Implements Microsoft's Fluent Design System in Flutter.



Design beautiful native windows apps using Flutter

Unofficial implementation of Fluent UI for Flutter. It's written based on the official documentation

You can check the web version of it here



Since flutter has Windows support (currently in stable under an early release flag as of 30/03/2021), it's necessary to have support to its UI guidelines to build apps with fidelity, since it has support for Material and Cupertino. See this for more info on the offical fluent ui support

See also:


Add the package to your dependencies:


You can see the example app here

Finally, run dart pub get to downlaod the package.

Projects using this library should use the stable channel of Flutter


Are you using this library on your app? You can use a badge to tell others:

Add the following code to your or to your website:

<a title="Made with Fluent Design" href="">


Learn more about Fluent Style

You can use the FluentTheme widget to, well... theme your widgets. You can style your widgets in two ways:

  1. Using the FluentApp widget
  title: 'MyApp',
  theme: ThemeData(
  1. Using the FluentTheme widget
  theme: ThemeData(
  child: ...,


Icons Preview

Inside your app, you use icons to represent an action, such as copying text or navigating to the settings page. This library includes an icon library with it, so you can just call FluentIcons.[icon_name] in any Icon widget:



This library also includes the Fluent UI colors with it, so you can just call Colors.[color_name]:


Avaiable colors:

  • Colors.transparent
  • Colors.white
  • Colors.grey
  • Colors.yellow
  • Colors.magenta
  • Colors.purple
  • Colors.teal

Accent color

Common controls use an accent color to convey state information. Learn more.

By default, the accent color is However, you can also customize your app's accent color to reflect your brand:


To use the system's accent color, you can use the plugin system_theme made by me :). It has support for (04/01/2021) Android, Web and Windows.

import 'package:system_theme/system_theme.dart';

  accentColor: SystemTheme.accentInstance.accent.toAccentColor(),


You can change the theme brightness to change the color of your app to

  1. Brightness.light

    Light theme

  2. Brightness.dark

    Dark theme

It defaults to the brightness of the device. (MediaQuery.of(context).brightness)

  brightness: Brightness.light, // or Brightness.dark

Visual Density

Density, in the context of a UI, is the vertical and horizontal "compactness" of the components in the UI. It is unitless, since it means different things to different UI components.

The default for visual densities is zero for both vertical and horizontal densities. It does not affect text sizes, icon sizes, or padding values.

For example, for buttons, it affects the spacing around the child of the button. For lists, it affects the distance between baselines of entries in the list. For chips, it only affects the vertical size, not the horizontal size.

  visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,

The following widgets make use of visual density:

  • Chip
  • PillButtonBar
  • Snackbar


To set a typography, you can use the ThemeData class combined with the Typography class:

  typography: Typography(
    caption: TextStyle(
      fontSize: 12,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,


You should use one font throughout your app's UI, and we recommend sticking with the default font for Windows apps, Segoe UI. It's designed to maintain optimal legibility across sizes and pixel densities and offers a clean, light, and open aesthetic that complements the content of the system.

Font Segoe UI Showcase

Learn more

Type ramp

The Windows type ramp establishes crucial relationships between the type styles on a page, helping users read content easily. Learn more

Windows Type Ramp

Reveal Focus

Reveal Focus is a lighting effect for 10-foot experiences, such as Xbox One and television screens. It animates the border of focusable elements, such as buttons, when the user moves gamepad or keyboard focus to them. It's turned off by default, but it's simple to enable. Learn more

Reveal Focus calls attention to focused elements by adding an animated glow around the element's border:

Reveal Focus Preview

This is especially helpful in 10-foot scenarios where the user might not be paying full attention to the entire TV screen.

Enabling it

Reveal Focus is off by default. To enable it, change the focusStyle in your app ThemeData:

theme: ThemeData(
  focusTheme: FocusStyle(
    glowFactor: 4.0,

To enable it in a 10 foot screen, use the method is10footScreen:

import 'dart:ui' as ui;

theme: ThemeData(
  focusStyle: FocusStyle(
    glowFactor: is10footScreen(ui.window.physicalSize.width) ? 2.0 : 0.0,

Go to the example project to a full example

Why isn't Reveal Focus on by default?

As you can see, it's fairly easy to turn on Reveal Focus when the app detects it's running on 10 foot screen. So, why doesn't the system just turn it on for you? Because Reveal Focus increases the size of the focus visual, which might cause issues with your UI layout. In some cases, you'll want to customize the Reveal Focus effect to optimize it for your app.

Customizing Reveal Focus

You can customize the focus border, border radius and glow color:

focusTheme: FocusStyle(
  glowColor: theme.accentColor?.withOpacity(0.2),
  glowFactor: 0.0,
  border: BorderSide(
    width: 2.0,
    color: theme.inactiveColor ?? Colors.transparent,

To customize it to a single widget, wrap the widget in a FocusTheme widget, and change the options you want:

  data: FocusThemeData(...),
  child: Button(
    text: Text('Custom Focus Button'),
    onPressed: () {},


This package widely uses animation in the widgets. The animation duration and curve can be defined on the app theme.

Page transitions

Page transitions navigate users between pages in an app, providing feedback as the relationship between pages. Page transitions help users understand if they are at the top of a navigation hierarchy, moving between sibling pages, or navigating deeper into the page hierarchy.

It's recommended to widely use page transitions on NavigationView, that can be implemented using the widget NavigationBody.

This library gives you the following implementations to navigate between your pages:


Entrance is a combination of a slide up animation and a fade in animation for the incoming content. Use entrance when the user is taken to the top of a navigational stack, such as navigating between tabs or left-nav items.

The desired feeling is that the user has started over.

Avaiable with the widget EntrancePageTransition, it produces the following effect:

Entrance Page Transition Preview

Drill In

Use drill when users navigate deeper into an app, such as displaying more information after selecting an item.

The desired feeling is that the user has gone deeper into the app.

Avaiable with the widget DrillInPageTransition, it produces the following effect:

Drill Page Transition Preview


It's avaiable with the widget HorizontalSlidePageTransition.


The default Flutter Navigation is available on the FluentApp widget, that means you can simply call Navigator.push and Navigator.pop to navigate between routes. See navigate to a new screen and back

Navigation View

The NavigationView control provides top-level navigation for your app. It adapts to a variety of screen sizes and supports both top and left navigation styles.

Navigation Panel

App Bar

The app bar is the top app bar that every desktop nowadays have.

  appBar: NavigationAppBar(
    title: Text('Nice App Title :)'),
    actions: Row(children: [
      /// These actions are usually the minimize, maximize and close window
    /// If automaticallyImplyLeading is true, a 'back button' will be added to
    /// app bar. This property can be overritten by [leading]
    automaticallyImplyLeading: true,

Navigation Pane

The pane is the pane that can be displayed at the left or at the top.

  pane: NavigationPane(
    /// The current selected index
    selected: index,
    /// Called whenever the current index changes
    onChanged: (i) => setState(() => index = i),

You can change the displayMode to make it fit the screen.

Name Screenshot Info
Top The pane is positioned above the content. We recommend top navigation when:
- You have 5 or fewer top-level navigation categories that are equally important, and any additional top-level navigation categories that end up in the dropdown overflow menu are considered less important.
- You need to show all navigation options on screen. - You want more space for your app content.
- Icons cannot clearly describe your app's navigation categories.
Open The pane is expanded and positioned to the left of the content. We recommend open navigation when:
- You have 5-10 equally important top-level navigation categories.
- You want navigation categories to be very prominent, with less space for other app content.
Compact The pane shows only icons until opened and is positioned to the left of the content.
Minimal Only the menu button is shown until the pane is opened. When opened, it's positioned to the left of the content.
Auto By default, displayMode is set to auto. In Auto mode, the NavigationView adapts between minimal when the window is narrow, to compact, and then open as the window gets wider.

You can customize the selected indicator. By default StickyNavigationIndicator is used, but you can also use the old windows indicator:

pane: NavigationPane(
  indicatorBuilder: ({
    required BuildContext context,
    /// The current selected index
    int? index,
    /// A function that, when executed, returns the position of all the
    /// PaneItems. This function must be called after the widget was
    /// rendered at least once
    required List<Offset> Function() offsets,
    /// A function that, when executed, returns the size of all the
    /// PaneItems. This function must be called after the widget was
    /// rendered at least once
    required List<Size> Function() sizes,
    /// Corresponds to the current display mode. If top, Axis.vertical
    /// is passed, otherwise Axis.vertical
    required Axis axis,
    /// Corresponds to the pane itself as a widget. The indicator is
    /// rendered over the whole pane.
    required Widget child,
  }) {
    if (index == null) return child;
    final theme = NavigationPaneThemeData.of(context);
    return EndNavigationIndicator(
      index: index,
      offsets: offsets,
      sizes: sizes,
      child: child,
      color: theme.highlightColor,
      curve: theme.animationCurve ?? Curves.linear,
      axis: axis,

Navigation body

A navigation body is used to implement page transitions into a navigation view. It knows what is the current display mode of the parent NavigationView, if any, and define the page transitions accordingly.

For top mode, the horizontal page transition is used. For the others, drill in page transition is used.

You can also supply a builder function to create the pages instead of a list of widgets. For this use the NavigationBody.builder constructor.

int _currentIndex = 0;

  content: NavigationBody(index: _currentIndex, children: [...]),

ScaffoldPage is usually used with the navigation body as its children:

  index: _currentIndex,
  children: [
      topBar: PageTopBar(header: Text('Your Songs'))

Tab View

The TabView control is a way to display a set of tabs and their respective content. TabViews are useful for displaying several pages (or documents) of content while giving a user the capability to rearrange, open, or close new tabs. Learn more

Here's an example of how to create a tab view:

  height: 600,
  child: TabView(
    currentIndex: currentIndex,
    onChanged: (index) => setState(() => currentIndex = index),
    onNewPressed: () {
      setState(() => tabs++);
    tabs: List.generate(tabs, (index) {
      return Tab(
        text: Text('Tab $index'),
        closeIcon: Tooltip(
          message: 'Close tab',
          child: IconButton(
            icon: Icon(FluentIcons.close),
            onPressed: () {
              setState(() => tabs--);
              if (currentIndex > tabs - 1) currentIndex--;
    bodies: List.generate(
      (index) => Container(
        color: index.isEven ? : Colors.yellow,

The code above produces the following:

TabView Preview

Bottom Navigation

The bottom navigation displays icons and optional text at the bottom of the screen for switching between different primary destinations in an app. This is commomly used on small screens. Learn more

Here's an example of how to create a bottom navigation:

int index = 0;

  content: NavigationBody(index: index, children: [
  bottomBar: BottomNavigation(
    index: index,
    onChanged: (i) => setState(() => index = i),
    items: [
        icon: Icon(Icons.two_k),
        selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.two_k_plus),
        title: Text('Both'),
        icon: Icon(Icons.phone_android_outlined),
        selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.phone_android),
        title: Text('Android'),
        icon: Icon(Icons.phone_iphone_outlined),
        selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.phone_iphone),
        title: Text('iOS'),


Inputs are widgets that reacts to user interection. On most of the inputs you can set onPressed or onChanged to null to disable it.


A button gives the user a way to trigger an immediate action. Learn more

Here's an example of how to create a basic button:

  text: Text('Standard XAML button'),
  // Set onPressed to null to disable the button
  onPressed: () {
    print('button pressed'),

The code above produces the following:


You can also use some alternative buttons:

Icon Button

This button is used to display an Icon as content. It's optmized to show icons.

  icon: Icon(FluentIcons.add),
  onPressed: () {
    print('pressed icon button');

Split Button

A Split Button has two parts that can be invoked separately. One part behaves like a standard button and invokes an immediate action. The other part invokes a flyout that contains additional options that the user can choose from. Learn more

You can use a SplitButtonBar to create a Split Button. It takes two Buttons in the buttons property. You can also customize the button spacing by changing the property interval in its theme.

Here's an example of how to create a split button:

const double splitButtonHeight = 25.0;

  theme: SplitButtonThemeData(
    interval: 1, // the default value is one
  // There need to be at least 2 items in the buttons, and they must be non-null
  buttons: [
      height: splitButtonHeight,
      child: Button(
        text: Container(
          height: 24,
          width: 24,
          color: FluentTheme.of(context).accentColor,
        onPressed: () {},
      icon: const SizedBox(
        height: splitButtonHeight,
        child: const Icon(FluentIcons.chevron_down, size: 10.0),
      onPressed: () {},

The code above produces the following button:

SplitButtonBar Preview

Toggle Button

A button that can be on or off.

Here's an example of how to create a basic toggle button:

bool _value = false;

  child: Text('Toggle Button'),
  checked: _value,
  onChanged: (value) => setState(() => _value = value),


A check box is used to select or deselect action items. It can be used for a single item or for a list of multiple items that a user can choose from. The control has three selection states: unselected, selected, and indeterminate. Use the indeterminate state when a collection of sub-choices have both unselected and selected states. Learn more

Here's an example of how to create a checkbox:

bool _checked = true;

  checked: _checked,
  onChanged: (value) => setState(() => _checked = value),

Handling its states

State Property Value
checked checked true
unchecked checked false
indeterminate checked null
enabled onChanged non-null
disabled onChanged null

Toggle Switch

The toggle switch represents a physical switch that allows users to turn things on or off, like a light switch. Use toggle switch controls to present users with two mutually exclusive options (such as on/off), where choosing an option provides immediate results. Learn more

Here's an example of how to create a basic toggle switch:

bool _checked = false;

  checked: _checked,
  onChanged: (v) => setState(() => _checked = v),
  content: Text(_checked ? 'On' : 'Off');

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons, also called option buttons, let users select one option from a collection of two or more mutually exclusive, but related, options. Radio buttons are always used in groups, and each option is represented by one radio button in the group.

In the default state, no radio button in a RadioButtons group is selected. That is, all radio buttons are cleared. However, once a user has selected a radio button, the user can't deselect the button to restore the group to its initial cleared state.

The singular behavior of a RadioButtons group distinguishes it from check boxes, which support multi-selection and deselection, or clearing.

Learn more

Here's an example of how to create a basic set of radio buttons:

int _currentIndex = -1;

final List<String> radioButtons = <String>[
  'RadioButton 1',
  'RadioButton 2',
  'RadioButton 3',

  children: List.generate(radioButtons.length, (index) {
    return RadioButton(
      checked: _currentIndex == index,
      // set onChanged to null to disable the button
      onChanged: () => setState(() => _currentIndex = index),
      content: Text(radioButtons[index]),

The code above produces the following:

Radio Buttons


A slider is a control that lets the user select from a range of values by moving a thumb control along a track. Learn more

A slider is a good choice when you know that users think of the value as a relative quantity, not a numeric value. For example, users think about setting their audio volume to low or medium—not about setting the value to 2 or 5.

Don't use a slider for binary settings. Use a toggle switch instead.

Here's an example of how to create a basic slider:

double _value = 0;

  // The default width is 200.
  // The slider does not have its own widget, so you have to add it yourself.
  // The slider always try to be as big as possible
  width: 200,
  child: Slider(
    max: 100,
    value: _value,
    onChanged: (v) => setState(() => value = v),
    // Label is the text displayed above the slider when the user is interacting with it.
    label: '${sliderValue.toInt()}',

The code above produces the following:

Slider Preview

Choosing between vertical and horizontal sliders

You can set vertical to true to create a vertical slider

Horizontal Vertical
If the control is used to seek within media, like in a video app. if the slider represents a real-world value that is normally shown vertically (such as temperature).

Rating Bar

The property starSpacing was not implemented yet

The rating control allows users to view and set ratings that reflect degrees of satisfaction with content and services. Learn more


double rating = 0.0;

  rating: rating,
  onChanged: (v) => setState(() => rating = v),

You can set amount to change the amount of stars. The rating must be less than the stars and more than 0. You can also change the icon, its size and color. You can make the bar read only by setting onChanged to null.


A form is a group of controls that collect and submit data from users. Forms are typically used for settings pages, surveys, creating accounts, and much more.


A Text Box lets a user type text into an app. It's typically used to capture a single line of text, but can be configured to capture multiple lines of text. The text displays on the screen in a simple, uniform, plaintext format. Learn more

TextBox Preview

You can use the Forms screen in the example app for reference.

You can use the widget TextBox to create text boxes:

  controller: ...,
  header: 'Notes',
  placeholder: 'Type your notes here',

Which produces the following:

TextBox Example Preview

Auto Suggest Box

Use an AutoSuggestBox to provide a list of suggestions for a user to select from as they type. Learn more


final autoSuggestBox = TextEditingController();

  controller: autoSuggestBox,
  items: [
  onSelected: (text) {
  textBoxBuilder: (context, controller, focusNode, key) {
    const BorderSide _kDefaultRoundedBorderSide = BorderSide(
      style: BorderStyle.solid,
      width: 0.8,
    return TextBox(
      key: key,
      controller: controller,
      focusNode: focusNode,
      suffixMode: OverlayVisibilityMode.editing,
      suffix: IconButton(
        icon: Icon(FluentIcons.close),
        onPressed: () {
      placeholder: 'Type a color',
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        border: Border(
          top: _kDefaultRoundedBorderSide,
          bottom: _kDefaultRoundedBorderSide,
          left: _kDefaultRoundedBorderSide,
          right: _kDefaultRoundedBorderSide,
        borderRadius: focusNode.hasFocus
            ? BorderRadius.vertical(top: Radius.circular(3.0))
            : BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(3.0)),

The code above produces the following:

Auto suggest box example


Combo Box

Use a combo box (also known as a drop-down list) to present a list of items that a user can select from. A combo box starts in a compact state and expands to show a list of selectable items. A ListBox is similar to a combo box, but is not collapsible/does not have a compact state. Learn more

Here's an example of how to create a basic combo box:

final values = ['Blue', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Red'];
String? comboBoxValue;

  width: 200,
  child: Combobox<String>(
    header: 'Colors',
    placeholder: 'Selected list item',
    isExpanded: true,
    items: values
        .map((e) => ComboboxItem<String>(
              value: e,
              child: Text(e),
    value: comboBoxValue,
    onChanged: (value) {
      // print(value);
      if (value != null) setState(() => comboBoxValue = value);

The code above produces the following:

Combo box Preview



A tooltip is a short description that is linked to another control or object. Tooltips help users understand unfamiliar objects that aren't described directly in the UI. They display automatically when the user moves focus to, presses and holds, or hovers the mouse pointer over a control. The tooltip disappears after a few seconds, or when the user moves the finger, pointer or keyboard/gamepad focus. Learn more

To add a tooltip to a widget, wrap it in a Tooltip widget:

  message: 'Click to perform an action',
  child: Button(
    text: Text('Button with tooltip'),
    onPressed: () {
      print('pressed button with tooltip');

It's located above or below the child widget. You can specify the preffered location when both locations are available using the preferBelow property.

Tooltip Preview

Content Dialog

Dialogs are modal UI overlays that provide contextual app information. They block interactions with the app window until being explicitly dismissed. They often request some kind of action from the user. Learn more

You can create a Dialog with the widget ContentDialog:

  title: Text('No WiFi connection'),
  content: Text('Check your connection and try again'),
  actions: [
      text: Text('Ok'),
      onPressed: () {

The code above produces the following:

No Wifi Connection Dialog

You can display the dialog as an overlay by calling the function showDialog:

  context: context,
  builder: (context) {
    return ContentDialog(...);

Delete File Dialog
Subscribe to App Service Dialog\


A flyout is a light dismiss container that can show arbitrary UI as its content. Flyouts can contain other flyouts or context menus to create a nested experience.


final flyoutController = FlyoutController();

  controller: flyoutController,
  contentWidth: 450,
  content: FlyoutContent(
    child: Text(
        'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.'),
  child: Button(
    text: Text('Open flyout'),
    onPressed: () { = true;

void dispose() {

The code above produces the following:



Acrylic is a type of Brush that creates a translucent texture. You can apply acrylic to app surfaces to add depth and help establish a visual hierarchy. Learn more


Do Don't
Do use acrylic as the background material of non-primary app surfaces like navigation panes. Don't put desktop acrylic on large background surfaces of your app - this breaks the mental model of acrylic being used primarily for transient surfaces.
Do extend acrylic to at least one edge of your app to provide a seamless experience by subtly blending with the app’s surroundings. Don’t place in-app and background acrylics directly adjacent to avoid visual tension at the seams.
Don't place multiple acrylic panes with the same tint and opacity next to each other because this results in an undesirable visible seam.
Don’t place accent-colored text over acrylic surfaces.
  child: Button(
    text: Text('Mom it\'s me hehe <3'),
    onPressed: () {
      print('button inside acrylic pressed');
  color: ...,
  width: ...,
  height: ...,

Acrylic preview


The InfoBar control is for displaying app-wide status messages to users that are highly visible yet non-intrusive. There are built-in Severity levels to easily indicate the type of message shown as well as the option to include your own call to action or hyperlink button. Since the InfoBar is inline with other UI content the option is there for the control to always be visible or dismissed by the user.

You can easility create it using the InfoBar widget and theme it using InfoBarThemeData. It has built-in support for both light and dark theme:

bool _visible = true;

if (_visible)
    title: Text('Update available'),
    content: Text('Restart the app to apply the latest update.'), // optional
    severity:, // optional. Default to
    onClose: () {
      // Dismiss the info bar
      setState(() => _visible = false);

Which produces the following:

InfoBar Preview

Date Picker

The date picker gives you a standardized way to let users pick a localized date value using touch, mouse, or keyboard input. Learn more

The entry point displays the chosen date, and when the user selects the entry point, a picker surface expands vertically from the middle for the user to make a selection. The date picker overlays other UI; it doesn't push other UI out of the way.

We use intl to format the dates. You can change the current locale to change formatting

Here's an example of how to create a basic date picker:

DateTime date =;

  width: 295,
  child: DatePicker(
    header: 'Date of birth',
    selected: date,
    onChanged: (v) => setState(() => date = v),

Which produces the following:

DatePicker Preview

Time Picker

The time picker gives you a standardized way to let users pick a time value using touch, mouse, or keyboard input. Learn more

Use a time picker to let a user pick a single time value.

Here's an example of how to create a basic time picker:

DateTime date =;

  width: 240,
  child: TimePicker(
    header: 'Arrival time',
    selected: date,
    onChanged: (v) => setState(() => date = v),

The code above produces the following:

Time Picker Preview

Progress Bar and Progress Ring

A progress control provides feedback to the user that a long-running operation is underway. It can mean that the user cannot interact with the app when the progress indicator is visible, and can also indicate how long the wait time might be, depending on the indicator used.

Here's an example of how to create a ProgressBar:

ProgressBar(value: 35)

Determinate Progress Bar

You can omit the value property to create an indeterminate progress bar:

Indeterminate Progress Bar

Indeterminate Progress Bar is a courtesy of @raitonubero. Show him some love

Here's an example of how to create a progress ring:

ProgressRing(value: 35)

Determinate Progress Ring

You can omit the value property to create an indeterminate progress ring:

Indeterminate Progress Ring

Both Indeterminate ProgressBar and Indeterminate ProgressRing is a courtesy of @raitonubero. Show him some love


A scrollbar thumb indicates which portion of a [ScrollView] is actually visible. Learn more

Depending on the situation, the scrollbar uses two different visualizations, shown in the following illustration: the panning indicator (left) and the traditional scrollbar (right).

Note that the arrows aren't visible. See this and this issues for more info.

Scrollbar Panning Indicator Traditional Scrollbar

When the scrollbar is visible it is overlaid as 16px on top of the content inside your ScrollView. In order to ensure good UX design you will want to ensure that no interactive content is obscured by this overlay. Additionally if you would prefer not to have UX overlap, leave 16px of padding on the edge of the viewport to allow for the scrollbar.

Here's an example of how to add a scrollbar to a ScrollView:

final _controller = ScrollController();

  controller: controller,
  child: ListView.builder(
    /// You can add a padding to the view to avoid having the scrollbar over the UI elements
    padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 16.0),
    itemCount: 100,
    builder: (context, index) {
      return ListTile(title: Text('$index'));

Which produces the following:

Scrollbar Preview

You can change the isAlwaysVisible property to either enable or disable the fade effect. It's disabled by default.

List Tile

You can use a ListTile in a ListView.


final people = {
  'Mass in B minor': 'Johann Sebastian Bach',
  'Third Symphony': 'Ludwig van Beethoven',
  'Serse': 'George Frideric Hendel',

  itemCount: people.length,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    final title = people.keys[index];
    final subtitle = people[title];
    return ListTile(
      leading: CircleAvatar(),
      title: Text(title),
      subtitle: Text(subtitle),

The code above produces the following:

Double Line Example

If you want to create a tappable tile, use TappableListTile instead.

Info Header

You can use an InfoHeader to tell the user the purpose of something

Here's an example of how to add an info header to a combobox:

  header: 'Control header',
  child: ComboBox(...),

The code above produces the following:

InfoHeader Preview

Some widgets, such as ComboBox and TextBox, already come with a header property, so you can use them easily with them:

  header: 'Control header',

This will produce the same as the image above.

Mobile Widgets

Widgets with focus on mobile. Based on the official documentation and source code for iOS and Android. Most of the widgets above can adapt to small screens, and will fit on all your devices.

Bottom Sheet

Bottom Sheet is used to display a modal list of menu items. They slide up over the main app content as a result of a user triggered action. Learn more

Here's an example of how to display a bottom sheet:

  context: context,
  builder: (context) {
    return BottomSheet(
      // header: ...,
      description: Text('Description or Details here'),
      children: [
        // Usually a `ListTile` or `TappableListTile`

To close it, just call Navigator.of(context).pop()

Bottom Sheet Showcase


Chips are compact representations of entities (most commonly, people) that can be clicked, deleted, or dragged easily.

Here's an example of how to create a chip:

  image: CircleAvatar(size: 12.0),
  text: Text('Chip'),
  image: FlutterLogo(size: 14.0),
  text: Text('Chip'),

Light Chips

Dark Chips

Pill Button Bar

A Pill Button Bar is a horizontal scrollable list of pill-shaped text buttons in which only one button can be selected at a given time.

Here's an example of how to create a pill button bar:

int index = 0;

  selected: index,
  onChanged: (i) => setState(() => index = i),
  items: [
    PillButtonBarItem(text: Text('All')),
    PillButtonBarItem(text: Text('Mail')),
    PillButtonBarItem(text: Text('Peopl')),
    PillButtonBarItem(text: Text('Events')),

Light PillButtonBar

Dark PillButtonBar


Snackbars provide a brief message about an operation at the bottom of the screen. They can contain a custom action or view or use a style geared towards making special announcements to your users.

Here's an example of how to display a snackbar at the bottom of the screen:

    content: Text('A new update is available!'),

Snackbar Example

Equivalents with the material library

The list of equivalents between this library and flutter/material.dart

Material Fluent
TextButton Button
IconButton IconButton
Checkbox Checkbox
RadioButton RadioButton
- RatingBar
- SplitButton
- ToggleButton
Switch ToggleSwitch
TextField TextBox
DropdownButton Combobox
- AutoSuggestBox
AlertDialog ContentDialog
MaterialBanner InfoBar
Tooltip Tooltip
- Flyout
Drawer NavigationPane
BottomNavigation BottomNavigation
Divider Divider
VerticalDivider Divider
Material Acrylic
ListTile ListTile
CheckboxListTile CheckboxListTile
SwitchListTile SwitchListTile
LinearProgressIndicator ProgressBar
CircularProgressIndicator ProgressRing
_DatePickerDialog DatePicker
_TimePickerDialog TimePicker
Scaffold ScaffoldPage
AppBar NavigationAppBar
Drawer NavigationView
Chip Chip
Snackbar Snackbar
- PillButtonBar


Feel free to file an issue if you find a problem or make pull requests.

All contributions are welcome :)


Irrespective of order, thanks to all the people below for contributing with the project. It means a lot to me :)

  • FluentUI Widgets Localization Support

    FluentUI Widgets Localization Support

    This PR adds support for onboard widgets localization support using intl package.

    Related with

    I've included a wide list of most spoken languages: ~~Arabic, Bengali, English, Spanish, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian and Simplified Chinese using Google Translate.~~ UPDATE: ⭐️ @bdlukaa and I (@henry2man) agreed that we prefer confirmed localizations vs "Google Translate" ones, so we need some help!

    How to contribute:

    • Get any of the already verified translation files like
    • Get the file you want to review: for example:
    • Review and copy the contents of your reviewed file and leave a comment!
    • Then we will merge them into the branch 👍🏻

    Current status:

    • [x] English ✅
    • [X] Spanish ✅ - Verified by @henry2man
    • [X] French ✅ - Already verified by @WinXaito
    • [x] Portuguese ✅ - Reviewed by @bdlukaa
    • [x] Russian ✅ - Reviewed by @raitonoberu
    • [x] German ✅ - Reviewed by @Larsb24
    • [x] Hindi ✅ - Reviewed by @alexmercerind
    • [x] Simplified Chinese ✅ - Reviewed by @zacksleo
    • Other languages are welcomed!

    I've added detailed instructions for adding new localizations in the

    If you run the example app and change the language of the browser, the corresponding messages are shown.

    Also I've done some little tweaks to shortcuts label implementation. AFAIK they aren't strictly that needs a translation (Ctrl or Cmd are standards names for corresponding keys).

    Please take notice of changes here: and here in order to support multilanguage material localizations.

    Lastly, take a look at this List<Locale> constant:

    As the note says, this would be defined into DefaultFluentLocalizations but I cannot be able to make it work, so this was a working workarround.

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [x] I have run dartfmt on all changed files
    • [x] I have updated with my changes
    • [x] I have run "optimize/organize imports" on all changed files
    • [x] I have addressed all analyzer warnings as best I could
    • [x] I have added/updated relevant documentation
    • [ ] I have run flutter pub publish --dry-run and addressed any warnings
    opened by henry2man 20
  • [Question/Proposal] NavigationBody and state preservation

    [Question/Proposal] NavigationBody and state preservation

    I'm using NavigationView, a NavigationPane with menu entries and a NavigationBody.

    Looking into the source code, it looks that every time I change the main index the associated children[index] is rebuilt from scratch. But, in my case, I wish there were some kind of state preservation.

    I've added AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin to every children but every time I change the page using the menu the previous state is lost.

    Is there a known way to preserve state when switching between menu options? If not, I think it would be great to add this option to NavigationBody.

    At the moment I think I am going to try to use a PageView, where I do have experience maintaining the state between changes.

    Here it is a sample code:

    import 'package:fluent_ui/fluent_ui.dart';
    void main() {
    class MainScreenTest extends StatefulWidget {
      MainScreenTest({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
      State<MainScreenTest> createState() => _MainScreenTestState();
    class _MainScreenTestState extends State<MainScreenTest> {
      int index = 0;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return FluentApp(
          home: NavigationView(
              content: NavigationBody(
                index: index,
                children: [
                  StatefulPage(title: "Screen 1"),
                  StatefulPage(title: "Screen 2"),
                  StatefulPage(title: "Screen 3")
              pane: NavigationPane(
                selected: index,
                onChanged: (i) => setState(() => index = i),
                // displayMode:,
                items: [
                  PaneItem(icon: Icon(FluentIcons.home), title: Text("Screen 1")),
                  PaneItem(icon: Icon(, title: Text("Screen 2")),
                  PaneItem(icon: Icon(FluentIcons.event), title: Text("Screen 3")),
    class StatefulPage extends StatefulWidget {
      const StatefulPage({Key? key, required this.title}) : super(key: key);
      final String title;
      _StatefulPageState createState() => _StatefulPageState();
    class _StatefulPageState extends State<StatefulPage>
        with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin {
      int counter = 0;
      bool get wantKeepAlive => true;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {;
        return Mica(
          child: Column(
            children: [
                child: Text("Current: $counter - Press to increment!"),
                onPressed: () => setState(() => counter++),
    opened by henry2man 19
  • DateTimePicker update

    DateTimePicker update

    Fixes #306

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [x] I have updated with my changes
    • [x] I have run "dart format ." on the project
    • [x] I have added/updated relevant documentation
    opened by bdlukaa 10
  • Theming buttons and pane items

    Theming buttons and pane items

    Hello, I was trying this library together with the flutter_acrylic library, and I tried to apply an "app-wide" mica effect.

    I got some pretty decent results, but encountered some limitations, especially when trying to theme elements like buttons, pane items, text input boxes etc..


    It isn't clear whether it is possible to chage these colors, in the specific case of pill buttons and pane items I wanted to use a translucent shade of white for dark theme and a translucent shade of gray for light theme instead of the default opaque colors.

    opened by alesimula 10
  • 🐛 Scrollbar This widget has been unmounted, so the State no longer has a context (and should be considered defunct).

    🐛 Scrollbar This widget has been unmounted, so the State no longer has a context (and should be considered defunct).

    I get the following error message using a NavigationBody (which contains two views):

    The following assertion was thrown during a scheduler callback: This widget has been unmounted, so the State no longer has a context (and should be considered defunct).

    Consider canceling any active work during "dispose" or using the "mounted" getter to determine if the State is still active. When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: #0 State.context. (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:909:9) #1 State.context (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:915:6) #2 RawScrollbarState._maybeTriggerScrollbar. (package:flutter/src/widgets/scrollbar.dart:1236:98) #3 SchedulerBinding._invokeFrameCallback (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1143:15) #4 SchedulerBinding.handleDrawFrame (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1088:9) #5 SchedulerBinding._handleDrawFrame (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:996:5) #9 _invoke (dart:ui/hooks.dart:166:10) #10 PlatformDispatcher._drawFrame (dart:ui/platform_dispatcher.dart:270:5) #11 _drawFrame (dart:ui/hooks.dart:129:31) (elided 3 frames from dart:async)

    To be honest, I'm a little baffled. The error seems to be related to the NavigationBody (since I don't get the error when using a regular Material Scaffold). I tried adding AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixins to the views of the NavigationBody but that didn't help.

    Have any of you ever experienced something similar?

    bug blocked 
    opened by slimyjimmy 10
  • 🐛 TabView - shortcutsEnabled is not working

    🐛 TabView - shortcutsEnabled is not working

    Describe the bug I'm not able to enable TabView shortcuts using shortcutsEnabled: true. I've tested both on Chrome and MacOS native.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Setup a TabView with shortcutsEnabled: true
    2. Create some tabs
    3. Press 1-8 (first to eighth tab), nothing happens
    4. Press 9 (last tab), nothing happens
    5. Press Ctrl + W (using MacOS), nothing happens

    Expected behavior As documented, the shortcuts lets the user navigate through the tabs.

    Screenshots N/A

    Additional context N/A

    bug blocked 
    opened by henry2man 9
  • How can i use PaneItemExpander on left side navigation pane. Any example use case for that??

    How can i use PaneItemExpander on left side navigation pane. Any example use case for that??

    i am working on the left side navigation pane. Now since item are many, so i want to group different PaneItems in different expanders. i've added an example for you to check. Please respond. Thankyou Screenshot 2022-11-05 at 4 27 36 PM

    opened by faisalmushtaq007 8
  • Implement command bars and dynamic overflow layout

    Implement command bars and dynamic overflow layout

    This is a first implementation of command bars as described in #231.

    A CommandBar control provides quick access to common tasks. This could be application-level or page-level commands.

    Refer to the spec.

    The current implementation does not implement the open/closed state, nor does it implement the secondary commands "more" button with dynamic overflow of items into the secondary commands menu.

    Also, during implementation of the example, I realized that I needed control over the primary and controller properties of the ListView inside of the TreeView, so this also adds these properties to TreeView.

    Here is what the examples look like with the various overflow behaviors:


    And here is what it looks like alongside the large TreeView:


    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [X] I have updated with my changes
    • [X] I have run "optimize/organize imports" on all changed files
    • [X] I have added/updated relevant documentation
    opened by klondikedragon 8
  • FR: Dialog: Actions & Keybindings

    FR: Dialog: Actions & Keybindings

    I think the dialogues can be improved a bit.

    After working with other frameworks and component palettes I think we could have the following improvements.

    • Actions: Instead of having a wide-open "List <Widget>? actions" we could have some specific class like DialogAction that allows having a title, maybe an (optional) icon, an onTap / onClick callback and more importantly, attributes like isDefaultAction or isDestructiveAction. The presentation would be as is usually done now with Button elements but we would already have semantics and the ability to work better with the UI (the default action is highlighted in color, the destructive action is red, RTL support ...)

    • Related to the above, I miss some key combinations:

      • Esc to close the active dialog
      • Enter to "execute the isDefaultAction=true action callback"
      • Tab to rotate the focus between the available actions, always starting with the default action

    What do you think?

    enhancement blocked 
    opened by henry2man 8
  • build issue

    build issue

    /AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/,52): error G366B1FB5: Too few positional arguments: 2 required, 1 given. [C:\Users\Jack Selvam\Downloads\fluent_ui-master (1)\fluent_ui-master\example\build\windows\flutter\flutter_assemble.vcxproj]

    Flutter 2.6.0-12.0.pre.825 • channel master • Framework • revision 6a3ea7eb83 (27 hours ago) • 2021-11-23 17:38:02 -0800 Engine • revision 635b4202d7 Tools • Dart 2.16.0 (build • DevTools 2.8.0

    bug good first issue blocked 
    opened by selvam920 8
  • 🐛 NavigationView UI artifacts on 125% DPI scaling

    🐛 NavigationView UI artifacts on 125% DPI scaling

    This can also be observed on the example project, the app looks fine on 100% scaling, but a black line will appear between the navigation pane and the navigation body on 125% scaling; I've tried changing the clip behaviour to hardEdge and antiAliasWithSaveLayer to no avail


    opened by alesimula 8
  • Further customization of compact navigation bar

    Further customization of compact navigation bar

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The pictures below show that there are different styles of compact navigation. They have a different combination of the hamburger menu button, backward button, search button, and app icon. However, the current version of compact navigation cannot provide this customization.

    image image image

    Describe the solution you'd like customization by adding parameters like showBeforeLeadingAppIcon to choose whether the navigation tab appears on the left of the app Icon. Adding parameters like controlsOrder to order and show wanted controls(backward button, hamburger menu, search button etc.)

     pane: NavigationPane(
        selected: topIndex,
        onChanged: (index) => setState(() => topIndex = index),
        displayMode: displayMode,
        showBeforeLeadingAppIcon: true //bool parameter default with true, just like the media player
        //can remove the buttons by not adding to the controlsOrder List of the controlsOrder parameter
        controlsOrder: List<controlsOrder>[BackwardButton, HamburgerMenu, SearchButton] //the default order of list parameter, 

    Describe alternatives you've considered N/A

    Additional context N/A

    opened by Hopy-Jaden 0
  • Picker overflow

    Picker overflow

    Fixes #663

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [x] I have updated with my changes
    • [x] I have run "dart format ." on the project
    • [ ] I have added/updated relevant documentation
    opened by bdlukaa 0
  • Buttons and text box enhancement

    Buttons and text box enhancement

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    1. Parameters to resize the buttons (including filled buttons, icon buttons, toggle buttons, dropdown buttons, split buttons)
    2. ability to add a floating action button in a fluent style
    3. Ability to have leading and action parameter to the textbox and auto suggestion box

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Example with parameters width and height to change the size of buttons

      child: const Text('A better button I guess),
      onPressed: disabled ? null : () => debugPrint('pressed button'),
      width: 20px
      height: 20px

    Example of having floating action button (also have customization to the size of button?) WIndows 11 clock app: image

      child: Row(
      onPressed: disabled ? null : () => debugPrint('pressed button'),
      width: 20px
      height: 20px

    Example of having action icon in auto suggestion box Old - Auto Suggestion box in Documentation: image New - Windows 11 microsoft store search box: image

    String? selectedCat;
      items: {
        return AutoSuggestBoxItem<String>(
          value: cat,
          label: cat,
          onFocusChange: (focused) {
            if (focused) { 
              debugPrint('Focused $cat');
      onSelected: (item) {
        setState(() => selected = item);
      actions: Icons(,
    const cats = <String>[
      'American Bobtail',
      'American Curl',

    Describe alternatives you've considered N/A

    Additional context N/A

    opened by Hopy-Jaden 0
  • 🐛 Date Picker Exceeding Size on Open

    🐛 Date Picker Exceeding Size on Open

    Overflow occurs when using the Fluent UI date field in MacOS desktop version, Flutter 3.3.10, MacOS Ventura 13.1 (22C65). I already tried to increase the width of the parent field to verify if the popup also increased, but it didn't work. I didn't find any width property for the popup on it.

    To reproduce this problem, I added a DatePicker field inside a ContentDialog, I don't know if this information is relevant, but that's how I got the overflow to happen.

    Captura de Tela 2022-12-27 às 12 33 34

    I'm using brazilian portuguese localizations for my application, i if its will help there. Another detail I noticed is that in the safari browser (including in the Showcase page of Flutter UI) the problem does not occur. I'm not using any major font settings in the operating system or anything like that.

    Since j'

    opened by luis-otvio 1
  • Flyout submenu overlap🐛

    Flyout submenu overlap🐛

    Describe the bug The overlap is too much or not under controll.

    To Reproduce In the official example: image

    Just change the text to a long one:

      Widget _menuFlyoutWithSubItem() {
        return Flyout(
          placement: FlyoutPlacement.end,
          content: (context) {
            return MenuFlyout(
              items: [
                  text: const Text('New Plain Text Document'),
                  items: [
                      text: const Text('Plain Text Document'),
                      onPressed: () {},
                      text: const Text('Rich Text Document'),
                      onPressed: () {},
                      text: const Text('Other formats...'),
                      onPressed: () {},
                  text: const Text('Open'),
                  onPressed: () {},
                  text: const Text('Save'),
                  onPressed: () {},
                const MenuFlyoutSeparator(),
                  text: const Text('Exit'),
                  onPressed: () {},
          child: Container(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10.0),
            child: const Text('Click to show flyout with subitem'),

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. flyout_with_subitem_overlap

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    Thank you.

    opened by kevinxxq 0
  • Windows drag when TitleBarStyle.hidden

    Windows drag when TitleBarStyle.hidden

    Describe the solution you'd like I would like to use DragToMoveArea widget provided by windowManager so that when title bar is hidden I can drag with FluentApp navigation bar.

    Describe alternatives you've considered Currently I am using it like as below, now user has to drag title text to drag window.

    appBar: NavigationAppBar(
              height: 40,
              leading: const Icon(FluentIcons.a_a_d_logo),
              title: const DragToMoveArea(child: Text("FFMpeg Testing")),
              automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
                  Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: const [
                if (!kIsWeb) WindowButtons(),

    Additional context NavigationAppBar can be reconstructed to have a argument which will but its content inside DragToMoveArea, to move window.

    opened by abhay-s-rawat 3
  • v4.1.2(Dec 12, 2022)

    • PageHeader now gives appropriate bounds to its commandBar (#642)
    • Ensure NavigationView body state is not lost when resizing window
    • Ensure TabView' tabs' state are not lost when changing selected tab (#607)
    • Do not block text field tap (#343)
    • Do not duplicate trailing in FlyoutContent (#487)

    What's Changed

    • updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Add uk localization by @vadimbarda in

    New Contributors

    • @vadimbarda made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.1.1(Dec 8, 2022)

    • Ensure acrylic is updated only if it's mounted (#634)
    • Ensure the provided startYear and endYear in DateTime are used properly (#627)
    • Fix left arrow key not moving to parent item on collapsed TreeViewItem (#632)
    • Added NavigationPane.scrollBehavior (#640)
    • Added CommandBarCard.borderRadius (#641)
    • Ensure combobox scroll controller has a client attached before using it (#620)
    • Correctly use TextFormBox.initialValue
    • Added TreeViewState.toggleItem, which toggles the item expanded state (#493)
    • Ensure NavigationView pane items are brought into view when selected
    • Fixed TreeView selection state behavior for items that are not expanded (#578)
    • Added support for Romanian language (#602)
    • Ensure the body state in NavigationView is properly preserved (#607)
    • BREAKING Renamed to ExpanderState.isExpanded
    • The same identifier is no longer used for every Expander (#596)
    • Ensure the TabView scroll controller has clients before using it (#615)
    • TabView now waits a time to resize after closed (#617)
    • ToggleButton border width is uniform (#610)

    What's Changed

    • Fix TreeView selection state for unexpanded items by @klondikedragon in
    • Add suport for Romanian language by @antoniocranga in
    • Use PageView to build the view content by @bdlukaa in
    • Remove Expander identifier by @bdlukaa in
    • Bug fixes by @bdlukaa in
    • Added Bahasa Indonesia by @ekasetiawans in
    • Fix left arrow key not moving to parent item on collapsed TreeViewItem by @robkri in
    • Ensure the provided startYear and endYear in DateTime are used properly by @bdlukaa in
    • Acrylic state fix by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @antoniocranga made their first contribution in
    • @ekasetiawans made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.3(Oct 22, 2022)

    • NavigationView scrollbar can now be dragged (#472)
    • PaneItemHeader can now be used inside a PaneItemExpander (#575)
    • InfoBadge no longer overflows when transitioning from compact mode to open mode in NavigationView (#588)

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.2(Oct 13, 2022)

    • Add NavigationView.paneBodyBuilder for customization of widget built for body of pane. (#548)
    • Fixed NavigationAppBar unnecessary leading icon when no pane is provided in NavigationView (#551)
    • Added NavigationView.minimalPaneOpen and, with it, the possibility to open minimal pane programatically (#564)
    • Assign an index to pane item expanders (#566)
    • Update NavigationView compact mode transition
    • TreeView updates (#555):
      • BREAKING Added TreeViewItemInvokeReason parameter to TreeView.onItemInvoked and TreeViewItem.onInvoked.
      • Fix clearing out selection state on initial state build in certain cases for a single selection mode tree view.
      • Fix single selection mode to properly deselect hidden child items when selecting a collapsed parent item.
      • Add TreeView.includePartiallySelectedItems so that items who have children with a mixed selection state will be included in the onSelectionChanged callback.
      • Add TreeView.deselectParentWhenChildrenDeselected optional behavior so that parent items can remain selected when all of their children are deselected.
      • Add TreeViewItem.setSelectionStateForMultiSelectionMode helper method and [TreeViewItem].selectedItems extension method, to make it easier for application code to programmatically change selection state of items in a multi-selection mode tree view.
    • Added support for Uzbek language

    What's Changed

    • Add support for Hebrew language by @YehudaKremer in
    • Fix #544: TimePicker popup gets cut on a small application by @YehudaKremer in
    • fix: PaneItemAction tap event called twice by @MasterHiei in
    • I have added Uzbek language by @bobobekturdiyev in
    • TreeView selection state fixes by @klondikedragon in
    • Add NavigationView.paneBodyBuilder by @klondikedragon in
    • Fix unnecessary NavigationAppBar leading icon when no NavigationPane was provided by @DMouayad in
    • [Example Project] Colorful Code Snippets by @YehudaKremer in
    • NavigationView updates by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @MasterHiei made their first contribution in
    • @bobobekturdiyev made their first contribution in
    • @DMouayad made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.1(Sep 28, 2022)

    • PaneItemAction.body is no longer required (#545)
    • Added DropDownButton.onOpen and DropDownButton.onClose callbacks (#537)
    • Ensure MenuFlyoutItem.onPressed is called after the flyout is closed if DropDownButton.closeAfterClick is true (#520)
    • Ensure the TimePicker and DatePicker popups will fit if the screen is small (#544)
    • Do not apply padding to NavigationAppBar.leading (#539)
    • Added AutoSuggestBox.noResultsFoundBuilder (#542)
    • Added AutoSuggestBox.inputFormatters (#542)

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.0(Sep 25, 2022)

    • BREAKING Removed NavigationBody. Use PaneItem.body instead (#510/#531):

        pane: NavigationPane(
          items: [
            PaneItem(icon: Icon(FluentIcons.add)),
            PaneItem(icon: Icon(FluentIcons.add)),
            PaneItem(icon: Icon(FluentIcons.add)),
        content: NavigationBody(
          children: [


        pane: NavigationPane(
          items: [
              icon: Icon(FluentIcons.add),
              body: _Item1(),
              icon: Icon(FluentIcons.add),
              body: _Item2(),
              icon: Icon(FluentIcons.add),
              body: _Item3(),

      Or if you don't have a pane, you can use the content like the following:

        content: ScaffoldPage(
          header: PageHeader(
            title: titleRow,
          content: child,

      either one attribute of pane or content must not be null

      Use NavigationView.transitionsBuilder to create custom transitions

    • Added PaneItem.onTap (#533)

    • BREAKING AutoSuggestBox dynamic type support (#441):


        items: {
          return AutoSuggestBoxItem(
            value: cat,
            onFocusChange: (focused) {
              if (focused) debugPrint('Focused $cat');
        onSelected: (item) {
          setState(() => selected = item);


        items: {
          return AutoSuggestBoxItem<String>(
            value: cat,
            label: cat,
            onFocusChange: (focused) {
              if (focused) debugPrint('Focused \$cat');
        onSelected: (item) {
          setState(() => selected = item);
    • Compact pane is no longer toggled when item is selected (#533). To toggle it programatically, use NavigationViewState.toggleCompactOpenMode when an item is tapped

    • Dynamic header height for open pane (#530)

    • Fixes memory leaks on NavigationView

    • TreeView updates:

      • All items of the same depth level now have the same indentation. Before, only items with the same parent were aligned.

      • The hitbox for the expand icon of each item now uses the item's full height and is three times wider than the actual icon. This corresponds to the implementation in the explorer of Windows 10/11.

      • You can now choose whether the items of a TreeView should use narrow or wide spacing.

      • Do not invoke the tree view item on secondary tap (#526)

      • BREAKING TreeView.onSecondaryTap is now a (TreeViewItem item, TapDownDetails details) callback: Before:

          onSecondaryTap: (item, offset) async {}


          onSecondaryTap: (item, details) {
            final offset = details.globalPosition;
      • Expand/collape items with right and left arrow keys, respectively (#517)

      • Added TreeView.onItemExpandToggle and TreeViewItem.onExpandToggle (#522)

    What's Changed

    • Add italian (IT) localization by @patricknicolosi in
    • add FlyoutOpenMode secondaryPress by @nidetuzi in
    • Add macOS support to example project by @h3x4d3c1m4l in
    • Add Dutch (nl) l10n support by @h3x4d3c1m4l in
    • Fix incorrect documentation for waitDuration on Tooltip by @harysuryanto in
    • Add Traditional Chinese (zh_Hant) localization by @rk0cc in
    • Show menu button on minimal mode when display mode is auto by @bdlukaa in
    • Fluent app review by @bdlukaa in
    • TextBox review by @bdlukaa in
    • Add Persian by @xmine64 in
    • Add AutoSuggestBox.form by @bdlukaa in
    • UI updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Retry add Korean (ko) from #267 by @rk0cc in
    • add korean(ko) localization by @dubh3 in
    • Date/Time pickers review by @bdlukaa in
    • Color updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Fix link by @WinXaito in
    • Added Malay (ms) localizations to l10n by @jonsaw in
    • Updated DropDownButton documentation by @tobiasht in
    • Remove header space when null by @Alphamplyer in
    • AutoSuggestBox updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Polish translations by @madik7 in
    • NavigationView updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Add supported language in by @rk0cc in
    • TextBox review by @bdlukaa in
    • [wip] Example app rework by @bdlukaa in
    • README improvements by @phorcys420 in
    • Example app update by @bdlukaa in
    • add context menu by @nidetuzi in
    • DateTimePicker update by @bdlukaa in
    • Update Dutch translations by @h3x4d3c1m4l in
    • Add date time localization in Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional) by @rk0cc in
    • add japanese localization by @chari8 in
    • Tiles update by @bdlukaa in
    • Navigation view updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Tabview rework by @bdlukaa in
    • Flyouts size by @bdlukaa in
    • Added Czech localization [cs] by @morning4coffe-dev in
    • Top navigation update by @bdlukaa in
    • Add Hungarian language by @RedyAu in
    • Fix incorrect time display format in TimePicker in Chinese by @rk0cc in
    • Padding by @bdlukaa in
    • Use trackColor and add inner padding for Scrollbar by @bdlukaa in
    • Rework AutoSuggestBox by @bdlukaa in
    • Comboboxes by @bdlukaa in
    • Close overlay when size changes by @bdlukaa in
    • Public PaneItemKeys for support custom PaneItem by @ccl0326 in
    • Correctly check for supported locales by @bdlukaa in
    • Lazy loading asb by @bdlukaa in
    • Update README's ScaffoldPage example by @loic-sharma in
    • Some bug fixes by @bdlukaa in
    • tr localization by @timurturbil in
    • Changed source code of second combobox by @DobreRadu in
    • Some fixes by @bdlukaa in
    • Fix dropdown button padding issue by @loic-sharma in
    • Interactive code snippet by @YehudaKremer in
    • Combobox updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Pane item expander by @bdlukaa in
    • Update Arabic translations by @dmakwt in
    • Live documentation by @bdlukaa in
    • Some fixes by @bdlukaa in
    • Focus review by @bdlukaa in
    • fix: changelog scrollbar wrong position by @DemoJameson in
    • [localizations] S renamed to FluentS by @bdlukaa in
    • Fix progress indicator animation speed affected by frame rate by @DemoJameson in
    • Make the animation of the progress ring consistent with FluentUI by @DemoJameson in
    • Fix #482 and support to save and restore the open state by @DemoJameson in
    • Theme change by @bdlukaa in
    • TreeView: Fix indentation, fix size of expand-icon's hitbox, add option to choose spacing of item content by @robkri in
    • Fix bug: The disabled TextBox blocks the focus traversal by pressing SHIFT+Tab keys by @hnbsoft in
    • Use flutter gen-l10n command instead of flutter intl plugin to generate localizations by @DemoJameson in
    • Deferred components by @bdlukaa in
    • Revert attribute content and add assert with pane attribute by @WinXaito in
    • AutoSuggestBox dynamic T by @henry2man in
    • TreeView: onExpand-callback by @robkri in

    New Contributors

    • @patricknicolosi made their first contribution in
    • @nidetuzi made their first contribution in
    • @harysuryanto made their first contribution in
    • @rk0cc made their first contribution in
    • @xmine64 made their first contribution in
    • @dubh3 made their first contribution in
    • @jonsaw made their first contribution in
    • @Alphamplyer made their first contribution in
    • @madik7 made their first contribution in
    • @phorcys420 made their first contribution in
    • @chari8 made their first contribution in
    • @morning4coffe-dev made their first contribution in
    • @RedyAu made their first contribution in
    • @ccl0326 made their first contribution in
    • @loic-sharma made their first contribution in
    • @timurturbil made their first contribution in
    • @DobreRadu made their first contribution in
    • @YehudaKremer made their first contribution in
    • @DemoJameson made their first contribution in
    • @robkri made their first contribution in
    • @hnbsoft made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.0-pre.4(Sep 2, 2022)

    • DisableAcrylic now fully disable transparency of its decendents Acrylics (#468)
    • Do not interpolate between infinite constraints on TabView (#430)
    • Do not rebuild the TimePicker popup when already rebuilding (#437)
    • ToggleSwitch updates:
      • Use the correct color for DefaultToggleSwitchThumb (#463)
      • Added ToggleSwitch.leadingContent, which positions the content before the switch (#464)
      • Added ToggleSwitch.thumbBuilder, which builds the thumb based on the current state
    • Added TextChangedReason.cleared, which is called when the text is cleared by the user in an AutoSuggestBox (#461)
    • Call AutoSuggestBox.onChanged when an item is selected using the keyboard (#483)
    • Tooltip overlay is now ignored when hovered (#443)
    • Do not add unnecessary padding in DropdownButton (#475)
    • ComboBox updates:
      • BREAKING Renamed Combobox to ComboBox
      • BREAKING Renamed ComboboxItem to ComboBoxItem
      • BREAKING Renamed ComboBox.backgroundColor to ComboBox.popupColor
      • Implement EditableComboBox, a combo box that accepts items that aren't listed (#244)
      • ComboBox.isExpanded: false now correctly sets the button width (#382)
      • ComboBox's items height are correctly calculated, as well as initial scroll offset (#472)
      • BREAKING ComboBox.disabledHint was renamed to ComboBox.disabledPlaceholder
      • Added ComboBoxFormField and EditableComboBoxFormField (#373)
      • ComboBox.comboBoxColor is now correctly applied (#468)
      • ComboBox popup can't be opened if disabled
    • Implemented PaneItemExpander (#299)
    • TimePicker and DatePicker popup now needs a minimum width of 260 (#494)
    • Correctly align NavigationAppBar content (#494)
    • BREAKING Added InfoLabel is no longer a constant contructor (#494)
    • Always add GlobalMaterialLocalizations above ReorderableListView (#492)
    • BREAKING Removed ContentDialog.backgroundDismiss. Use showDialog.barrierDismissable (#490)
    • Reviewed focus (#496)
      • DatePicker and TimePicker now show the focus highlight. Their popup now can be controlled using the keyboard
      • NavigationBody now uses a FocusTraversalGroup to handle focus This means the the content of the body will be fully traversed before moving on to another widget or group of widgets. Learn more
      • TreeViewItem now shows the focus highlight. They can also be selected using the keyboard
      • Expander now shows the focus highlight
    • Progress Indicators velocity is no longer affected by device frame rate (#502)
    • Added AutoSuggestBox.enabled (#504)
    • Correctly keep the NavigationView animation state (cf0fae1 ,bd89ba6)
    • Calculate selected for all parents as soon as the TreeView is built

    What's Changed

    • Update README's ScaffoldPage example by @loic-sharma in
    • Some bug fixes by @bdlukaa in
    • tr localization by @timurturbil in
    • Changed source code of second combobox by @DobreRadu in
    • Some fixes by @bdlukaa in
    • Fix dropdown button padding issue by @loic-sharma in
    • Interactive code snippet by @YehudaKremer in
    • Combobox updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Pane item expander by @bdlukaa in
    • Update Arabic translations by @dmakwt in
    • Live documentation by @bdlukaa in
    • Some fixes by @bdlukaa in
    • Focus review by @bdlukaa in
    • fix: changelog scrollbar wrong position by @DemoJameson in
    • [localizations] S renamed to FluentS by @bdlukaa in
    • Fix progress indicator animation speed affected by frame rate by @DemoJameson in
    • Make the animation of the progress ring consistent with FluentUI by @DemoJameson in
    • Fix #482 and support to save and restore the open state by @DemoJameson in
    • Theme change by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @loic-sharma made their first contribution in
    • @timurturbil made their first contribution in
    • @DobreRadu made their first contribution in
    • @YehudaKremer made their first contribution in
    • @DemoJameson made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.0-pre.3(Aug 13, 2022)

    • NavigationView mode fixes:

      • When top overflow menu is opened, PaneItemHeader no longer throws an unsupported error
      • When on top mode, PaneItemHeader is properly aligned to the other items.
      • Added NavigationPaneThemeData.headerPadding, which is applied to PaneItemHeader on open, compact and minimal mode. It defaults to 10 pixels at the top
      • BREAKING PaneItem.getPropertyFromTitle is now widget.getProperty:

      Before: getPropertyFromTitle<TextStyle>()

      Now: title.getProperty<TextStyle>()

      This was changed because the properties of PaneItemHeader needed to be accessed, but the old version only supported to get the properties of PaneItem.title. It can be called on a Text, RichText or in an Icon widget

      • InheritedNavigationView is now accessible on the top overflow menu
      • Added NavigationPaneThemeData.selectedTopTextStyle and NavigationPaneThemeData.unselectedTopTextStyle, which is applied to the items on top mode
      • Fixed content focus on minimal mode
      • Updated default transitions for top mode: HorizontalSlidePageTransition
    • Fix incorrect translation of TimePicker in Traditional Chinese.

    • Added ScaffoldPage.resizeToAvoidBottomInset (#444)

    • Consider view padding for NavigationAppBar

    • Scrollbar updates (#356):

      • Correctly use backgroundColor to display the track color
      • Added padding and hoveringPadding
      • Check if animation is disposed before using it (#446)
    • Update AutoSuggestBox (#450):

      • Added .enableKeyboardControls. When true, items can be selected using the keyboard (#19)
      • Added .sorter, which lets you set a custom sort function for the suggestions. AutoSuggestBox.defaultItemSorter is used by default
      • Overlay's height is now correctly calculated based on the screen size. It no longer overlaps the screen. viewPadding is also taken into consideration
      • Close the overlay if the textbox width is changes (#456)
      • .items can be dynamically loaded (#387)
      • BREAKING .items is now a List<AutoSuggestBoxItem>: Before:
        items: [


        items: [
        ].map((animal) {
          return AutoSuggestBoxItem(
            value: animal, // this takes a String
            child: Text('Animal $animal'), // this takes a Widget. If null, value is displayed as a text
            onFocusChange: (focused) {
              // this is called when the item is focused using the keyboard arrow keys
              if (focused) debugPrint('Focused animal $animal');
            onSelected: () {
              // this is called when the item is selected
              debugPrint('Selected animal $animal');
    • Combobox updates (#454):

      • Popup size is now correctly calculated (#413)
      • Correctly clip the popup while performing the animation (#379)
    • Correctly check if a locale is supported (#455)

    Release candidate 2

    • Remove whitespace on ContentDialog if title is omitted (#418)
    • Apply correct color to the Date and Time Pickers button when selected (#415, #417)
    • Expose more useful properties to AutoSuggestBox (#419)
    • BREAKING PopupContentSizeInfo was renamed to ContentSizeInfo
    • Reworked ListTile (#422):
      • BREAKING Removed TappableListTile
      • Added support for single and multiple selection. Use ListTile.selectable (#409)
      • Added focus support
      • Use the Win UI design
    • Reviewed animation durations (#421)
      • BREAKING Removed .animationDuration and .animationCurve from ScrollbarThemeData
      • Added expandContractAnimationDuration and contractDelay to ScrollbarThemeData
    • NavigationPaneSize constraints are now correctly applied when in open mode (#336)
    • NavigationIndicator can't be invisble anymore when animation is stale (#335)
    • Updated TabView:
      • BREAKING Removed TabView.bodies. Now, Tab.body is used. Before

          tabs: [
            Tab(text: Text('Tab 1')),
            Tab(text: Text('Tab 2')),
          bodies: [


          tabs: [
              text: Text('Tab 1'),
              body: Tab1Body(),
              text: Text('Tab 2'),
              body: Tab2Body(),
      • Updated TabView tabs' constraints and padding

      • Fixed tab width when TabWidthBehavior is compact

      • FlutterLogo is no longer the default tab Icon

    • DropDownButton menu is now sized correctly according to the screen size
    • If there isn't enough space to display the menu on the preferred position, Flyout will display on the opposite position (#435)

    Release candidate 1

    • Exposed private properties that makes it easier to create custom panes for NavigationView (#365):

      • kCompactNavigationPaneWidth
      • kOpenNavigationPaneWidth
      • NavigationPane.changeTo
      • PaneItem.getPropertyFromTitle
    • PaneScrollConfiguration is now applied to custom pane on NavigationView

    • Added NavigationViewState.displayMode. It results in the current display mode used by the view, including the automatic display mode (#360):

      // Define the key
      final key = GlobalKey<NavigationViewState>();
        // pass the key to the view
        key: key,
      // Get the current display mode. Note that, in order to find out the automatic display mode,
      // the widget must have been built at least once
      final PaneDisplayMode currentDisplayMode = key.currentState.displayMode;
    • The app bar action no longer overflow when minimal pane/compact overlay is open (#361)

    • Update AutoSuggestBox:

      • It now uses Acrylic, but it can be disabled using DisableAcrylic
      • TextChangedReason.suggestionChoosen is now called properly
    • Updated TextBox:

      • TextBox colors were updated to match the Win 11 design.
      • Fluent Text Selection Control now make use of Acrylic. Its items were also updated
    • Updated pickers (#406):

      • If selected is null, a placeholder text is shown (#306)
      • Added new localization messages: hour, minute, AM, PM, month, dayand year.
      • BREAKING Removed .hourPlaceholder, .minutePlaceholder, .amText, .pmText from TimePicker. It was replaced, respectivelly, by the hour, minute, AM, PM localization messages
      • On DatePicker, it's now possible to change the order of the fields:
        fieldOrder: [

      The fields are ordered based on the current locale by default

      • On DatePicker, the day and year fields are now formatted based on the current locale (getDateOrderFromLocale)
    • Update Slider (#405):

      • Added .thumbRadius and .trackHeight to SliderThemeData
      • The active track now isn't taller than the inactive track

    What's Changed

    • Add italian (IT) localization by @patricknicolosi in
    • add FlyoutOpenMode secondaryPress by @nidetuzi in
    • Add macOS support to example project by @h3x4d3c1m4l in
    • Add Dutch (nl) l10n support by @h3x4d3c1m4l in
    • Fix incorrect documentation for waitDuration on Tooltip by @harysuryanto in
    • Add Traditional Chinese (zh_Hant) localization by @rk0cc in
    • Show menu button on minimal mode when display mode is auto by @bdlukaa in
    • Fluent app review by @bdlukaa in
    • TextBox review by @bdlukaa in
    • Add Persian by @xmine64 in
    • Add AutoSuggestBox.form by @bdlukaa in
    • UI updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Retry add Korean (ko) from #267 by @rk0cc in
    • add korean(ko) localization by @dubh3 in
    • Date/Time pickers review by @bdlukaa in
    • Color updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Fix link by @WinXaito in
    • Added Malay (ms) localizations to l10n by @jonsaw in
    • Updated DropDownButton documentation by @tobiasht in
    • Remove header space when null by @Alphamplyer in
    • AutoSuggestBox updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Polish translations by @madik7 in
    • NavigationView updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Add supported language in by @rk0cc in
    • TextBox review by @bdlukaa in
    • [wip] Example app rework by @bdlukaa in
    • README improvements by @phorcys420 in
    • Example app update by @bdlukaa in
    • add context menu by @nidetuzi in
    • DateTimePicker update by @bdlukaa in
    • Update Dutch translations by @h3x4d3c1m4l in
    • Add date time localization in Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional) by @rk0cc in
    • add japanese localization by @chari8 in
    • Tiles update by @bdlukaa in
    • Navigation view updates by @bdlukaa in
    • Tabview rework by @bdlukaa in
    • Flyouts size by @bdlukaa in
    • Added Czech localization [cs] by @morning4coffe-dev in
    • Top navigation update by @bdlukaa in
    • Add Hungarian language by @RedyAu in
    • Fix incorrect time display format in TimePicker in Chinese by @rk0cc in
    • Padding by @bdlukaa in
    • Use trackColor and add inner padding for Scrollbar by @bdlukaa in
    • Rework AutoSuggestBox by @bdlukaa in
    • Comboboxes by @bdlukaa in
    • Close overlay when size changes by @bdlukaa in
    • Public PaneItemKeys for support custom PaneItem by @ccl0326 in
    • Correctly check for supported locales by @bdlukaa in
    • Lazy loading asb by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @patricknicolosi made their first contribution in
    • @nidetuzi made their first contribution in
    • @harysuryanto made their first contribution in
    • @rk0cc made their first contribution in
    • @xmine64 made their first contribution in
    • @dubh3 made their first contribution in
    • @jonsaw made their first contribution in
    • @Alphamplyer made their first contribution in
    • @madik7 made their first contribution in
    • @phorcys420 made their first contribution in
    • @chari8 made their first contribution in
    • @morning4coffe-dev made their first contribution in
    • @RedyAu made their first contribution in
    • @ccl0326 made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.12.0(May 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Build on Flutter 3.0.0 by @h3x4d3c1m4l in
    • Bump Version + flutter_lints by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @h3x4d3c1m4l made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.11.1(Apr 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Dropdown scroll by @bdlukaa in
    • Make TextButton use the text button style by @devnought in
    • Hotfixes by @bdlukaa in
    • Add decoration property by @bdlukaa in
    • Remove DragToMoveArea parent of WindowButtons by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @devnought made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.11.0(Apr 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Implement MenuFlyout by @bdlukaa in
    • Improve NavigationView Top mode by @bdlukaa in
    • Info Badge Updates by @bdlukaa in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.3.10.3(Apr 15, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • NavigationView hotfix by @bdlukaa in
    • Add _NavigationViewScrollBehavior by @bdlukaa in
    • Allow to define the minimal tab width by @WinXaito in
    • Pane header height by @WinXaito in
    • Fix link (anchor) for Info Label by @WinXaito in
    • Feature 284 - Added leading property for NavigationPane Widget #288 by @imp-sike in
    • Text field focus fix by @bdlukaa in
    • TextFormBox expands fix by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @imp-sike made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.10.1(Apr 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add Arabic(ar) localization by @dmakwt in
    • Fix overflow behavior for TreeViewItem by @klondikedragon in
    • Indicator hotfix by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @dmakwt made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v.3.10.0(Apr 2, 2022)

    • Improves icons.dart formatting and its generation (#215)
    • Use correct color on FilledButton when disabled (209)
    • Built-in support for new languages (#216):
    • Add useInheritedMediaQuery property to FluentApp (#211)
    • TreeView updates (#255):
      • Optional vertical scrolling by setting shrinkWrap to false
      • TreeViewItem now has a custom primary key (value field)
      • Added onSelectionChanged callback, called when the selection is changed
    • Account for enabled on pressing states (#233)
    • Implement CommandBar (#232)
      • Add DynamicOverflow layout widget, for one-run horizontal or vertical layout with an overflow widget
      • Add HorizontalScrollView helper widget, with mouse wheel horizontal scrolling
    • Long content widget no longer overflow in ContentDialog (#242)
    • Content state is no longer lost when the pane display mode is changed (#250)
    • BREAKING Update indicators (#248):
      • Added InheritedNavigationView

      • Updated sticky indicator to match the latest Win 11 UI (#173)

      • BREAKING Renamed NavigationPane.indicatorBuilder to NavigationPane.indicator

      • BREAKING Indicators are no longer built with functions Before:

        indicatorBuilder: ({
          required BuildContext context,
          required NavigationPane pane,
          required Axis axis,
          required Widget child,
        }) {
          if (pane.selected == null) return child;
          final theme = NavigationPaneTheme.of(context);
          final left = theme.iconPadding?.left ?? theme.labelPadding?.left ?? 0;
          final right = theme.labelPadding?.right ?? theme.iconPadding?.right ?? 0;
          return StickyNavigationIndicator(
            index: pane.selected!,
            pane: pane,
            child: child,
            color: theme.highlightColor,
            curve: Curves.easeIn,
            axis: axis,
            topPadding: EdgeInsets.only(left: left, right: right),


        indicator: StickyNavigationIndicator(
          color:, // optional
    • initiallyExpanded property on Expander works properly (#252)
    • BREAKING Flyout changes:
      • Removed Flyout.contentWidth and added FlyoutContent.constraints. Now the content will be automatically sized and layed out according to the placement
      • Added Flyout.placement which takes a FlyoutPlacement
      • Added Flyout.openMode which takes a FlyoutOpenMode
      • Flyout.controller is no longer required. If not provided, a local controller is created to handle the Flyout.openMode settings
      • Breaking is now a function
      • Added FlyoutController.isOpen, FlyoutController.isClosed, FlyoutController.close(), and FlyoutController.toggle()
      • Breaking Removed Popup.contentHeight
    • BREAKING Updated typography (#261):
      • Renamed Typography.standart to Typography.fromBrightness
      • Renamed Typography constructor to Typography.raw
      • Default color for dark mode is now const Color(0xE4000000)
      • Updated default font sizes for display, titleLarge, title and subtitle
    • TabWidthBehavior.sizeToContent now works properly (#218)

    What's Changed

    • Add useInheritedMediaQuery to FluentApp by @henry2man in
    • Replace WindowButtons & Add Confirm before closing by @lijy91 in
    • Fix disabled color foreground on FilledButton by @WinXaito in
    • Improve navpane anim by @WinXaito in
    • chore: bump pub score by @Ascenio in
    • ci: enforce static analysis by @Ascenio in
    • FluentUI Widgets Localization Support by @henry2man in
    • Vertical scrolling for TreeView and other enhancements by @klondikedragon in
    • Account for enabled on pressing states by @bdlukaa in
    • Implement command bars and dynamic overflow layout by @klondikedragon in
    • Add isCompact field to CommandBar by @klondikedragon in
    • Window Transparency support by @bdlukaa in
    • Restyle CommandBar Flyout by @bdlukaa in
    • Clear button autosuggest by @bdlukaa in
    • Dialog long text by @bdlukaa in
    • Minimal pane by @bdlukaa in
    • Use a key on the content by @bdlukaa in
    • Open Expander according to initiallyExpanded by @bdlukaa in
    • fix README by @yoehwan in
    • Typography by @bdlukaa in
    • Flyout rework by @bdlukaa in
    • New StickyIndicator by @bdlukaa in
    • Fix TabWidthBehavior.sizeToContent by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @lijy91 made their first contribution in
    • @Ascenio made their first contribution in
    • @klondikedragon made their first contribution in
    • @yoehwan made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v3.9.1(Feb 25, 2022)

    • TextBox updates: (#179)
      • Correctly apply the style property
      • Correctly apply decoration to the background
      • Added foregroundDecoration and highlightColor property. They can not be specified at the same time
      • BREAKING replaced maxLengthEnforeced with maxLengthEnforcement
    • Expose more propertied to TextFormBox
    • AutoSuggestBox updates:
      • Improved fidelity of the suggestions overlay expose more customization properties (#174)
      • When a suggestion is picked, the overlay is automatically closed and the text box is unfocused
      • Clear button now only shows when the text box is focused
    • Add directionality support (#184)
    • Correctly apply elevation for DropDownButton overlay (#182)
    • Show app bar even if NavigationPane is not provided on NavigationView (#187)
    • Ensure NavigationAppBar.actions are rendered on the top of the other widgets (#177)
    • All Form widgets now have the same height by default
    • Only show one scrollbar on ComboBox overlay
    • Fix opened pane opacity
    • Added menuColor for theme, which is now used by dropdown button, auto suggest box, tooltip and content dialog
    • Added Card and cardColor for theme
    • Update fluent text controls and added support for SelectableText (#196)

    What's Changed

    • Update by @MohamadNezar in
    • Text input update by @bdlukaa in
    • Right to Left support by @bdlukaa in
    • Appbar navigationview by @bdlukaa in
    • Dropdown corners by @bdlukaa in
    • Example app by @bdlukaa in
    • fix opened pane opacity by @maxnemoy in
    • Selection controls by @bdlukaa in
    • Colors update by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @MohamadNezar made their first contribution in
    • @maxnemoy made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.9.0(Feb 10, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • BREAKING Renamed standartCurve to standardCurve

    • BREAKING Completly rework DropDownButton

    • BREAKING Removed CheckboxThemeData.thirdStateIcon

      Currently, there isn't a fluent icon that is close to the native icon. A local widget _ThirdStateDash is used

    • Do not override material Theme on FluentApp (#155)

    • Slider thumb now doesn't change inner size if hovered while disabled

    • Uniform foreground color on Checkbox

    • Updated FilledButton Style

    • ToggleButton and FilledButton now share the same style

    • ScaffoldPage.scrollable and ScaffoldPage.withPadding

    • Ensure we use Typography.body as the default text style on BaseButton (#120)

    • Update ButtonThemeData.uncheckedInputColor

    New Contributors

    • @michalsrutek made their first contribution in
    • @Icyscools made their first contribution in
    • @miguelsilv made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v3.8.0(Feb 3, 2022)

    • Tests (#142)

    • Added Material Theme to Fluent Theme Builder (#133)

    • Add more customization options to PaneItem (#111, #144)

    • NavigationView updates BREAKING:

      • Properly add item key to PaneItem in top mode (#143)
      • Items bounds and positions are fetched when the item list is scrolled as well to prevent misalignment
      • Added the helper functions NavigationIndicator.end and NavigationIndicator.sticky
      • Use Curves.easeIn for sticky navigation indicator by default
      • Use the correct accent color for navigation indicators by default
      • EntrancePageTransition is now the correct page transition used when display mode is top
      • Apply correct press effect for PaneItem when display mode is top
      • BREAKING Removed NavigationPane.defaultNavigationIndicator
      • BREAKING Replaced offsets and sizes with pane in NavigationIndicator


      pane: NavigationPane(
        indicatorBuilder: ({
          required BuildContext context,
          /// The navigation pane corresponding to this indicator
          required NavigationPane pane,
          /// Corresponds to the current display mode. If top, Axis.vertical
          /// is passed, otherwise Axis.vertical
          Axis? axis,
          /// Corresponds to the pane itself as a widget. The indicator is
          /// rendered over the whole pane.
          required Widget child,
        }) {
          if (pane.selected == null) return child;
          final theme = NavigationPaneThemeData.of(context);
          axis??= Axis.horizontal;
          return EndNavigationIndicator(
            index: pane.selected,
            offsets: () => pane.effectiveItems.getPaneItemsOffsets  (pane.paneKey),
            sizes: pane.effectiveItems.getPaneItemsSizes,
            child: child,
            color: theme.highlightColor,
            curve: theme.animationCurve ?? Curves.linear,
            axis: axis,


      pane: NavigationPane(
        indicatorBuilder: ({
          required BuildContext context,
          /// The navigation pane corresponding to this indicator
          required NavigationPane pane,
          /// Corresponds to the current display mode. If top, Axis.vertical
          /// is passed, otherwise Axis.vertical
          required Axis axis,
          /// Corresponds to the pane itself as a widget. The indicator is
          /// rendered over the whole pane.
          required Widget child,
        }) {
          if (pane.selected == null) return child;
          final theme = NavigationPaneThemeData.of(context);
          return EndNavigationIndicator(
            index: pane.selected,
            pane: pane,
            child: child,
            color: theme.highlightColor,
            curve: theme.animationCurve ?? Curves.linear,
            axis: axis,
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v.3.7.0(Jan 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fluent Icons Gallery Showcase by @henry2man in
    • TextBoxForm by @MeloHenrique in
    • Fix ComboBox borders by @alesimula in
    • AutoSuggestBox gets opened automatically when gets focus by @ashutosh2014 in
    • Fix IconButton hover/press color + add button mode by @alesimula in
    • Implement Lazy Tree View by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @henry2man made their first contribution in
    • @MeloHenrique made their first contribution in
    • @alesimula made their first contribution in
    • @ashutosh2014 made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v3.6.0(Dec 26, 2021)

    • Implement TreeView (#120)
    • Fix Tooltip.useMousePosition
    • Fix Slider and RatingBar (#116)
    • Fix scroll buttons when there are too many tabs in TabView (#92)
    • Fix button style on tab in TabView (#90)
    • Added Close on middle click on tabs in TabView (#91)
    • Added newTabLabel, closeTabLabel, scrollTabBackward, scrollTabForward to FluentLocalizations
    • Fix TabView's text when it's too long. Now it's clipped when overflow and line doesn't break
    • Added TabView.closeButtonVisibility. Defaults to CloseButtonVisibilityMode.always
    • Updated selected tab paint
    • Added TabView.tabWidthBehavior. Defaults to TabWidthBehavior.equal
    • Added TabView.header and TabView.footer
    • Slider's mouse cursor is now MouseCursor.defer
    • Added SmallIconButton, which makes an IconButton small if wrapped. It's used by TextBox
    • Added ButtonStyle.iconSize
    • BREAKING AutoSuggestBox updates:
      • Added FluentLocalizations.noResultsFoundLabel. "No results found" is the default text
      • Removed itemBuilder, sorter, noResultsFound, textBoxBuilder, defaultNoResultsFound and defaultTextBoxBuilder
      • Added onChanged, trailingIcon, clearButtonEnabled and placeholder
      • controller is now nullable. If null, an internal controller is creted

    • BREAKING Removed ThemeData.inputMouseCursor
    • BREAKING Removed cursor from DatePicker, TimePicker, ButtonStyle, CheckboxThemeData, RadioButtonThemeData, SliderThemeData, ToggleSwitchThemeData, NavigationPaneThemeData
    • Scrollbar is not longer shown if PaneDisplayMode is top
    • If open the compact pane, it's not always a overlay
    • Added triggerMode and enableFeedback to Tooltip.
    • Added Tooltip.dismissAllToolTips

    • Update inputs colors
    • Expander now properly disposes its resources
    • Add the borderRadius and shape attributes to the Mica widget
    • Implement DropDownButton (#85)

    • BREAKING Minimal Flutter version is now 2.8
    • NavigationAppBar.backgroundColor is now applied correctly. (#100)
    • ComboBox's Popup Acrylic can now be disabled if wrapped in a DisableAcrylic (#105)
    • NavigationPane width can now be customizable (#99)
    • Implement PaneItemAction for NavigationPane (#104)

    What's Changed

    • WIP: Implement DropDownButton by @WinXaito in
    • Add borderRadius and shape field to the Mica widget by @WinXaito in
    • Fix sliders (#116) by @WinXaito in
    • Minor update of ToggleSwitch, Buttons, TextBox, Checkbox styles by @Kapranov98 in
    • Fix tabview by @WinXaito in
    • Implement TreeView by @bdlukaa in

    New Contributors

    • @Kapranov98 made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v3.5.0(Dec 9, 2021)

    • BREAKING Minimal Flutter version is now 2.8
    • NavigationAppBar.backgroundColor is now applied correctly. (#100)
    • ComboBox's Popup Acrylic can now be disabled if wrapped in a DisableAcrylic (#105)
    • NavigationPane width can now be customizable (#99)
    • Implement PaneItemAction for NavigationPane (#104)
    • ContentDialog constraints can now be customizable (#86)
    • Add possibility to disable acrylic by wrapping it in a DisableAcrylic (#89)
    • Fix onReaorder null exception (#88)
    • Implement InfoBadge
    • Implement Expander (#85)
    • Default inputMouseCursor is now MouseCursor.defer
    • NavigationView.contentShape is now rendered at the foreground
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  • v3.4.0(Oct 22, 2021)

    • ProgressRing now spins on the correct direction (
    • Added the backwards property to ProgressRing
    • FluentApp.builder now works as expected (
    • Implemented NavigationPane.customPane, which now gives you the ability to create custom panes for NavigationView
    • BREAKING sizes, offsets and index parameters from NavigationIndicatorBuilder were replaced by pane
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  • v3.3.0(Oct 12, 2021)

    • Back button now isn't forced when using top navigation mode (#74)
    • PilButtonBar now accept 2 items (#66)
    • Added builder variant to NavigationBody.
    • Fixed content bug when AppBar was not supplied too NavigationView
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  • v3.2.0(Sep 15, 2021)

    • Added missing parameters in _FluentTextSelectionControls methods (#67)
    • Min Flutter version is now 2.5.0
    • EXAMPLE APP Updated the url strategy on web.
    • EXAMPLE APP Upgraded dependencies
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  • 3.0.0(Aug 24, 2021)

    Updated the package to match the Windows 11 design system.

    • Update ToggleButton design.
    • Update Button design.
    • Update RadioButton design:
    • Update ContentDialog design.
    • Update NavigationView design:
      • BREAKING: Acryic is not used anymore. Consequently, useAcrylic method was removed.
    • Implemented Mica, used by the new NavigationView
    • Added support for horizontal tooltips. Set Tooltip.displayHorizontally to true to enable it.
    • Updated Acrylic to support the web
    • Update Checkbox design
    • Update ToggleSwitch design
    • Update Scrollbar design
    • Update Slider design
    • Update InfoBar design
    • Update pickers design (Combobox, DatePicker and TimePicker)
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  • v2.2.1(Jun 26, 2021)

    • Implement Fluent Selection Controls for TextBox (#49)
    • Tooltip is now displayed when focused (#45)
    • AppBar is now displayed when minimal pane is open.
    • AppBar's animation now follows the pane animation
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  • v2.2.0(Jun 26, 2021)

    • BREAKING: Material Icons are not used anymore. Use FluentIcons instead.
    • BREAKING: Reworked the Acrylic widget implementation (#47)
    • BREAKING: Removed the useAcrylic property from NavigationView. Acrylic is now used by default.
    • PaneDisplayMode.compact has now a width of 40, not 50.
    • Removed SizeTransition from TabView.
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  • 2.1.1(Jun 3, 2021)

    • Option to set a default font family on the theme data (ThemeData.fontFamily)
    • indicatorBuilder is correctly applied to the automatic display mode in NavigationView
    • An overlay is open when the toggle button is pressed on the compact display mode (#43)
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  • 2.0.2(May 23, 2021)

    • BREAKING CHANGES: Reworked the theme api (#39):
      • Removed the theme extension (context.theme). Use FluentTheme.of(context) instead

      • ButtonState is now a class that can receive a value. It now allows lerping between values, making AnimatedFluentTheme possible.

        Here's an example of how to migrate your code:

        Before: cursor: (_) =>,
        Now: cursor: ButtonState.all(,

      • All theme datas and AccentColor have now a lerp method, in order to make AnimatedFluentTheme possible.

      • Implemented AnimatedFluentTheme, in order to replace AnimateContainers all around the library

      • Dedicated theme for each theme data (#37):

        • IconTheme
        • ButtonTheme
        • RadioButtonTheme
        • CheckboxTheme
        • FocusTheme
        • SplitButtonTheme
        • ToggleButtonTheme
        • ToggleSwitchTheme
        • NavigationPaneTheme
        • InfoBarTheme
        • TooltipTheme
        • DividerTheme
        • ScrollbarTheme
      • DividerThemeData now has verticalMargin and horizontalMargin instead of an axis callback.

      • Updated button colors.

      • Removed animationDuration and animationCurve from theme datas (except from NavigationPaneThemeData).

      • Renamed copyWith to merge on theme datas (except from ThemeData)

      • Fixed typo standart -> standard

      • Implement AnimatedAcrylic

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