Extension functions on ValueListenable that allows you to work with them almost as if it was a synchronous stream.



Extension functions on ValueListenable that allows you to work with them almost as if it was a synchronous stream. Each extension function returns a new ValueNotifier that updates its value when the value of this changes. You can chain these functions to build complex processing pipelines from a simple ValueListenable.

Here are some examples how to use it:


Lets you work with a ValueListenable as it should be by installing a handler function that is called on any value change of this and gets the new value passed as an argument.

If we want to print every new value of a ValueListenable we can do:

final listenable = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
final subscription = listenable.listen((x, _) => print(x));

The returned subscription can be used to deactivate the passed handler function. As you might need to uninstall the handler function from inside the handler you get the subscription object passed to the handler function as second parameter like:

listenable.listen((x, subscription) {
  if (x == 42){


Lets you convert the value of one ValueListenable to anything you want. Imagine we have a ValueNotifier in an Model object that we can't change but we need it's value all UPPER CASE in our UI:

  ValueNotifier<String> source;  //this is the one from the model object

  final upperCaseSource = source.map( (s)=>s.toUpperCase() );

or you can change the type:

  ValueNotifier<int> intNotifier;  

  final stringNotifier = intNotifier.map<String>( (s)=>s.toString() );


Lets you filter the values that an ValueListenable can have:

  ValueNotifier<int> intNotifier;  
  bool onlyEven = false; // depending on this variavble we want only even values or all

  final filteredNotifier = intNotifier.where( (i)=> onlyEven ? i.isEven : i );

The selector function that you pass to where is called on every new value which means your filter criteria has not to be static but can be changed as you need like in the example where it will always use the latest value of onlyEven and not the one it had when where was called.

chaining functions

As all the extension function (with the exception of listen) return a new ValueNotifier we can chain these extension functions as we need them like:

  ValueNotifier<int> intNotifier;  

  intNotifier.where((x)=>x.isEven).map<String>( (s)=>s.toString() ).listen(print);


If you don't want or can't handle too rapid value changes debounce is your friend. It only propagate values if there is a pause after a value changes. Most typical example is you have a search function that polls a REST API and in every change of the search term you execute a http request. To avoid overloading your REST server you probably want to avoid that a new request is made on every keypress. I makes much more sense to wait till the user stops modifying the search term for a moment.

  ValueNotifier<String> searchTerm;  //this is the one from the model object

  searchTerm.debounce(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)).listen((s)  => callRestApi(s) );

  // We ignore for this example that calling a REST API probably involves some asynv magic


Combines two source ValueListenables to one that gets updated with the combined source values when any of the sources values changed. This comes in handy if you want to use one ValueListenableBuilder with two ValueNotifiers.

class StringIntWrapper {
  final String s;
  final int i;

  StringIntWrapper(this.s, this.i);

  String toString() {
    return '$s:$i';

ValueNotifier<int> intNotifier;  
ValueNotifier<String> stringNotifier;  

intNotifier.combineLastest<String,StringIntWrapper>(stringNotifier, (i,s)
   => StringIntWrapper(s,i)).listen(print);


Merges value changes of one ValueListenable together with value changes of a List of ValueListenables so that when ever any of them changes the result of mergeWith() will change too.

final listenable1 = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
final listenable2 = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
final listenable3 = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
final listenable4 = ValueNotifier<int>(0);

listenable1.mergeWith([listenable2, listenable3, listenable4]).listen(
    (x, _) => print(x));

listenable2.value = 42;
listenable1.value = 43;
listenable4.value = 44;
listenable3.value = 45;
listenable1.value = 46;

Will print 42,43,44,45,46

For details on the functions check the source documentation, the tests and the example.

If you miss a function, open an issue on GitHub or even better make an PR :-)

  • add select operator

    add select operator

    :tophat: What is the goal?

    • ✨ Add select operator that allows only be aware of changes based on the selector output
    • 📝 Updated readme and fixed some typos

    :boom: How can it be tested?

    • 🏗️ Reworked the example model to use the select internally and listen to the properties changes independently.
    • 🤖 Added a unit test to cover the new functionality
    opened by ffgiraldez 5
  • migrated to sound null-safety

    migrated to sound null-safety

    Hey @escamoteur

    This library provides good handy extensions for ValueNotifier. Hence I thought to get it migrated to sound null-safety. If you feel this is needed please feel free to merge it.


    opened by SAGARSURI 3
  • EventNotifier


    I create my own subclass of ValueListenable which I called EventNotifier because ValueNotifier only updates the state if the new value is not equal to the old one (which doesn't work for events which might fire with the same value over time).

    Any idea of how such a thing could work with these extensions?

    opened by Norbert515 3
  • Fix double chain subscriptions.

    Fix double chain subscriptions.

    Currently if you use map() (and probably other functions) there are 2 listeners added to the parent listenable One in constructor, and another one as soon as mapped listener gets it's own subscription in addListener (the check is for hasListeners which is false at the time, but the chain is already set up). After mapped subscription is removed, the second chain listener is properly removed but the first one remains. This PR fixes the issue described above.

    opened by ctrl-shift 1
  • Fixed failing debounce test and changed its example in the documentation

    Fixed failing debounce test and changed its example in the documentation

    Example code from the doc and test

    final listenable = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
        .debounce(const Duration(milliseconds: 500))
        .listen((x, _) => print(x));
    listenable.value = 42;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
    listenable.value = 43;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
    listenable.value = 44;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 350));
    listenable.value = 45;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 550));
    listenable.value = 46;
    // will print out 42 ,45,46

    But after the execution of the above code, only 45 should be printed out and it does too, because whenever we assign a new value to listenable.value it will be overriding the old value after the debounce time is ended. If we want to print all values, in this example 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46, we need to await for >= debounce time which is (500 in this case) after each assignment. So the code will be like

    final listenable = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
        .debounce(const Duration(milliseconds: 500))
        .listen((x, _) => print(x));
    listenable.value = 42;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
    listenable.value = 43;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
    listenable.value = 44;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
    listenable.value = 45;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
    listenable.value = 46;
    // will print out 42, 43, 44, 45,46
    opened by elias8 1
  • How to use combineLatest for more than 2 valuenotifier?

    How to use combineLatest for more than 2 valuenotifier?

    Hey @escamoteur I have a use case where I need to combine 4 valuenotifier. But with the current implementation of combineLatest it's not possible. Any plans for having something like these versions of combineLatest? combineLatest3 combineLatest4

    opened by SAGARSURI 3
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