Package your Flutter app into OS-specific bundles (.dmg, .exe, etc.) via Dart or the command line.



Package your Flutter app into OS-specific bundles (.dmg, .exe, etc.) via Dart or the command line.

The flutter_distributor source code and documantation can be found in the packages/flutter_distributor directory.


These are the available makers in this repository.

Macker Pub


These are the available publishers in this repository.

Publisher Pub
  • ProcessException: No such file or directory

    ProcessException: No such file or directory


    flutter_distributor publish --path /dist/1.8.0+314/app-1.8.0+314-android.apk --targets fir


    Unhandled exception:
    ProcessException: No such file or directory
      Command: apkanalyzer manifest print /dist/1.8.0+314/app-1.8.0+314-android.apk
    #0      AppPackagePublisherFir.publish (package:app_package_publisher_fir/src/app_package_publisher_fir.dart:109:7)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #1      FlutterAppPublisher.publish (package:flutter_app_publisher/src/flutter_app_publisher.dart:21:12)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #2      FlutterDistributor.publish (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:82:37)
    opened by yy1300326388 8
  • 打包ipa出错





    flutter_distributor: ^0.1.4


          - name: release-dev-ios
              platform: ios
              target: ipa
                target: lib/main.dart
                export-options-plist: ios/ExportOptions.plist
            publish_to: pgyer


    Packaging xxx 1.0.0+1 as ipa:
    Cleaning Xcode workspace...
    Deleting build...
    Deleting .dart_tool...
    Deleting .packages...                                                0ms
    Deleting Generated.xcconfig...
    Deleting                            0ms
    Deleting Flutter.podspec...
    Deleting .flutter-plugins-dependencies...
    Deleting .flutter-plugins...
    Running "flutter pub get" in xxx...
    Archiving xxx...
    Automatically signing iOS for device deployment using specified development team in Xcode project: xxx
    Running pod install...
    Running Xcode build...
    Xcode archive done.                                         526.4s
    Built /Users/xxx/build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive.
    💪 Building with sound null safety 💪
    Building IPA...
    Encountered error while building IPA:
    #0 (package:flutter_app_builder/src/app_builder.dart:52:7)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #1 (package:flutter_app_builder/src/flutter_app_builder.dart:42:12)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #2      FlutterDistributor.package (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:146:25)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #3      FlutterDistributor.release (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:300:43)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #4 (file:///xxx/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #5      CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:209:13)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #6      main (file:///xxx/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    Unhandled exception:
    Bad state: No element
    #0      List.first (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart:339:5)
    #1      FlutterDistributor.release (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:309:50)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #2 (file:///xxx/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #3      CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:209:13)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #4      main (file:///xxx/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    opened by vance-liu 7
  •  Warning: Executable

    Warning: Executable "flutter_distributor" runs "bin/main.dart", which was not found in flutter_distributor.

    binary is missing?

    Installed executable flutter_distributor.
    Warning: Executable "flutter_distributor" runs "bin/main.dart", which was not found in flutter_distributor.
    Activated flutter_distributor 0.0.9.
    ~ > dart --version
    Dart SDK version: 2.15.1 (stable) (Tue Dec 14 13:32:21 2021 +0100) on "linux_x64"
    opened by whoizit 6
  • type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>' in type cast

    type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'List' in type cast

    运行 flutter_distributor package --platform=mac --targets=dmg,zip 后异常

    type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>' in type cast
    #0      new DistributeOptions.fromJson (package:flutter_distributor/src/distribute_options.dart:23:48)
    #1      FlutterDistributor.distributeOptions (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:63:48)
    #2      FlutterDistributor.package (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:133:35)
    #3 (file:///Users/mac/.pub-cache/hosted/
    #4      CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:209:27)
    #5      main (file:///Users/mac/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>

    /// distribute_options.yaml

    output: dist/

    /// flutter_distributor 0.0.9.

    opened by chentianxin 5
  • 【蒲公英】升级到最新的 v2 接口,原来的 v2 接口即将废弃

    【蒲公英】升级到最新的 v2 接口,原来的 v2 接口即将废弃


    近期收到了蒲公英团队的邮件如下,提醒我们升级到最新的 v2 API,之前的 v2 API 即将废弃 image



    将参考 分为如下 3 不来完成上传发布

    • 1、获取上传的 token
    • 2、上传文件到第上一步获取的 URL
    • 3、检测应用是否发布完成,并获取发布应用的信息
    opened by yy1300326388 4
  • Error building dmg file

    Error building dmg file

    I have an issue when trying to build dmg:

    Package is installed globally: dart pub global activate flutter_distributor as well as locally in pubspec.yaml: flutter_distributor: 0.0.6

    There is distribute_options.yaml in the root of project:

    And there is also make config in macos/packaging/dmg/make_config.yaml:

    The build is triggered with the following command, which I run from the project root: flutter_distributor release --name sand --jobs macos-dmg

    I am getting following issue when trying to build .dmg file:

    Successfully builded Directory: 'build/macos/Build/Products/Release'
    Unhandled exception:
    ProcessException: No such file or directory
      Command: appdmg dist/1.4.7/velocityOS-1.4.7+1.4.7-macos_dmg/make_config.json dist/1.4.7/velocityOS-1.4.7+1.4.7-macos.dmg
    #0      _ProcessImpl._start (dart:io-patch/process_patch.dart:401:33)
    #1      Process.start (dart:io-patch/process_patch.dart:38:20)
    #2      AppPackageMakerDmg.make (package:app_package_maker_dmg/src/app_package_maker_dmg.dart:65:38)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #3      FlutterAppPackager.package (package:flutter_app_packager/src/flutter_app_packager.dart:40:12)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #4      FlutterDistributor.package (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:173:35)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #5      FlutterDistributor.release (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:309:43)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #6 (file:///Users/nkahaniak/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #7      CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:209:13)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #8      main (file:///Users/nkahaniak/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>

    After the command execution fails I can see the following content of the dist folder: Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 20 28 19

    Am I doing anything wrong?

    opened by nzkn 4
  • Support AppStore publisher

    Support AppStore publisher

    opened by yy1300326388 4
  • Support GitHub Release

    Support GitHub Release


    dart ../../packages/flutter_distributor/bin/main.dart release --name dev --skip-clean
    Successfully packaged dist/1.0.0+1/hello_world-1.0.0+1-android.apk
    Publishing to github: ████████████████████████████████ 19171289/19171289 100.0%
    Successfully published
    Successfully builded Directory: 'build/app/outputs/bundle/release'
    Successfully packaged dist/1.0.0+1/hello_world-1.0.0+1-android.aab
    Publishing to github: ████████████████████████████████ 19236376/19236376 100.0%
    Successfully published
    Successfully builded Directory: 'build/web'
    Successfully packaged dist/1.0.0+1/
    Publishing to github: ████████████████████████████████ 25186573/25186573 100.0%
    Successfully published
    Successfully builded Directory: 'build/macos/Build/Products/Release'
    Successfully packaged dist/1.0.0+1/
    Publishing to github: ████████████████████████████████ 43474846/43474846 100.0%
    Successfully published



    opened by yy1300326388 4
  • Null check operator used on a null value

    Null check operator used on a null value


    flutter_distributor publish --path dist/1.8.0+314/app-1.8.0+314-android.apk --targets fir
    # or
    flutter_distributor publish --path dist/1.8.0+314/app-1.8.0+314-android.apk --targets pgyer


    Unhandled exception:
    Null check operator used on a null value
    #0      AppPackagePublisherFir.publish (package:app_package_publisher_fir/src/app_package_publisher_fir.dart:59:60)
    #1      FlutterAppPublisher.publish (package:flutter_app_publisher/src/flutter_app_publisher.dart:21:28)
    #2      FlutterDistributor.publish (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:82:54)
    #3 (file:///Users/zero/project/zero/dart/flutter_distributor/packages/flutter_distributor/bin/command_publish.dart:24:23)
    #4      CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:209:27)
    #5      main (file:///Users/zero/project/zero/dart/flutter_distributor/packages/flutter_distributor/bin/main.dart:18:16)
    #6      _delayEntrypointInvocation.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:295:32)
    #7      _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:192:12)


    如果我没有把以下 key 添加到环境变量中就会报错

    opened by yy1300326388 4
  • 使用 github action 打包 window exe 的时候出错

    使用 github action 打包 window exe 的时候出错

    下面是执行到 flutter_distributor package --platform windows --targets exe 时候的日志

    $ flutter clean
    Deleting build...                                                1,4[8](
    Deleting .dart_tool...                                              11ms
    Deleting Generated.xcconfig...                                       0ms
    Deleting                            0ms
    Deleting ephemeral...                                                0ms
    Deleting ephemeral...                                               31ms
    Deleting .flutter-plugins-dependencies...                            0ms
    Deleting .flutter-plugins...                                         0ms
    Packaging fluter_pc 1.0.0+1 as exe:
    $ flutter build windows --dart-define FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME=1.0.0 --dart-define FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER=1
    Running "flutter pub get" in flutter_sticker...                 
    Warning: You are using these overridden dependencies:
    ! json_serializable 6.3.2
    ! xml 6.1.0
    Running "flutter pub get" in flutter_sticker...                  2,741ms
     Building with sound null safety 
    Building Windows application...                                 
    Successfully built Directory: 'build/windows/runner/Release' in 151s
    $ C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISCC.exe dist/1.0.0+1/fluter_pc-1.0.0+1-windows-setup_exe.iss
    Inno Setup 6 Command-Line Compiler
    Copyright (C) 1[9]( Jordan Russell. All rights reserved.
    Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2022 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved.
    Portions Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Alex Yackimoff. All rights reserved.
    Compiler engine version: Inno Setup 6.2.1
       Reading file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISPPBuiltins.iss
    Parsing [Setup] section, line 2
    Parsing [Setup] section, line 3
    Parsing [Setup] section, line 4
    Parsing [Setup] section, line 5
    Parsing [Setup] section, line 6
    Parsing [Setup] section, line 7
    Parsing [Setup] section, line 8
    Parsing [Setup] section, line 9
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [10](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [11](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [12](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [13](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [14](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [15](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [16](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [17](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [18](
    Parsing [Setup] section, line [19](
    Reading file (WizardImageFile)
    Reading file (WizardSmallImageFile)
    Preparing Setup program executable
       Updating version info (SETUP.E32)
    Determining language code pages
    Parsing [Languages] section, line 23
       Reading file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\Default.isl
    Parsing [Languages] section, line 28
       Reading file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\Languages\ChineseSimplified.isl
    Error on line 28 in D:\a\flutter_sticker\flutter_sticker\dist\1.0.0+1\fluter_pc-1.0.0+1-windows-setup_exe.iss: Couldn't open include file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\Languages\ChineseSimplified.isl": The system cannot find the file specified.
    Compile aborted.
    #0      AppPackageMakerExe.make (package:flutter_app_packager/src/makers/exe/app_package_maker_exe.dart:51:7)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #1      FlutterAppPackager.package (package:flutter_app_packager/src/flutter_app_packager.dart:31:12)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #2      FlutterDistributor.package (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:176:35)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #3 (file:///C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/flutter/stable-3.3.2-x64/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #4      CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:[20](
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #5      main (file:///C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/flutter/stable-3.3.2-x64/.pub-cache/hosted/[38](
    <asynchronous suspension>
    opened by ksxkq 3
  • 【Windows】自定义应用名、默认选中创建桌面快捷方式


    是否可添加功能 make_config.yaml中是否可添加配置项 1、Windows中是否可添加appName设置 控制iss文件中的:#define MyAppName "XXXX" 2、添加是否默认选中“创建桌面快捷方式”,配置项目

    控制iss文件中的 [Tasks] 节点下的
    Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"
    opened by 15563988825 3
  • Feat: Linux RPM packaging support

    Feat: Linux RPM packaging support

    This PR adds

    • support for popular Linux packaging format RPM used in Rhel, Fedora and OpenSuse "Linux distributions"
    • Docs for newly added appimage, deb and rpm package formats (en & zh)
    • --flutter-build-args for passing flutter build arguments easily
    opened by KRTirtho 1
  • [Exe] Add `shellexec` flag

    [Exe] Add `shellexec` flag

    • My windows app need admin privilege to run
    • After setup and start app get the error
    • Please add an option for this fix
    opened by annd22 0
  • 打完安卓的包后直接结束了  RELEASE FAILED in 197s

    打完安卓的包后直接结束了 RELEASE FAILED in 197s

    Successfully built Directory: 'build/app/outputs/flutter-apk' in 185s Successfully packaged dist/1.0.8+63/outdoorsensor-arm64-1.0.8+63-android.apk

    RELEASE FAILED in 197s

    opened by zhangyu-1993 1
  • build a deb:  FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = 'linux/packaging/deb/make_config.yaml

    build a deb: FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = 'linux/packaging/deb/make_config.yaml

    I followed the instructions .. it built but gave this error`

    FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = 'linux/packaging/deb/make_config.yaml

    I do not see any documentation for this. I copied the file from the big example yaml

      - name: linux-deb
          platform: linux
          target: deb
              APP_ENV: dev
    opened by bksubhuti 1
  • 上传appcenter指定 appcenter-distribution-group时报错。

    上传appcenter指定 appcenter-distribution-group时报错。

    如题,apk文件可以上传成功,但是不能指定到distribution-group。 WX20220810-212857@2x

    使用命令: flutter_distributor publish
    --path test.apk
    --targets appcenter
    --appcenter-owner-name ***
    --appcenter-app-name ***
    --appcenter-distribution-group beta

    Unhandled exception:
    DioError [DioErrorType.response]: Http status error [400]
    Source stack:
    #0      DioMixin.fetch (package:dio/src/dio_mixin.dart:488:35)
    #1      DioMixin.request (package:dio/src/dio_mixin.dart:483:12)
    #2      DioMixin.patch (package:dio/src/dio_mixin.dart:249:12)
    #3      AppPackagePublisherAppCenter._applyingDestinationToRelease (package:app_package_publisher_appcenter/src/app_package_publisher_appcenter.dart:247:33)
    #4      AppPackagePublisherAppCenter.publish (package:app_package_publisher_appcenter/src/app_package_publisher_appcenter.dart:106:13)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #5      FlutterAppPublisher.publish (package:flutter_app_publisher/src/flutter_app_publisher.dart:33:12)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #6      FlutterDistributor.publish (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:243:39)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #7 (file:///Users/kale/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #8      CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:209:13)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #9      main (file:///Users/kale/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #0      AppPackagePublisherAppCenter.publish (package:app_package_publisher_appcenter/src/app_package_publisher_appcenter.dart:113:7)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #1      FlutterAppPublisher.publish (package:flutter_app_publisher/src/flutter_app_publisher.dart:33:12)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #2      FlutterDistributor.publish (package:flutter_distributor/src/flutter_distributor.dart:243:39)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #3 (file:///Users/kale/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #4      CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:209:13)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #5      main (file:///Users/kale/.pub-cache/hosted/
    <asynchronous suspension>
    opened by KaleFoxit 1
  • v0.2.5(Sep 17, 2022)

    • Use shell_executor to execute commands
    • Fix an incorrectly worded message
    • Optimize output messages in console
    • Support linux arm64
    • [maker-zip] without using the 7zip command
    • [publisher-pgyer] Upgrade to v2 Api #91 #92
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.4(Jun 15, 2022)

    • [dmg maker] Support code-sign configuration item.
    • [exe maker] Support use custom inno setup script_template. #69
    • [exe maker] Support use custom installDirName. #67
    • [exe maker] Add installer setupIconFile, privilegesRequired options (#79)
    • [exe maker] Set to default 64-bit mode #81
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.2(Apr 21, 2022)

    • Support custom artifact_name & channel.
    • fix build_args map entries value may null #64
    • Add dart-define FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME and FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER when building #65
    • artifactName adds build_name & build_number variables #66
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Apr 16, 2022)

  • v0.1.9(Apr 10, 2022)

    • [exe maker] MakeExeConfig Add executable_name field
    • [exe maker] MakeExeConfig Add display_name field
    • [exe maker] MakeExeConfig Add create_desktop_icon field
    • [exe maker] MakeExeConfig Add install_dir_name field
    • [exe maker] MakeExeConfig Add locales field
    • [exe maker] Support chinese #57 #58
    • Add msix maker
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.8(Mar 22, 2022)

  • v0.1.7(Mar 5, 2022)

  • v0.1.6(Feb 19, 2022)

  • v0.1.5(Jan 22, 2022)

  • v0.1.4(Jan 16, 2022)

  • v0.1.3(Jan 9, 2022)

  • v0.1.2(Jan 7, 2022)

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Yukimi ☄ Anime/Manga command-line interface backed up by Tenka. By using this project, you agree to the usage policy. Installation Pre-built binaries

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Sangre - Sangre streams your backend queries in realtime to your clients minimizing the load via diffs

Sangre Sangre streams your backend queries in realtime to your clients minimizin

P.O.M 5 Nov 27, 2022
Dart wrapper via `dart:js` for webusb

Dart wrapper via dart:js for Features canUseUsb g

Woodemi Co., Ltd 1 Jan 25, 2022