A Flutter plugin for handling Connectivity and REAL Connection state in the mobile, web and desktop platforms. Supports iOS, Android, Web, Windows, Linux and macOS.



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A Flutter plugin for handling Connectivity and REAL Connection state in the mobile, web and desktop platforms. Supports iOS, Android, Web, Windows, Linux and macOS.

Getting Started

In order to use this plugin, add dependency in the pubspec.yaml:

cross_connectivity: any


      url: https://github.com/marchdev-tk/cross_connectivity

Add an import to dart file:

import 'package:cross_connectivity/cross_connectivity.dart';


Web sample:

Web Sample

Desktop sample:

Desktop Sample

Mobile sample:

Mobile Sample


Functional approach

This plugin provides two streams:

  • isConnected that shows whether the device is REALLY connected to the network or not.
  • onConnectivityChanged that it will not let you know about state of the REAL network connection. It only shows connectivity state.

Also for one time check could be used following methods:

  • checkConnection() that is working like isConnected, but returns Future<bool> instread of Stream<bool>.
  • checkConnectivity() that is working like onConnectivityChanged, but returns Future<ConnectivityStatus> instread of Stream<ConnectivityStatus>.

There are no more methods (they are working only on Android/iOS/macOS):

  • getWifiName() - Obtains the wifi name (SSID) of the connected network.
  • getWifiBSSID() - Obtains the wifi BSSID of the connected network.
  • getWifiIP() - Obtains the IP address of the connected wifi network.

They are removed to wifi_info_flutter.

Migration guide:

If you don't use any of the above APIs, your code should work as is. In addition, you can also remove NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription in ios/Runner/Info.plist

If you use any of the above APIs, you can find the same APIs in the wifi_info_flutter plugin. For example, to migrate getWifiName, use the new plugin:

final WifiInfo _wifiInfo = WifiInfo();
final String wifiName = await _wifiInfo.getWifiName();

Widget approach

As an alteration to funcitonal approach could be used ConnectivityBuilder widget as follows:

  builder: (context, isConnected, status) => Row(
    mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
    children: <Widget>[
        isConnected == true
            ? Icons.signal_wifi_4_bar
            : Icons.signal_wifi_off,
        color: isConnected == true ? Colors.green : Colors.red,
      const SizedBox(width: 8),
        style: TextStyle(
          color: status != ConnectivityStatus.none
              ? Colors.green
              : Colors.red,

Feature requests and Bug reports

Feel free to post a feature requests or report a bug here.

  • Migrate from connectivity to connectivity_plus

    Migrate from connectivity to connectivity_plus

    The Flutter connectivity plugin has been deprecated.

    Per: https://pub.dev/packages/connectivity the Flutter team's recommendation is to migrate to the connectivity_plus plugin.

    This is an automated PR sent by LSCBot. LSCBot is a service that performs maintenance tasks across many repositories. To make sure you get all the maintenance help LSCBot has to offer - register your repository at lscbot.com.

    opened by lscbot 2
  • Null pointer exception in 3.0.1

    Null pointer exception in 3.0.1

    After upgrading to 3.0.1 I've encountered NPE in connectivity.widget.dart line 63 where there is _connectivity.isConnected.valueWrapper!.value. The valueWrapper is obviously null at the moment. I've fixed this on my local instalation by changing the code to _connectivity.isConnected.valueWrapper?.value ?? false. It works fine, but I won't make a PR for this change as I'm not 100% sure this is the right solution. I hope it is. Please fix this issue either by implementing my code or other way.

    opened by edlman 2
  • Null safety

    Null safety


    Replace this paragraph with a description of what this PR is doing. If you're modifying existing behavior, describe the existing behavior, how this PR is changing it, and what motivated the change. If you're changing visual properties, consider including before/after screenshots (and runnable code snippets to reproduce them).

    Related Issues

    Replace this paragraph with a list of issues related to this PR from our issue database. Indicate, which of these issues are resolved or fixed by this PR. There should be at least one issue listed here.


    I added the following tests:

    Replace this with a list of the tests that you added as part of this PR. A change in behaviour with no test covering it will likely get reverted accidentally sooner or later. PRs must include tests for all changed/updated/fixed behaviors. See Test Coverage.


    Before you create this PR confirm that it meets all requirements listed below by checking the relevant checkboxes ([x]). This will ensure a smooth and quick review process.

    • [ ] I read and followed the Flutter Style Guide, including Features we expect every widget to implement.
    • [ ] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with ///).
    • [ ] All existing and new tests are passing.
    • [ ] The analyzer (flutter analyze --flutter-repo) does not report any problems on my PR.
    • [ ] I am willing to follow-up on review comments in a timely manner.

    Breaking Change

    Did any tests fail when you ran them?

    • [ ] No, no existing tests failed, so this is not a breaking change.
    • [ ] Yes, this is a breaking change. If not, delete the remainder of this section.
      • [ ] I wrote a design doc: https://flutter.dev/go/template Replace this with a link to your design doc's short link
      • [ ] I got input from the developer relations team, specifically from: Replace with the names of who gave advice
      • [ ] I wrote a migration guide: Replace with a link to your migration guide
    opened by dmk-rib 2
  • Remove embedded print(isConnected)

    Remove embedded print(isConnected)

    Thank for the well thought of package, and for exposing connection values as a stream!

    Would it be possible to get rid of print(isConnected) at connectivity_service.web.dart L19?

    Thanks ;)

    proposal platform-web 
    opened by 1N50MN14 2
  • W/FlutterJNI(13146): Tried to send a platform message to Flutter, but FlutterJNI was detached from native C++. Could not send. Channel: plugins.flutter.io/connectivity_status. Response ID: 0

    W/FlutterJNI(13146): Tried to send a platform message to Flutter, but FlutterJNI was detached from native C++. Could not send. Channel: plugins.flutter.io/connectivity_status. Response ID: 0

    This erros appears when a toggle the celular internet.

    W/FlutterJNI(13146): Tried to send a platform message to Flutter, but FlutterJNI was detached from native C++. Could not send. Channel: plugins.flutter.io/connectivity_status. Response ID: 0

    [√] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.5.2, on Microsoft Windows [versão 10.0.19043.1237], locale pt-BR)
        • Flutter version 2.5.2 at C:\Ferramentas\flutter
        • Upstream repository https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
        • Framework revision 3595343e20 (7 days ago), 2021-09-30 12:58:18 -0700
        • Engine revision 6ac856380f
        • Dart version 2.14.3
    [√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 31.0.0)
        • Android SDK at C:\Users\AMcom\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
        • Platform android-31, build-tools 31.0.0
        • ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = C:\Users\AMcom\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
        • Java binary at: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
        • All Android licenses accepted.
    [X] Chrome - develop for the web (Cannot find Chrome executable at .\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe)
        ! Cannot find Chrome. Try setting CHROME_EXECUTABLE to a Chrome executable.
    [√] Android Studio (version 2020.3)
        • Android Studio at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
        • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
        • Dart plugin can be installed from:
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
    [√] IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (version 2021.2)
        • IntelliJ at C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.1
        • Flutter plugin version 60.1.4
        • Dart plugin version 212.5080.8
    [√] VS Code (version 1.60.2)
        • VS Code at C:\Users\AMcom\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
        • Flutter extension version 3.27.0
    [√] Connected device (2 available)
        • Android SDK built for x86 (mobile) • emulator-5554 • android-x86    • Android 11 (API 30) (emulator)
        • Edge (web)                         • edge          • web-javascript • Microsoft Edge 94.0.992.38
    opened by lucasdidur 1
  • Is there any time delay for isConnected steam ?

    Is there any time delay for isConnected steam ?

    Hi, Is there any time delay or interval for isConnected stream to trigger? When i turned off and turn on the wifi, it is triggering after couple of seconds.


    opened by sureace 1
  • Update libs

    Update libs


    Update libs: meta, http, rxdart


    Before you create this PR confirm that it meets all requirements listed below by checking the relevant checkboxes ([x]). This will ensure a smooth and quick review process.

    • [x] I read and followed the Flutter Style Guide, including Features we expect every widget to implement.
    • [x] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with ///).
    • [x] All existing and new tests are passing.
    • [x] The analyzer (flutter analyze --flutter-repo) does not report any problems on my PR.
    • [x] I am willing to follow-up on review comments in a timely manner.

    Breaking Change

    Did any tests fail when you ran them?

    • [x] No, no existing tests failed, so this is not a breaking change.
    • [ ] Yes, this is a breaking change. If not, delete the remainder of this section.
      • [ ] I wrote a design doc: https://flutter.dev/go/template Replace this with a link to your design doc's short link
      • [ ] I got input from the developer relations team, specifically from: Replace with the names of who gave advice
      • [ ] I wrote a migration guide: Replace with a link to your migration guide
    opened by otopba 1
  • Use connectivity 2.0.0

    Use connectivity 2.0.0


    Upgrade to connectivity 2.0.0

    • [x] I read and followed the Flutter Style Guide, including Features we expect every widget to implement.
    • [x] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with ///).
    • [x] All existing and new tests are passing.
    • [x] The analyzer (flutter analyze --flutter-repo) does not report any problems on my PR.
    • [x] I am willing to follow-up on review comments in a timely manner.

    Breaking Change

    Did any tests fail when you ran them?

    • [ ] No, no existing tests failed, so this is not a breaking change.
    • [x] Yes, this is a breaking change. If not, delete the remainder of this section.
      • [ ] I wrote a design doc: https://flutter.dev/go/template Replace this with a link to your design doc's short link
      • [ ] I got input from the developer relations team, specifically from: Replace with the names of who gave advice
      • [x] I wrote a migration guide: -> in the changelog
    opened by cbenhagen 0
  • Failure to detect mobile internet in Android 5.1.1

    Failure to detect mobile internet in Android 5.1.1

    Hi . We try connect to internet by mobile-Internet In Android 5.1.1 on the real device .In fact, the code I tested is the same as the sample code in the repository. But Library can't detect internet connection.

    opened by esmaeil-ahmadipour 0
  • Question - What you mean with

    Question - What you mean with "REAL Connection state"

    What diference exist between you package and connectivity_plus package?

    Do you package make some ping test or another type of test to check if device is online?

    What you mean with "REAL Connection state" in readme?

    opened by filipenanclarez 1
  • Widget test failing

    Widget test failing

    We've got a very simple widget test that passes fine, however once we've added the ConnectivityBuilder to the top of the widget tree in that test, the test fails with this error:


    How can we resolve this widget test error ?

      testWidgets('MslDrawer banner text is correct', (WidgetTester tester) async {
          authSystemUid: 'x',
          authSystem: 'x',
          firstName: 'x',
          lastName: 'x',
        await tester.pumpWidget(
            home: MslDrawer(),
        expect(find.text('Version'), findsOneWidget);
    opened by SogoGolf 0
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