A basic UI toolkit to get you started with flutter application development.


Basic UI Toolkit [Theme: School]

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A basic UI toolkit to get you started with flutter application development.

Widget List:

  • SchoolToolkitButton: Button with a busy indicator
  • SchoolLocationWidget: Card to display school information
  • OutlinedButton: Button with only outline border with a busy indicator
  • SchoolToolkitTextField: Custom text field
  • SchoolToolkitRoleButton: Animated role selection button
  • OverlappingButtonCard: Overlapping container with a hovering button on the bottom
  • Calendar: Calendar with two view states: [expanded(shows the entire calendar), shrink(shows only a week)]
  • NepaliCalendar: Nepali Calendar with two view states: [expanded(shows the entire calendar), shrink(shows only a week)]
  • EventCard: Displays the time and event
  • RoutineCard: Displays the Name of class, Subject, Time and Professor.
  • DeadlineCard: Display a deadline
  • AssignmentCard: Displays the assignment, deadline, subject with optional parameters to handle upload
  • HighlightedIcon: Custom container that highlights the icon passed. Takes in an optional busy parameter to display loading indicator.
  • FeaturedVideoCard: Display a featured video thumbnail with a title.
  • VideoListTileCard: Display a listtile with thumbnail, title and author.
  • ProfileCard: Custom profile card.
  • BusRouteWidget: Display a bus route. Takes in title and a subtitle.
  • NoticeCard: Custom notice widget that takes in title, subtitle, formatted date string with exposed on tap handler.
  • LabelCard: Display a custom text label. Takes in label string, width, height, text style and color.


The example file contains a catalog for all the available widgets.


    onPressed: () {
        // handle on pressed
    busy: true, // defaults to false
    label: 'Text Label'.toUpperCase(),

toolkit button


    imageURL: 'http://via.placeholder.com/350x350',
    address: 'Area 69',
    name: 'Alien High School',

school location widget


    onPressed: () {
        // handle on pressed
    busy: true, // defaults to false
    label: 'Edit Info'.toUpperCase(),

outlined button


    hint: 'Custom text field',
    controller: ...,
    errorText: ...,
    key: ...,
    label: ...,
    obscureText: ...,
    onChanged: ...,
    onFieldSubmitted: ...,
    onSaved: ...,
    onTap: ...,

custom text field


    iconData: FontAwesomeIcons.userGraduate,
    label: 'Student'.toUpperCase(),
    selected: true, // defaults to false

Role button


    width: 354,
    height: 589,
    label: 'Button label'.toUpperCase(),
    onPressed: () {
        // handle on presssed
    chld: ...,
    padding: ..., // optional field

overlapping button card


    startExpanded: true, // set this to false if you need the calendar to be built shrinked (show only active week)
    onDateSelected: (date) {
        print('Selected date: $date');
        // handle date selection
    onNextMonth: (date) {
        print('Next month: $date');
        // handle on next month.
    onPreviousMonth: (date) {
        print('Previous month: $date');
        // handle previous month
    calendarEvents: [
            dateTime: DateTime.now(),
            color: SchoolToolkitColors.red,
    recurringEventsByDay: [
            dateTime: DateTime(2020, 7, 1),
            color: SchoolToolkitColors.blue,
            dateTime: DateTime(2020, 7, 2),
            color: SchoolToolkitColors.red,
    recurringEventsByWeekday: [
            weekDay: DateTime.sunday,
            color: SchoolToolkitColors.green,
            holiday: true,



Important: Please note the date returned by the NepaliCalendar methods use the NepaliDateTime instead of DateTime class

    startExpanded: true, // set this to false if you need the calendar to be built shrinked (show only active week)
    onDateSelected: (date) {
        print('Selected date: $date');
        // handle date selection
    onNextMonth: (date) {
        print('Next month: $date');
        // handle on next month.
    onPreviousMonth: (date) {
        print('Previous month: $date');
        // handle previous month
    calendarEvents: [
            dateTime: NepaliDateTime.now(),
            color: SchoolToolkitColors.red,
    recurringEventsByDay: [
            dateTime: NepaliDateTime(2020, 7, 1),
            color: SchoolToolkitColors.green,
    recurringEventsByWeekday: [
            weekDay: 1,
            color: SchoolToolkitColors.brown,

nepali calendar


    event: 'Sports week Class 3 - Class 10',
    time: '1:00 - 3:00 PM',
    secondaryColor: SchoolToolkitColors.lighterGrey,
    primaryColor: SchoolToolkitColors.grey,

event card


    classTopic: 'Fundamentals of Mathematics',
    classType: 'Theory Class',
    subject: 'Mathematics',
    professor: 'Mr. Ram Prasad Yadav',
    time: '8:00 - 9:00 AM',

routine card


    deadline: DateTime.now(),
    secondaryColor: ..., // optional
    primaryColor: ..., // optional

deadline card


    // optional, if deadline is not passed, deadline card will not be shown
    deadline: DateTime.now(),
        'Chapter 3 - Q.no 1 - Q.no 10 (Please submit in word format with names attached)',
    subject: 'Mathematics',
    teacher: 'Dr. Stone',
    deadlineBackgroundColor: SchoolToolkitColors.red,
    onUploadHandler: () {
        print('Handle upload');
        // optional, if null is passsed upload button will be hidden
    // optional
    fileList: [
            fileName: 'assignment-information.pdf',
            fileSize: '11.5 KB',
            onTap: () {
            print('Handle on tap');

assignment card


    icon: Icons.class_,
    busy: true, // optional. If busy is set to true, displays a loading indicator instead of the icons passed.

highlighted icon


    title: 'Professor KPR Lecture - Neuroscience Lecture 32',
    onTap: () {
        print('Handling on tap');

featured video card


    author: 'Dr. Richard',
    title: 'The science of gamma radiation.',
    margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
    color: ..., // Optional. use to set the background color of the tile
    onTap: ..., // Optional. use to handle on tap
    padding: ..., // Optional. use to add desired padding
    showIcon: ..., // Optional. set this to flase if you don't want the icon besides the author.

video list tile card


    email: '[email protected]',
    name: 'Dr. Steven Stones',
    phoneNumber: '9843XXXXXX',
    post: 'Sorceror',
    margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0), // optional

profile card


    margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
    icon: FontAwesomeIcons.bus,
    biggerTitle: true,
    title: 'Bus Route 1',
    subTitle: 'Tinkune-Dhobhighat-NewRoad',
    iconColor: Colors.white,
    rounded: false,
    iconBackgroundColor: SchoolToolkitColors.blue,
    onTap: ..., // Optional.

bus route widget


    date: DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd').format(DateTime.now()),
    title: 'School Reopens',
        'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.',
    onTap: () {
        // Handle readmore

notice card


    label: 'Text label',
    color: SchoolToolkitColors.red,
    height: ..., // Optional
    width: ..., // Optional
    textStyle: ..., // Optional

label card


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MIT License

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    class HomePage extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: ListView( children: [ ProfileCard( margin: EdgeInsets.all(8), email: 'email', name: "name", phoneNumber: "n/a", post: "post", imageURL: 'https://gepa-mbh.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/blank-profile-picture-973460.png', //Test Picture URL ), ], ), ); } }`

    Basically this gives the Error:

    The method 'setHeight' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: setHeight(15)

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    upgraded flutter_screenutil to ^3.2.0

    error message

    Because school_ui_toolkit 4.0.0 depends on flutter_screenutil ^2.2.0 
    and no versions of school_ui_toolkit match >4.0.0 <5.0.0,
    school_ui_toolkit ^4.0.0 requires flutter_screenutil ^2.2.0.
    So, because "App_Name" depends on both flutter_screenutil ^3.2.0 and school_ui_toolkit ^4.0.0,
    version solving failed.
    pub get failed (1; So, because "App_Name" depends on both flutter_screenutil ^3.2.0
    and school_ui_toolkit ^4.0.0, version solving failed.)
    exit code 1```
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