Flutter-useful-widgets - Flutter Useful Widgets



This package makes it easy to build apps by providing a list of simple and useful widgets.

import 'package:useful_widgets/useful_widgets.dart';

List of Widgets available in this package

  • FutureWidget
  • RefreshWidget
  • SearchWidget

Below I will explain how each widget is used


Simple widget to load Future requests, showing a loading screen and, if accour error, show error screen.

    future: (context) => myFutureRequest,
    retry: (context) => retryMyFutureRequest(),
    builder: (context, result) => Text(result),
Sucess Error
PieChart PieChart

The 'Retry' button only is showed if retry parameter is informed.

Example: Weather Forecast


Simple widget to implement pull refresh in yours ListView.

    future: (context) => myFutureItems,
    builder: (context, result) => ListView.separated(
      itemCount: result.length,
      itemBuilder: (context, index) => Text(result[index]),
      separatorBuilder: (context, index) => Divider(),

Example: Weather Forecast


This widget help you to create a simple Search page, you need create a class and extend SearchWidget.

class CitySearchWidget extends SearchWidget<List<CityModel>> {

    Widget buildResult(BuildContext context, List<CityModel> result) {
        return ListView.separated(
            itemCount: result.length,
            itemBuilder: (context, index) => buildItemView(context, result[index]),
            separatorBuilder: (context, index) => Divider(),

    bool canSearch(BuildContext context, String query) {
        return query.length > 3;

    Future<List<CityModel>> search(String query) {
        return Module.of<AppModule>().service<OpenWeatherApi>().searchCities(query);

    buildItem(BuildContext context, CityModel city) {
        return ListTile(
            leading: Image.network('http://openweathermap.org/img/wn/${city.weather[0].icon}@2x.png'),
            title: buildItemTitle(city),
            onTap: () {
                Module.of<AppModule>().service<AppService>().updateCurrentCity(context, city.id);

    buildItemTitle(CityModel city) {
        return Row(
            children: <Widget>[
            Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(2),),
            Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(2),),

Example: Weather Forecast

Customize package locations

First let's create the custom internationalization that will extend the default package location. You should override customValues and enter only the messages you want to change.

import 'package:useful_widgets/useful_widgets.dart';

class CustomLocalization extends UsefulWidgetsLocalizations {
  CustomLocalization(Locale locale) : super(locale);
  Map<dynamic, Map<dynamic, String>> get customValues => {
    'en': {
      WidgetMessages.message1: 'Custom first message',
      WidgetMessages.message2: 'Custom second message',
    'es': {
      WidgetMessages.message1: 'Primer mensaje personalizado',
      WidgetMessages.message2: 'Segundo mensaje personalizado',
    'pt': {
      WidgetMessages.message1: 'Primeira mensagem personalizada',
      WidgetMessages.message2: 'Segunda mensagem personalizada',

And finally, inform the delegate in localizationsDelegates of your apps MaterialApp.

  localizationsDelegates: [
    UsefulWidgetsLocalizationsDelegate((locale) => CustomLocalization(locale)),
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  • suggestions for improvements

    suggestions for improvements

    please can you show a procedure to import your library in personnal project ? and update the documentation to reflect the changes in the availaible widgets list thanks

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