Sytôdy, a Flutter "speech to text" todo app POC


Sytôdy, a Flutter "speech to text" todo app POC

⚠️ iOS10(Swift) & Android



Install flutter

cd sytody
flutter run

📺 Video demo

How it works

TL;DR The flutter app open a channel on the host platform. It uses it :

  • to ask for speech recognition and microphone usage. The permission is asked on the first application launch
  • to start, cancel and stop the speech recognition
  • to listen to the recognition result

Flutter, native APIs and plugins


  • iOS : Speech API : 4 languages are enabled in Sytody : FR / EN / RU / IT
  • Android : SpeechRecognizer : recognition should work with the device default locale, but some others may needs to be installed to enable other languages.


Task list

A ListView with TaskWidget items


The tasks are displayed in a Dismissible Widget

Languages menu

A PopupMenuButton

Getting Started with Flutter

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

  • Hive external execute failed,how can I set User?

    Hive external execute failed,how can I set User?

    starrocks version:1.18.1


    log: 2021-10-20 11:34:15 ERROR TThreadPoolServer:321 - Thrift Error occurred during processing of message. org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: Connection reset at at org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport.readAll( at org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol.readAll( at org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol.readI32( at org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol.readMessageBegin( at org.apache.thrift.TBaseProcessor.process( at org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caused by: Connection reset at at at at at at ... 9 more

    Ranger is configured for Hive but Kerberos is not enabled, how can I set User?

    opened by winfys 20
  • Attempt to free invalid pointer 0x623ff80

    Attempt to free invalid pointer 0x623ff80

    Steps to reproduce the behavior (Required)

    1. start a cluster includes 3 FE and 4 BE, use the release here.
    2. buid BE from commit 92d8297667cf0ffaeb1406c1d7443ec68e5da3df of main brach
    3. replace one BE of cluster by that built from step 2
    4. after about one hour, the BE got exception and exit

    Expected behavior (Required)

    be normal

    Real behavior (Required)

    I0914 17:40:26.355070 1166569 internal_service.cpp:241] exec plan fragment, fragment_instance_id=ca55666a-153f-11ec-ba58-6c92bf928229, coord=TNetworkAddress(hostname=********, port=9020), backend=7 is_pipeline 0
    I0914 17:40:26.355098 1166569 plan_fragment_executor.cpp:68] Prepare(): query_id=ca55666a-153f-11ec-ba58-6c92bf928226 fragment_instance_id=ca55666a-153f-11ec-ba58-6c92bf928229 backend_num=7
    I0914 17:40:26.355139 1166569 plan_fragment_executor.cpp:124] Using query memory limit: 2.00 GB
    I0914 17:40:26.355481 1166418 plan_fragment_executor.cpp:228] Open(): fragment_instance_id=ca55666a-153f-11ec-ba58-6c92bf928229
    src/] Attempt to free invalid pointer 0x623ff80
    *** Aborted at 1631612426 (unix time) try "date -d @1631612426" if you are using GNU date ***
    PC: @     0x7effb7190387 __GI_raise
    *** SIGABRT (@0x1f80011cb88) received by PID 1166216 (TID 0x7efc00568700) from PID 1166216; stack trace: ***
        @          0x3145132 google::(anonymous namespace)::FailureSignalHandler()
        @     0x7effb8e3b630 (unknown)
        @     0x7effb7190387 __GI_raise
        @     0x7effb7191a78 __GI_abort
        @          0x140b0a0 _ZN8tcmalloc3LogENS_7LogModeEPKciNS_7LogItemES3_S3_S3_.cold
        @          0x4247609 (anonymous namespace)::InvalidFree()
        @          0x1edb505 starrocks::vectorized::timestamp::to_string()
        @          0x1ed9265 starrocks::vectorized::TimestampValue::to_string()
        @          0x23778c3 starrocks::cast_to_string<>()
        @          0x238a4af starrocks::ColumnValueRange<>::to_olap_filter()
        @          0x249bdc5 starrocks::vectorized::OlapScanNode::_start_scan()
        @          0x249c7ca starrocks::vectorized::OlapScanNode::get_next()
        @          0x25c0669 starrocks::vectorized::ProjectNode::get_next()
        @          0x247a6a4 starrocks::vectorized::DistinctStreamingNode::get_next()
        @          0x1ef22c7 starrocks::PlanFragmentExecutor::_get_next_internal_vectorized()
        @          0x1ef34ef starrocks::PlanFragmentExecutor::_open_internal_vectorized()
        @          0x1ef40eb starrocks::PlanFragmentExecutor::open()
        @          0x1e8f77f starrocks::FragmentExecState::execute()
        @          0x1e909a0 starrocks::FragmentMgr::exec_actual()
        @          0x1e958dc std::_Function_handler<>::_M_invoke()
        @          0x1fd8754 starrocks::ThreadPool::dispatch_thread()
        @          0x1fe6bf5 starrocks::Thread::supervise_thread()
        @     0x7effb8e33ea5 start_thread
        @     0x7effb72589fd __clone

    StarRocks version (Required)

    • commit 92d8297
    • OS CentOS7.2
    • gcc (GCC) 9.3.1 20200408 (Red Hat 9.3.1-2)
    opened by mchades 16
  • trino connect starrocks success ,but get none table in my created schema

    trino connect starrocks success ,but get none table in my created schema

    Steps to reproduce the behavior (Required)

    1. i try to connect starrocks use trino-server-355

    2. this is the file content i put into trino catalog directory ,file name is connection-url=jdbc:mysql:// connection-user=root connection-password= case-insensitive-name-matching=true

    3. i get this with command “show catalogs” and it show my starrocks's catalag “doris” trino:dw> show catalogs; Catalog

       (9 rows)

      Query 20210913_063107_00042_yjd54, FINISHED, 3 nodes Splits: 53 total, 53 done (100.00%) 0.23 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

    4. then i get this result with command “show shcemas from doris ;”

      trino:dw> show schemas from doris; Schema


      (5 rows)

      Query 20210913_063315_00043_yjd54, FINISHED, 4 nodes Splits: 53 total, 53 done (100.00%) 0.25 [5 rows, 72B] [19 rows/s, 287B/s]

    5. when i want to see table ,i exec this command "show tables from doris.dw" ,but it show nothing。

      trino:dw> show tables from doris.dw;

      (0 rows)

      Query 20210913_063526_00045_yjd54, FINISHED, 4 nodes Splits: 53 total, 53 done (100.00%) 0.26 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

    6. this is the table when i use mysql client to exec commend “show tables from dw;” MySQL [(none)]> show tables from dw; +----------------------------------+ | Tables_in_dw | +----------------------------------+ | DICTIONARY_DORIS | | GLOG_DEPOSIT | | GLOG_LOGIN | | GLOG_LOGIN_BITMAP_MID | | GLOG_LOGIN_RATIO | | GLOG_LOGOUT_AVGTIME | | GLOG_LTV | | GLOG_M_LOGIN_RT | | GLOG_M_RETAIN_RT | | GLOG_NEWLOGIN | | GLOG_NEWLOGIN_RETAIN | | GLOG_OLNUM | | ZZ_LOGIN | | ZZ_LOGIN_T | ...... +----------------------------------+ 46 rows in set (0.01 sec)

    Real behavior (Required)

     i'm disturbed why trino can connect starrocks, but cant get  my tables in schema "dw" ,  also cant query table in starrocks.
     before this i update the version from 1.17 to 1.18.2  , detail step is :
        1)replace  /fe/ bin,/fe/lib, /fe/spark-dpp  this three directory
        2)replace  /be/bin,/be/lib,/be/www  this three directory

    StarRocks version (Required)


    opened by Linzol 11
  • test starRocks error in Debian 9 linux 4.14

    test starRocks error in Debian 9 linux 4.14

    hi, I run cmd sh ./ --be --run in my Debian 9 linux 4.14. And got the error ./ 19: set: Illegal option -o pipefail

    opened by BanBuDu0 10
  • Optimize `VectorizedInConstPredicate` using bitmap/array

    Optimize `VectorizedInConstPredicate` using bitmap/array

    ref: #1422

    I do a experiment on ssb_100g using

    • 8 scan threads and
    • set parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num = 8

    Before improvement

    mysql> select count(s_nation) from lineorder_flat where s_nation like '%N';
    | count(`s_nation`) |
    |          72048551 |
    1 row in set (0.92 sec)

    And using this PR, time can be reduced for 26%

    mysql> select count(s_nation) from lineorder_flat where s_nation like '%N';
    | count(`s_nation`) |
    |          72048551 |
    1 row in set (0.68 sec)

    And if we enable global dict optimization set cbo_enable_low_cardinality_optimize = true, time can be reduces further for 52%.

    mysql> select count(s_nation) from lineorder_flat where s_nation like '%N';
    | count(`s_nation`) |
    |          72048551 |
    1 row in set (0.44 sec)
    type/enhancement Approved 
    opened by dirtysalt 8
  • split function : unexpected exception in starrocks 1.18.2

    split function : unexpected exception in starrocks 1.18.2

    Steps to reproduce the behavior (Required)

    select split("a,b,c",",");

    Expected behavior (Required)

    | split('a,b,c', ',') |
    | ["a","b","c"]       |

    Real behavior (Required)

    ERROR 1064 (HY000): Unexpected exception: org.apache.doris.catalog.ArrayType cannot be cast to org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType

    StarRocks version (Required)

    A version that works properly

    1.18.2 caa8b52 
    | split('a,b,c', ',') |
    | ["a","b","c"]       |

    A version that does not work properly , download from :

    1.18.2 7b65727  is Unexpected exception
    ERROR 1064 (HY000): Unexpected exception: org.apache.doris.catalog.ArrayType cannot be cast to org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType

    please check and repair it

    opened by mklzl 7
  • [SR-3811] optimize high card count distinct

    [SR-3811] optimize high card count distinct

    Use another way to serialize/deserialize hahset in distinct agg state:

    1. save packet size
    2. better cache locality to do merge

    Testing following SQL on ssb dataset, query time can be reduced from 60s -> 20s

    SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT lo_orderkey), lo_linenumber FROM lineorder_flat group by lo_linenumber;
    opened by dirtysalt 7
  • Refine impl of TabletColumn to reduce memory usage

    Refine impl of TabletColumn to reduce memory usage

    Close issue #607

    With this optimization, the memory usage of 73000 tablets, each of which contains 1500 columns of type VARCHAR, dropped from 23.5GB to 7.6GB.

    type/enhancement sig/storage 
    opened by sduzh 7
  •  SHOW PROC '/backends'\\G And SHOW PROC '/frontends'\\G ERROR SHOW PROC '/backends'\\G And SHOW PROC '/frontends'\\G ERROR

    When I follow the documentation to install , mysql client cannot parse when I use the following command

    SHOW PROC '/frontends'\\G
    ERROR: Unknown command '\\'.
    -> ;
    ERROR 1064 (HY000): Please check your sql, we meet an error when parsing.

    But this command can be executed

    show backends;
    | BackendId | Cluster         | IP              | HeartbeatPort | BePort | HttpPort | BrpcPort | LastStartTime       | LastHeartbeat       | 
    Alive | SystemDecommissioned | ClusterDecommissioned | TabletNum | DataUsedCapacity | AvailCapacity | TotalCapacity | 
    UsedPct | MaxDiskUsedPct | ErrMsg | Version        | Status                                                 |
    | 10002     | default_cluster | | 9050          | 9060   | 8040     | 8060     | 2021-09-08 15:01:37 | 2021-09-08 
    15:13:47 | true  | false                | false                 | 10        | .000             | 1.364 GB      | 16.986 GB     | 91.97 % | 91.97 %        |        
    | 1.18.2-caa8b52 | {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"2021-09-08 15:13:37"} |

    And so does this command

    SHOW PROC '/frontends'\\G
    good first issue 
    opened by mklzl 7
  • [SR-4685] StarRocksColumn convert to Arrow Array

    [SR-4685] StarRocksColumn convert to Arrow Array


    Add vectorized method (send_chunk) for MemoryScratchSink to convert StarRocks in-memory column into Arrow array.

    Approved type/feature-request 
    opened by satanson 7
  • sql query error in multi join with subquery

    sql query error in multi join with subquery

    Steps to reproduce the behavior (Required)

    1. DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS d32; CREATE DATABASE d32; USE d32; admin set frontend config ("enable_decimal_v3" = "true"); CREATE TABLE t0 (c_0_0 TINYINT NULL ,c_0_1 BOOLEAN NOT NULL ,c_0_2 VARCHAR(31) NULL ,c_0_3 DECIMAL64(5, 1) NULL ,c_0_4 DECIMAL128(36, 26) NOT NULL ,c_0_5 BOOLEAN NULL ,c_0_6 DATE NULL ,c_0_7 SMALLINT NULL ,c_0_8 INT NOT NULL ,c_0_9 CHAR(1) NOT NULL ,c_0_10 DATETIME NOT NULL ,c_0_11 BOOLEAN NOT NULL ,c_0_12 DECIMAL32(8, 0) NULL ,c_0_13 DECIMAL64(1, 1) NULL ,c_0_14 DECIMAL32(2, 1) NOT NULL ,c_0_15 TINYINT NULL ) UNIQUE KEY (c_0_0,c_0_1) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (c_0_1,c_0_0) properties("replication_num"="1") ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1 (c_1_0 DECIMAL64(9, 1) NOT NULL ,c_1_1 BIGINT REPLACE NULL ,c_1_2 DATE REPLACE NULL ,c_1_3 DECIMAL128(35, 21) MIN NULL ) AGGREGATE KEY (c_1_0) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (c_1_0) properties("replication_num"="1") ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t2 (c_2_0 DECIMAL32(8, 2) NULL ,c_2_1 DECIMAL64(4, 2) NULL ,c_2_2 BOOLEAN NULL ,c_2_3 BOOLEAN NULL ,c_2_4 DECIMAL128(22, 14) NOT NULL ,c_2_5 FLOAT NULL ,c_2_6 DECIMAL64(5, 1) NULL ,c_2_7 DATETIME NULL ,c_2_8 INT NULL ) UNIQUE KEY (c_2_0,c_2_1,c_2_2) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (c_2_2,c_2_0,c_2_1) properties("replication_num"="1") ; CREATE TABLE t3 (c_3_0 INT NOT NULL ,c_3_1 DATE NOT NULL ,c_3_2 DATETIME NOT NULL ,c_3_3 DECIMAL64(7, 4) NULL ,c_3_4 DECIMAL128(2, 1) NOT NULL ,c_3_5 CHAR(1) NULL ,c_3_6 BOOLEAN NULL ,c_3_7 DECIMAL128(8, 6) NOT NULL ,c_3_8 DECIMAL32(5, 0) NULL ,c_3_9 BOOLEAN NOT NULL ) UNIQUE KEY (c_3_0,c_3_1,c_3_2) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (c_3_0,c_3_1,c_3_2) properties("replication_num"="1") ; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5949038.3, 63714999, "1970-01-01", 3.4254613511636E-8); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1539.93, 0.54, true, false, 4.7076306E-7, 0.8798927357508506, 382.2, "1970-01-01 08:00:00", 27); DELETE FROM t1 WHERE c_1_0=9309717.9; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (7, "1970-01-01", "1970-01-01 08:00:00", 0.0160, 0.3, "", false, 0.000017, 73294, true), (8, "1970-01-01", "1970-01-01 08:00:00", 0.0637, 0.7, "", false, 0.000089, 9156, true);
    2. SELECT DISTINCT subt2.c_2_0 FROM (SELECT t2.c_2_0, t2.c_2_1, t2.c_2_2, t2.c_2_3, t2.c_2_4, t2.c_2_5, t2.c_2_6, t2.c_2_7, t2.c_2_8 FROM t2 WHERE ( t2.c_2_1 ) >= ( t2.c_2_1 ) ORDER BY t2.c_2_6) subt2 LEFT SEMI JOIN t0 ON subt2.c_2_8 = t0.c_0_2 AND subt2.c_2_8 > t0.c_0_2 AND subt2.c_2_7 != t0.c_0_7 AND subt2.c_2_7 <= DAYOFMONTH("1969-12-28") , t1 RIGHT SEMI JOIN (SELECT t3.c_3_0, t3.c_3_1, t3.c_3_2, t3.c_3_3, t3.c_3_4, t3.c_3_5, t3.c_3_6, t3.c_3_7, t3.c_3_8, t3.c_3_9 FROM t3 WHERE CAST(84 AS BOOLEAN ) ) subt3 ON t1.c_1_1 = subt3.c_3_3 AND t1.c_1_1 <= subt3.c_3_3 AND t1.c_1_1 <= subt3.c_3_4 AND t1.c_1_1 <= subt3.c_3_4;

    Expected behavior (Required)

    query right

    Real behavior (Required)

    Column 'subt2.c_2_0' cannot be resolved

    StarRocks version (Required)

    • You can get the StarRocks version by executing SQL select current_version()
    • main release 28364fc
    opened by wanpengfei-git 0
  • support mysql table sink in BE

    support mysql table sink in BE

    for #1580

    opened by stdpain 0
  • [Feature] support mysql table sink in vectorized engine

    [Feature] support mysql table sink in vectorized engine

    Feature request

    SR should support mysql table sink to query result

    insert into mysql_table select xxx from xxx;
    opened by stdpain 0
  • lazy load index

    lazy load index

    lazy load zonemap/bitmap/bloomfilter index, and fix bug of reader_type, to #1554

    opened by DeepThinker666 0
  • Update drop backends behavior

    Update drop backends behavior


    opened by stephen-shelby 0
  • Create bloom index on on-key column for primary key table failed

    Create bloom index on on-key column for primary key table failed

    create table t(id bigint not null, name string not null) primary key(id) distributed by hash(id) buckets 4 properties("bloom_filter_clumns":"name"); Failed:

    Bloom filter index only used in columns of DUP_KEYS table or key columns of UNIQUE_KEYS/AGG_KEYS table

    need to remove this check for primary key

    opened by decster 0
  • Update drop backends syntax behavior

    Update drop backends syntax behavior

    Update drop backends syntax behavior. Added syntax ALTER SYSTEM DROP BACKEND <backends> FORCE.

    Feature request

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    When a tablet with a single duplication table exists on a backend, deleting backend will cause table data loss.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    I think the drop backends operation is rarely used in online clusters. And ‘dropp’ is not a correct word. Make the following changes to the behavior of the drop backend statement:

    • ALTER SYSTEM DROP <backends> can delete backend instead of DROPP.
    • When there is a tablet with a single duplication table on the backend to be deleted, an exception will be thrown and ALTER SYSTEM DROP <backends> FORCE needs to be used to delete.
    • The original behavior of DROPP remains unchanged, I think it could be removed in a future version.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    Additional context

    opened by stephen-shelby 0
  • Check resource is null or not when show resources command is executing

    Check resource is null or not when show resources command is executing

    Ignore the resource which was dropped during 'show resources' to fix npe exception.

    2021-11-24 15:35:16,936 WARN (starrocks-mysql-nio-pool-152|8584) [StmtExecutor.execute():454] execute Exception, sql show resources
    java.lang.NullPointerException: null
            at com.starrocks.catalog.ResourceMgr$ResourceProcNode.fetchResult( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:?]
            at com.starrocks.catalog.ResourceMgr.getResourcesInfo( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:?]
            at com.starrocks.qe.ShowExecutor.handleShowResources( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:?]
            at com.starrocks.qe.ShowExecutor.execute( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:?]
            at com.starrocks.qe.StmtExecutor.handleShow( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:?]
            at com.starrocks.qe.StmtExecutor.execute( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:?]
            at com.starrocks.qe.ConnectProcessor.handleQuery( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:?]
            at com.starrocks.qe.ConnectProcessor.dispatch( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:?]
            at com.starrocks.qe.ConnectProcessor.processOnce( ~[starrocks-fe.jar:
    opened by caneGuy 1
  • Query62 of 100g tpcds returns error when turn on low cardinality optimize

    Query62 of 100g tpcds returns error when turn on low cardinality optimize

    Steps to reproduce the behavior (Required)

    1. set cbo_enable_low_cardinality_optimize = true

    2. run query62.sql select substr(w_warehouse_name,1,20) ,sm_type ,web_name ,sum(case when (ws_ship_date_sk - ws_sold_date_sk <= 30 ) then 1 else 0 end) as "30 days" ,sum(case when (ws_ship_date_sk - ws_sold_date_sk > 30) and (ws_ship_date_sk - ws_sold_date_sk <= 60) then 1 else 0 end ) as "31-60 days" ,sum(case when (ws_ship_date_sk - ws_sold_date_sk > 60) and (ws_ship_date_sk - ws_sold_date_sk <= 90) then 1 else 0 end) as "61-90 days" ,sum(case when (ws_ship_date_sk - ws_sold_date_sk > 90) and (ws_ship_date_sk - ws_sold_date_sk <= 120) then 1 else 0 end) as "91-120 days" ,sum(case when (ws_ship_date_sk - ws_sold_date_sk > 120) then 1 else 0 end) as ">120 days" from web_sales ,warehouse ,ship_mode ,web_site ,date_dim where d_month_seq between 1200 and 1200 + 11 and ws_ship_date_sk = d_date_sk and ws_warehouse_sk = w_warehouse_sk and ws_ship_mode_sk = sm_ship_mode_sk and ws_web_site_sk = web_site_sk group by substr(w_warehouse_name,1,20) ,sm_type ,web_name order by substr(w_warehouse_name,1,20) ,sm_type ,web_name limit 100;

    3. the same query returns 100 rows when set cbo_enable_low_cardinality_optimize = false

    Expected behavior (Required)

    100 rows

    Real behavior (Required)

    ERROR 1064 (HY000): cid:4 column has a non-dictionary coding page

    StarRocks version (Required)

    • You can get the StarRocks version by executing SQL select current_version() branch-2.0 2ccfeaa release
    opened by wangruin 0
Erick Ghaumez
Erick Ghaumez
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Gonçalo Almeida 2 Sep 25, 2021
A cross platform todo list app using flutter and dart programming language

Flutter Todos A cross platform todo list app using flutter and dart programming language. In this application, I used SQLite3 to persist data. The app

Mahmud Ahsan 61 Dec 29, 2022
Flutter Todo app 📝

Todo_App App Design ✏ : TODO Todo : Sqlite Database Animation DarkMod ?? Shared Preferences Making a task for everyday ♥ And a lot thing ... ....... .

Amirziya 28 Nov 11, 2022