A library for pretty shadows.

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Animation shine.js


A library for pretty shadows.

See the working demo at http://bigspaceship.github.io/shine.js/.

Get Started Inline docs

Install using bower: bower install shine or download as zip or fork on GitHub.

Create a Shine.js instance for each DOM element you'd like to shine:

var shine = new Shine(document.getElementById('my-shine-object'));

Change the light position and make sure to redraw:

shine.light.position.x = window.innerWidth * 0.5;
shine.light.position.y = window.innerHeight * 0.5;
shine.draw(); // make sure to re-draw


Each shine instance has a property pointing to an instance of shinejs.Config. One config can be shared amongst multiple shine instances.

When a config value changes, shine.draw() needs to be called to re-draw with the new settings.

Change the shadow of a shine instance:

shine.config.opacity = 0.1;
shine.config.blur = 0.2;
shine.draw(); // make sure to re-draw

Create a shared shinejs.Config instance:

// all parameters are optional and can be changed later
var config = new shinejs.Config({
  numSteps: 4,
  opacity: 0.2,
  shadowRGB: new shinejs.Color(255, 0, 0)

// pass the config in the constructor
var shineA = new Shine(document.getElementById('my-shine-object-a'), config);
var shineB = new Shine(document.getElementById('my-shine-object-b'), config);

// or assign it to an instance later
var shineC = new Shine(document.getElementById('my-shine-object-c'));
shineC.config = config;
shineC.draw(); // make sure to re-draw

Shine API

Note: Shine is also mapped to shinejs.Shine. Use the long version if Shine is already defined.

Shine(domElement, optConfig, optClassPrefix, optShadowProperty)

The Shine constructor. Instantiate as new Shine(...) to create a new instance.

Parameter Type Description
domElement !HTMLElement The DOM element to apply the shine effect to.
optConfig ?shinejs.Config= Optional config instance. If no instance is passed it a new instance with default values will be stored in the config property.
optClassPrefix ?string= Optional class prefix that will be applied to all shine DOM elements. Defaults to shine-.
optShadowProperty ?string= Optional property name that the shadow will be applied to. Overrides the automatic detection for use of either textShadow or boxShadow. The value will be applied as element.style[shadowProperty] = '...' and automatically prefixed for legacy browsers (e.g. MozBoxShadow).


Draws all shadows based on the current light position. Call this method whenever a shine parameter is changed.


Releases all resources and removes event listeners. Destroyed instance can't be reused and must be discarded.


Re-initializes all shadows. Use this when you want to change the text or the domElement's contents have changed.

Parameter Type Description
optText ?string= If defined, will replace the DOM element's textContent. If omitted, the content will be read from the DOM element.


Adds DOM event listeners to automatically update all properties.


Removes DOM event listeners to automatically update all properties.

Shine Properties

Property Type Description
domElement HTMLElement The DOM element to apply the shine effect to.
config shinejs.Config Stores all config parameters.
light shinejs.Light Stores the light position and intensity.

shinejs.Config API


The shine config constructor. Pass an optional settings object from which to read values.

Parameter Type Description
optSettings ?Object= An optional object containing config parameters.

shinejs.Config Properties

Property Type Default Description
numSteps number 8 The number of steps drawn in each shadow
opacity number 0.1 The opacity of each shadow (range: 0...1)
opacityPow number 1.2 The exponent applied to each step's opacity (1.0 = linear opacity).
offset number 0.15 Larger offsets create longer shadows
offsetPow number 1.8 The exponent applied to each step's offset (1.0 = linear offset).
blur number 40 The strength of the shadow blur.
blurPow number 1.4 The exponent applied to each step's blur (1.0 = linear blur).
shadowRGB shinejs.Color new shinejs.Color(0, 0, 0) The shadow color in r, g, b (0...255)

shinejs.Light API


The light constructor. Pass an optional position to apply by default.

Parameter Type Description
optPosition ?shinejs.Point= An position. Defaults to new shinejs.Point(0, 0).

shinejs.Light Properties

Property Type Default Description
position shinejs.Point new shinejs.Point(0, 0) The position of this light.
intensity number 1.0 The intensity of this light. Gets multiplied with shadow opacity.

shinejs.Point API

shinejs.Point(x, y)

A 2D point class.

Parameter Type Description
x number= The x-coordinate. Defaults to 0.
y number= The y-coordinate. Defaults to 0.

shinejs.Point Properties

Property Type Default Description
x number 0 The x-coordinate.
y number 0 The y-coordinate.


Returns a new instance of shinejs.Point with the x- and y-distance between this instance and the point p.

Parameter Type Description
p shinejs.Point The point to which to calculate the distance to. Distance will be expressed as this.x - p.x and this.y - p.y.
  • Doesn't work with Require.js?

    Doesn't work with Require.js?

    I've tried including shine.js into my project with require, but it doesn't work. I get two errors: the first is exports is undefined and the second is that the module returns undefined.

    opened by gfarrell 5
  • Removes elements from the DOM

    Removes elements from the DOM

    A really beautiful plugin this...

    But I'm having a little trouble when applying it to a container which has (so far) 12 children to whom I want shadows to be applied. However, when called, the plugin remove 6 of these children. I couldn't find any mention of this kind of behaviour in the documentation, or an option for specifying the max number of child elements.

    So I was wondering... Is this intended behaviour?

    I can understand there would be performance issues if there are too many elements, but it might be useful to know that's what's happening. Or even to be able to set the max number of elements.

    (I did look through the plugin's JS but couldn't spot where this might be happening. I'd be happy to try and implement an a maxElements option...)


    opened by bravokiloecho 3
  • Doesn't work with transparent images.

    Doesn't work with transparent images.


    Amazing plugin. I love it. When i am using it on png image, shadow is not considering transparent pixels. Please see attached screenshot. (In screenshot i have used transparent circle.). Is it possible to consider transparent pixels in png images?


    opened by vijay-vanecha 2
  • Added option to bind light source to scroll position (also removed console logs)

    Added option to bind light source to scroll position (also removed console logs)

    There are inline styles on the body and h1 in the mouse-follow demo to better immediately demonstrate the added option. I also removed the console logs.

    enhancement demo 
    opened by cmd-kae 2
  • High CPU utilization - 80%+

    High CPU utilization - 80%+

    If I mouse around at normal speed in the demo, CPU utilization jumps to 80% - 90%. I'm using Chrome 43.0.2357.124 m on Windows 7 on a Dell E7450 Core i5 with some an integrated GPU (which is perfectly capable of handling this demo at <40% CPU).

    opened by dandv 1
  • Remove moot `version` property from bower.json

    Remove moot `version` property from bower.json

    Per bower/bower.json-spec@a325da3

    Also their maintainer says they probably won't ever use it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24844901/bowers-bower-json-file-version-property

    opened by kkirsche 1
  • Add docs badge to README

    Add docs badge to README

    Hi there,

    I want to propose to add this badge to the README to show off inline-documentation: Inline docs

    The badge links to Inch CI and shows an evaluation by InchJS, a project that tries to raise the visibility of inline-docs (early adopters include forever, node-sass and when).

    The idea is to motivate aspiring Node developers to dive into Open Source projects and read the code. It's about engagement, because, while testing and code coverage are important, inline-docs are the humanly engaging factor in Open Source. This project is about making people less adverse to jumping into the code and see whats happening, because they are not left alone while doing so. I know that, because I put off reading other people's code way too long in my life.

    Although this is "only" a passion project, I really would like to hear your thoughts, critique and suggestions. Your status page is http://inch-ci.org/github/bigspaceship/shine.js

    What do you think?

    opened by rrrene 1
  • Does not work on touch devices (ie. iPad)

    Does not work on touch devices (ie. iPad)

    On my iPad the shadows don't follow my finger touch. What about making the light source the currently selected button or tab? If the button is hilighted like a led, it make sense making it the light source instead of the mouse cursor. It will works on touch devices too.

    opened by Emasoft 1
  • Can't get Shine to correspond to gyroscope title

    Can't get Shine to correspond to gyroscope title

    Hi, I'd like to know how to make the shadows correspond to gyroscope input on mobile devices, similar to how the Shine.js demo works.

    Can you please help?


    opened by lostnotstranded 0
  • How to add mutiple text with Shinejs

    How to add mutiple text with Shinejs

    Hi there, I wanted to add 2 Titles with shadows one at the very top of the page and above the footer. When I add the second one to the page with shinejs, the 1st one gets disabled for cursor movements but has soft shadows. second one gets the cursor movements.

    Please suggest what I should do.

    Thank you

    opened by kannan6240 1
  • some suggest about css

    some suggest about css

    #1 add transform : translate3D(0,0,0) to shine-letter class. to use GPU accelerate #2 add media query disable text-shadow when print when print, text-shadow may made text difficult to read

    opened by wqj97 0
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