A customizable timer builder, with controller, animation, intervals, callbacks and custom actions for Flutter.


Custom Timer

A highly customizable timer builder, with controller, animation, intervals, callbacks, custom actions, and more!

Example image

📌 Simple Usage

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("CustomTimer example"),
        body: Center(
          child: CustomTimer(
            from: Duration(hours: 12),
            to: Duration(hours: 0),
            onBuildAction: CustomTimerAction.auto_start,
            builder: (CustomTimerRemainingTime remaining) {
              return Text(
                style: TextStyle(fontSize: 30.0),

📌 Custom Usage

Options that allow for more control:

Properties Type Description
from Duration The start of the timer.
to Duration The end of the timer.
interval Duration The time interval to update the widget.
The default interval is Duration(seconds: 1).
controller CustomTimerController Controls the state of the timer.
onBuildAction CustomTimerAction Execute an action when the widget is built for the first time.
The default action is CustomTimerAction.go_to_start.
onFinishAction CustomTimerAction Execute an action when the timer finish.
The default action is CustomTimerAction.go_to_end.
onResetAction CustomTimerAction Executes an action when the timer is reset.
The default action is CustomTimerAction.go_to_start.
builder Widget Function(CustomTimerRemainingTime) Function that builds a custom widget and allows to obtain the remaining time of the timer.
finishedBuilder Widget Function(CustomTimerRemainingTime) Function that builds a custom widget and allows to get the remaining time only when the timer has finished.
If you use it, it will replace builder.
pausedBuilder Widget Function(CustomTimerRemainingTime) Function that builds a custom widget and allows to get the remaining time only when the timer is paused.
If you use it, it will replace builder.
resetBuilder Widget Function(CustomTimerRemainingTime) Function that builds a custom widget and allows to get the remaining time only when the timer is reset.
If you use it, it will replace builder.
onStart VoidCallback Callback function that runs when the timer start.
onFinish VoidCallback Callback function that runs when the timer finish.
onPaused VoidCallback Callback function that runs when the timer is paused.
onReset VoidCallback Callback function that runs when the timer is reset.
onChangeState Function(CustomTimerState) Callback function that runs when the timer state changes. Returns a CustomTimerState that allows you to get the state and create custom functions or conditions.
onChangeStateAnimation AnimatedSwitcher Animation that runs when the state of the timer changes. It is not necessary to define a child because it will be replaced by the current builder.

CustomTimerAction actions:

Actions Description
CustomTimerAction.go_to_start Shows the start of the timer.
CustomTimerAction.go_to_end Shows the end of the timer.
CustomTimerAction.auto_start Automatically starts the timer.

CustomTimerRemainingTime properties:

Properties Description
days A string with the remaining days.
hours A string with the remaining hours.
hoursWithoutFill A String with the remaining hours and only with two digits when necessary.
minutes A string with the minutes remaining.
minutesWithoutFill A String with the remaining minutes and only with two digits when necessary.
seconds A string with the seconds remaining.
secondsWithoutFill A String with the remaining seconds and only with two digits when necessary.
milliseconds A string with the remaining milliseconds.
duration A default Duration with remaining time.
Lets you create more specific functions or conditions, but remember that it can return more than 59 minutes and seconds and more than 1000 milliseconds.

CustomTimerState states:


You can access the timer state from the onChangeState callback function or using a CustomTimerController.
For example:

CustomTimerState state = _controller.state;

📌 Using the CustomTimerController

[ CustomTimer( controller: _controller, from: Duration(hours: 12), to: Duration(hours: 0), builder: (CustomTimerRemainingTime remaining) { return Text( "${remaining.hours}:${remaining.minutes}:${remaining.seconds}", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 30.0), ); }, ), SizedBox(height: 16.0,), Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: [ FlatButton( child: Text("Start"), onPressed: () => _controller.start(), color: Colors.green, ), FlatButton( child: Text("Pause"), onPressed: () => _controller.pause(), color: Colors.blue, ), FlatButton( child: Text("Reset"), onPressed: () => _controller.reset(), color: Colors.red ), ], ) ], ), ), ); } ">
  final CustomTimerController _controller = new CustomTimerController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("CustomTimer example"),
        body: Column(
          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
          children: <Widget>[
              controller: _controller,
              from: Duration(hours: 12),
              to: Duration(hours: 0),
              builder: (CustomTimerRemainingTime remaining) {
                return Text(
                  style: TextStyle(fontSize: 30.0),
            SizedBox(height: 16.0,),
              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
              children: [
                  child: Text("Start"),
                  onPressed: () => _controller.start(),
                  color: Colors.green,
                  child: Text("Pause"),
                  onPressed: () => _controller.pause(),
                  color: Colors.blue,
                  child: Text("Reset"),
                  onPressed: () => _controller.reset(),
                  color: Colors.red

CustomTimerController properties:

Properties Permissions Description
state Read Returns the current state of the timer.

CustomTimerController methods:

Methods Description
start() Start or resume the timer.
pause() Pause the timer.
reset() Reset the timer.
If you want to restart the timer, you can call the controller start() method or set the onResetAction property to CustomTimerAction.auto_start.

⚙️ Installation

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  custom_timer: ^0.0.6

Install it:

$ flutter pub get

Import the package in your project:

import 'package:custom_timer/custom_timer.dart';
  • fix disposing of controller

    fix disposing of controller

    This is my first pull request and contribution to a public repository. I'm also pretty new on Flutter. I added a bool variable in order to avoid the disposing of the controller when it's passed by parameter. Fixing in this way the issue #14

    opened by gigi214 7
  • 'finishedBuilder', 'resetBuilder' don't fire

    'finishedBuilder', 'resetBuilder' don't fire

    Hi, thank you for the awesome Timer, it's really customizable, but I have one issue. According to the code, these builders will fire only when controller is provided. Why? image image

    opened by Apollo108 6
  • Controller is dispose after state is finished

    Controller is dispose after state is finished

    I am trying to set up a countdown timer but it keeps throwing an error. Controller is already disposed here's my code

        controller: controller,
        begin: Duration(seconds: 30),
        end: Duration(seconds: 0),
        onChangeState: (s) {
          if(s == CustomTimerState.finished) {
            print("We completed finished");
            // Prevent calling setState during a widget build
            showTimer.value = false;
        builder: (remaining) {
          return Text("${remaining.minutes}:${remaining.seconds}", style: TextStyle(
            fontFamily: "Montserrat",
            fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
            color: primaryColor,
            fontSize: 14,
    opened by BrianMwas 4
  • The timer goes bellow 0

    The timer goes bellow 0

    I was expecting the behaviour of onFinish to be triggered when it gets to Duration(seconds: 0) yet it didn't and it continued to negative values, is this a bug? thanks!

     Widget _timer() {
        return CustomTimer(
          controller: _timerController,
          from: widget.durationLeft,
          to: Duration(seconds: 0),
          interval: Duration(seconds: 1),
          onFinish: () => widget.onFinish(),
          onBuildAction: CustomTimerAction.auto_start,
          builder: (CustomTimerRemainingTime remaining) {
            return Text('${remaining.hours}:${remaining.minutes}:${remaining.seconds}');
    opened by cesarferreira 4
  • When I use microseconds, onFinished isn't triggered

    When I use microseconds, onFinished isn't triggered

    I need a custom duration: eventDate.difference(DateTime.now()) for the from Yet the onFinished wasn't being triggered so I tried to add microseconds to the from property and indeed it doesn't trigger it and continue to countdown below 0

    	from: Duration(seconds: 10, microseconds: 11111),
      from: Duration(seconds: 10, microseconds: 11111),
      to: Duration(hours: 0),
      onBuildAction: CustomTimerAction.auto_start,
      onFinish: () => _refreshData(),
      builder: (CustomTimerRemainingTime remaining) {
        return Text(

    A workaround that works is convert to seconds and convert to Duration

    from: Duration(seconds: Duration(seconds: 10, microseconds: 11111).inSeconds),
    opened by cesarferreira 2
  • Counter is going down instead of up

    Counter is going down instead of up

    on version 0.0.3 this worked fine but since I upgraded to 0.0.5 the counter goes down to negative values

          controller: _controller,
          from: Duration(seconds: 0),
          to: Duration(hours: 10),
          interval: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
          onBuildAction: CustomTimerAction.auto_start,
          builder: (CustomTimerRemainingTime remaining) {
            return Text(
              style: _tema.title2().copyWith(color: _tema.backgroundTertiary()),
    opened by cesarferreira 2
  • Timer doesn't auto start

    Timer doesn't auto start

    Hi, previously I used "onBuildAction: CustomTimerAction.auto_start", but now it's gone, and the timer doesn't auto start. How to auto start on build without using the external controller?

    opened by Apollo108 1
  • milliseconds not working

    milliseconds not working

    CustomTimer( from: Duration(milliseconds: 0), to: Duration(hours: 1), onBuildAction: CustomTimerAction.auto_start, builder: (CustomTimerRemainingTime remaining) { return Text( "${remaining.minutes}:${remaining.seconds}:${remaining.milliseconds} ", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20.0), ); }, ),


    opened by DjamikTea 1
  • Timer between multiple screens

    Timer between multiple screens

    I want to use the same time accessed between multiple screens, The timer is resetting in every screen currently, even when I use the same controller.

    And when I come back to the previous screen, two instances of the timer running.

    I want one instance of the timer used across multiple screens, do we have an option for that?

    opened by vijayb95 1
  • Issue: Classic flutter issue of insane & needless rebuilds eating resources - Propose: Less rebuilds for situations where NOT using milliseconds value of CustomTimerRemainingTime

    Issue: Classic flutter issue of insane & needless rebuilds eating resources - Propose: Less rebuilds for situations where NOT using milliseconds value of CustomTimerRemainingTime

    Love this package, nice and simple & thank you for producing it. Now, I think something important could be improved.

    I'm no Flutter pro engineer, mega computer genius, crazy Stephen Hawking intellectual, but rebuilding a widget a million times per second has always since I started learning Flutter been a serious main issue, concern & my arch nemesis and looks like Flutter's also. However it is also necessary IF one is showing milliseconds as part of their timer. I can understand this aspect of the programming. This uses enormous system resources in debug mode.

    So my proposal is to include some sort of boolean value updateForMilliseconds or something which uses state and does not rebuild so much when not necessary when not using milliseconds value from timer. If using milliseconds then use the good old stateful widget and rebuild it quickly so user can see milliseconds passing.

    I suppose all timers would have this issue and this is why I think this could be very valuable when some don't need rapid updates.

    Showing my performance issue

    class OTPTimer extends StatelessWidget {
      final CustomTimerController timeController;
      const OTPTimer({
        required this.timeController,
        Key? key,
      }) : super(key: key);
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return CustomTimer(
            controller: timeController,
            begin: const Duration(minutes: 10),
            end: const Duration(minutes: 0),
            builder: (timeRemaining) {
              return Text(
                style: timerStyle(timeRemaining),
      // // Timer time text
      TextStyle timerStyle(CustomTimerRemainingTime timeRemaining) {
        print(int.parse(timeRemaining.secondsWithoutFill));                          // Prints 40-60 times per second (useless in my case)
        // Green indicator text
        if (int.parse(timeRemaining.minutesWithoutFill) > 3) {
          return ThemeEndpoints.infoHeaderPositive();
        // Yellow indicator warning text
        if (int.parse(timeRemaining.minutesWithoutFill) < 3 &&
            int.parse(timeRemaining.minutesWithoutFill) > 1) {
          return ThemeEndpoints.infoHeaderWarning();
        // Red indicator warning text
        return ThemeEndpoints.infoHeaderNegative();
    opened by SexyBeast007 0
  • Feature:  Would be nice to have onCompleted to take action when the counter reaches the end

    Feature: Would be nice to have onCompleted to take action when the counter reaches the end

    When the counter reaches the end its still in CustomTimerState.counting. I would like to take action and update certain state values once the clock hits 00:00:00. What would be the best way to do that please?

    opened by Sureya 0
  • Request: Being able to access current state of timer

    Request: Being able to access current state of timer

    It would be nice to be have the controller be able to keep track of the timer regardless of whether or not the timer is in view or not.

    I envision the controller being the source of truth for the timer widget and the widget simply latches on to the current state of the controller it was initialized with whenever it comes into view. This way we can get and set the timer from just the controller in other parts of an app.

    The initial discussions for this issue can be found here.

    opened by leo-paz 2
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