | NodeJS | GCP | Identity Platform | Firebase | Unity
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