Allows send emails from flutter using native platform functionality.



Allows send emails from flutter using native platform functionality.

In android it opens default mail app via intent.

In iOS MFMailComposeViewController is used to compose an email.


final Email email = Email(
  body: 'Email body',
  subject: 'Email subject',
  recipients: ['[email protected]'],
  cc: ['[email protected]'],
  bcc: ['[email protected]'],
  attachmentPaths: ['/path/to/'],
  isHTML: false,

await FlutterEmailSender.send(email);

Android Setup

With Android 11, package visibility is introduced that alters the ability to query installed applications and packages on a user’s device. To enable your application to get visibility into the packages you will need to add a list of queries into your AndroidManifest.xml.

<manifest package="com.mycompany.myapp">
      <action android:name="android.intent.action.SENDTO" />
      <data android:scheme="mailto" />

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

For help on editing plugin code, view the documentation.

  • Build Failed Xcode

    Build Failed Xcode

    VSC is unable to build to run on iOS emulator The following error is returned

    Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 8 Plus in debug mode...
    Xcode build done.                                           12.5s
    Failed to build iOS app
    Error output from Xcode build:
    ** BUILD FAILED **
    Xcode's output:
    === BUILD TARGET url_launcher OF PROJECT Pods WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
    /Users/xxxx/SDK/crossplatform/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ fatal error: 'flutter_email_sender/flutter_email_sender-Swift.h' file not found
    #import <flutter_email_sender/flutter_email_sender-Swift.h>
    1 error generated.
    Could not build the application for the simulator.

    I made changes to my podfile in order to get OneSignal notifications to work

    # Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
    platform :ios, '10.0'
    # CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency.
    project 'Runner', {
      'Debug' => :debug,
      'Profile' => :release,
      'Release' => :release,
    def parse_KV_file(file, separator='=')
      file_abs_path = File.expand_path(file)
      if !File.exists? file_abs_path
        return [];
      pods_ary = []
      skip_line_start_symbols = ["#", "/"]
      File.foreach(file_abs_path) { |line|
          next if skip_line_start_symbols.any? { |symbol| line =~ /^\s*#{symbol}/ }
          plugin = line.split(pattern=separator)
          if plugin.length == 2
            podname = plugin[0].strip()
            path = plugin[1].strip()
            podpath = File.expand_path("#{path}", file_abs_path)
            pods_ary.push({:name => podname, :path => podpath});
            puts "Invalid plugin specification: #{line}"
      return pods_ary
    target 'Runner' do
      # Prepare symlinks folder. We use symlinks to avoid having Podfile.lock
      # referring to absolute paths on developers' machines.
      system('rm -rf .symlinks')
      system('mkdir -p .symlinks/plugins')
      # Flutter Pods
      generated_xcode_build_settings = parse_KV_file('./Flutter/Generated.xcconfig')
      if generated_xcode_build_settings.empty?
        puts "Generated.xcconfig must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter packages get is executed first."
      end { |p|
        if p[:name] == 'FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_DIR'
          symlink = File.join('.symlinks', 'flutter')
          File.symlink(File.dirname(p[:path]), symlink)
          pod 'Flutter', :path => File.join(symlink, File.basename(p[:path]))
      # Plugin Pods
      plugin_pods = parse_KV_file('../.flutter-plugins') { |p|
        symlink = File.join('.symlinks', 'plugins', p[:name])
        File.symlink(p[:path], symlink)
        pod p[:name], :path => File.join(symlink, 'ios')
    target 'OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension' do
      pod 'OneSignal', '>= 2.9.5', '< 3.0'
    post_install do |installer|
      installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        target.build_configurations.each do |config|
          config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '5.0'
          config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
    opened by l-k22 19
  • Unable to add an attachment from getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()

    Unable to add an attachment from getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()

    When I add a file in the attachment from getExternalStorageDirectory(), it works fine. But it gives an error or says cannot attach attachment when I use getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() or getTemporaryDirectory(). I get the following error:

    E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): Failed to handle method call E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find configured root that contains /data/data/com.example.clbrapp/app_flutter/Technical_Report.pdf E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at$SimplePathStrategy.getUriForFile( E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at com.sidlatau.flutteremailsender.FlutterEmailSenderPlugin.sendEmail(FlutterEmailSenderPlugin.kt:85) E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at com.sidlatau.flutteremailsender.FlutterEmailSenderPlugin.onMethodCall(FlutterEmailSenderPlugin.kt:30) E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel$IncomingMethodCallHandler.onMessage( E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at io.flutter.view.FlutterNativeView.handlePlatformMessage( E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at android.os.Looper.loop( E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at$ E/MethodChannel#flutter_email_sender(20680): at

    Please solve this, because getExternalStorageDirectory() does not work in IOS.

    opened by keshav1611 11
  • is the example code correct? I got this error: PlatformException(not_available, No email client found, null, null)

    is the example code correct? I got this error: PlatformException(not_available, No email client found, null, null)

    Hi, I am not surely if I miss anything? All I did is running example code, and I typed my own email address as Recipient, but I couldn't send any email and got this error:

    PlatformException(not_available, No email client found, null, null)

    Can anyone help me explain how to use this package? I followed the example code, but how does it work? does it make user send a message to my email (the recipient)? but if I reply the message, where should i reply to? there is no sender's email. and anyway I can't make it work. And help is appreciated. Thank you!

    opened by lutang123 10
  • Send email with attachments not working on Android 13

    Send email with attachments not working on Android 13

    This code works fine on Android versions before 13: final Email email = Email( body: _body, subject: 'Network information', recipients: ['$_supportEmail'], //cc: ['[email protected]'], //bcc: ['[email protected]'], attachmentPaths: attachments,//Files are in app document folder isHTML: false, );

    On Android 13 it says: PlatformException(not_available, No email clients found!, null, null) Version of plugin is: flutter_email_sender: ^5.1.0 I have mail client on my phone and it is selected as default.

    It works on Android 13 it if remove attachments. Files are in app document folder. This folder was visible in previous androids. But with recent versions Android may be limit access to this folder.

    opened by kostadin24 9
  • Multiple attachements paths make the body disappear (Android)

    Multiple attachements paths make the body disappear (Android)

    Using flutter_email_sender: 4.0.0, I noticed a bug in Android : if I add multiple files path when instanciating an Email object, the body is not taken into account anymore. The Mail app used is GMail.

    With the following code, I get an email with the body and one file

    final Email email = Email(
          body: 'Here you go, find the files enclosed',
          subject: 'Exporting files',
          recipients: emails,
          attachmentPaths: ['workZip.path'],
          isHTML: false,

    With the following code, I get an email with two files but no more body

    final Email email = Email(
          body: 'Here you go, find the files enclosed',
          subject: 'Exporting files',
          recipients: emails,
          attachmentPaths: ['workZip.path, info.csv'],
          isHTML: false,

    Are you able to reproduce it ? Any ideas on what is happening there ?

    opened by TBG-FR 9
  • Android 11 not handled : PlatformException(not_available,` No email clients found!, null, null)

    Android 11 not handled : PlatformException(not_available,` No email clients found!, null, null)


    I got this error only on Android 11 (API 30) virtual device on Android Studio : PlatformException(not_available, No email clients found!, null, null)` The GMAIL client is already set up on the virtual device.

    I do not reproduce on other devices (virtual or not) which are Android 10 or less (API 29 or less)

    My code :

    try {
            final Email email = Email(
              body: "some content",
              subject: "some subject",
              recipients: [''],
              attachmentPaths: [somefile.path],
              isHTML: false,
            await FlutterEmailSender.send(email);
            debugPrint('email sent correctly');
          catch (e) {
            debugPrint('error sending email');
    opened by deacon78 8
  • Not working on Flutter web

    Not working on Flutter web

    When calling FlutterEmailSender.send(email) all i get is MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method send on channel flutter_email_sender)

    opened by andreagr 4
  • Android: FlutterEmailSender.send future never completes

    Android: FlutterEmailSender.send future never completes

    Hi, I'm using the latest version 5.0.1 of this package with Android and the Future returned by FlutterEmailSender.send() never seems to be completed (tested in both emulator as well as real device).

    Steps to reproduce: try to call await FlutterEmailSender.send() in an async method and nothing after this call gets executed. If you don't await the future everything will continue normally (though the point is to await the result of the future)

    Thanks for looking into it. I think I even have a fix for this so if you want I can open a PR with the fix

    opened by zuzi-m 3
  • getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() Still With A Different Context Directory from the .send Method

    getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() Still With A Different Context Directory from the .send Method

    This is basically me trying to reopen Issue #10.

    I'm using version 2.2.2 with Android 9 (API 28) on a Nexus 6 and the FlutterEmailSender is still getting the directory context from a different place, not /data/user/0/....

    @skaletaPL mentions a workaround by using getTemporaryDirectory() instead of getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(), but I don't think this should be mandatory. Or, if it should, it could be stated in the package description somewhere to warn users.

    opened by psygo 3
  • Unable to build iOS app - Swift version not specified

    Unable to build iOS app - Swift version not specified

    I added this code to my project, and on first build am getting an error from Xcode

    flutter_email_sender does not specify a Swift version and none of the targets (Runner) integrating it have the SWIFT_VERSION attribute set. Please contact the author or set the SWIFT_VERSION attribute in at least one of the targets that integrate this pod.

    Thank you!

    opened by bremington 3
  • How to send multiple files ? ( multiple attachments )

    How to send multiple files ? ( multiple attachments )

    is there any way to send multiple files at a time? As in Email class, "attachmentPath" is a string i.e., not a List ?

    How to add multiple file path to "attachmentPath" or suggest an alternate way.

    Thanks, Gaurav

    opened by GauravPatni 3
  • Sending emails in Windows

    Sending emails in Windows

    Hello, According to plugin description - Windows is not supported. But in fact works fine inn Windows 10 for emails without attachments.

    Only if I try to add files then exception is thrown: "MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method send on channel flutter_email_sender)"

    opened by kostadin24 0
  • Incorrect MFMailComposeViewController Usage.

    Incorrect MFMailComposeViewController Usage.

    Apple's documentation for MFMailComposeViewController require that you call canSendEmail:

    if !MFMailComposeViewController.canSendMail() {
        print("Mail services are not available")

    This package doesn't support calling this API.

    opened by slangley 0
  • Attachments are not working on Android

    Attachments are not working on Android

    I am trying to send email with attachment. When i build the code in Ios it runs with no error and perfectly but whenever i try to run in Android i got no errors but Gmail says "File could not be attached". Please Help!!

    opened by fatihmerickoc 1
  • Add link or button to email

    Add link or button to email


    I'd like to add a link, or better still a button, to the emails generated by my app that links to the App store or Google Store for my App (so encouraging recipients to download my App). I know that I can set the isHtml tag to true but how do I actually pass in the html when constructing the email using flutter_email_sender.

    The html code I want to pass in is:

    Download on the App Store

    This code generates the button in an email that I might send from my mail.

    Alternatively could I pass in Text where part of the text is a hyperlink to the store? Less graphically pleasing but would at least provide the link and less risky if the email client does not support html.

    Thanks for your help


    opened by LeapingSwan 1
  • Attachments not longer working

    Attachments not longer working

    I have code:

            final Email email = Email(
              body: body,
              subject: subject,
              recipients: [scoutReport.sendTo],
              isHTML: true,
              bcc: [],
              cc: [],
              attachmentPaths: [
            FlutterEmailSender.send(email).then((value) => {});

    Which after opening gmail will show short message "Count not add attachment' and create email without one.

    opened by Mmisiek 1
  • [PPT] Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT.

    [PPT] Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT.

    On iOS get the error: [PPT] Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT. when using FlutterEmailSender.send(email).

    The email window comes up as expected. If I send or cancel the email, then I get the following error stream:

    [AXRuntimeCommon] AX Lookup problem - errorCode:1100 error:Permission denied portName:'' PID:609 (
    	0   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5fb2c24 638F11FF-7696-30F3-A29E-8ECB6147567D + 322596
    	1   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5f685dc _AXGetPortFromCache + 708
    	2   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5f69cec AXUIElementPerformFencedActionWithValue + 488
    	3   UIKit                               0x00000001f08bdc70 89D9DA59-C6CA-39FF-AF87-AB9019F15DC6 + 932976
    	4   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180ef1c04 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 7172
    	5   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180ef3950 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 14672
    	6   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180efb0ac 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 45228
    	7   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180efbc10 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 48144
    	8   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180f06318 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 90904
    	9   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00000001f05b11b0 _pthread_wqthread + 288
    	10  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00000001f05b0f50 start_wqthread + 8
    [AXRuntimeCommon] AX Lookup problem - errorCode:1100 error:Permission denied portName:'' PID:609 (
    	0   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5fb2c24 638F11FF-7696-30F3-A29E-8ECB6147567D + 322596
    	1   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5f685dc _AXGetPortFromCache + 708
    	2   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5f69cec AXUIElementPerformFencedActionWithValue + 488
    	3   UIKit                               0x00000001f08bdc70 89D9DA59-C6CA-39FF-AF87-AB9019F15DC6 + 932976
    	4   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180ef1c04 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 7172
    	5   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180ef3950 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 14672
    	6   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180efb0ac 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 45228
    	7   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180efbc10 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 48144
    	8   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180f06318 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 90904
    	9   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00000001f05b11b0 _pthread_wqthread + 288
    	10  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00000001f05b0f50 start_wqthread + 8
    [AXRuntimeCommon] AX Lookup problem - errorCode:1100 error:Permission denied portName:'' PID:609 (
    	0   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5fb2c24 638F11FF-7696-30F3-A29E-8ECB6147567D + 322596
    	1   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5f685dc _AXGetPortFromCache + 708
    	2   AXRuntime                           0x00000001a5f69cec AXUIElementPerformFencedActionWithValue + 488
    	3   UIKit                               0x00000001f08bdc70 89D9DA59-C6CA-39FF-AF87-AB9019F15DC6 + 932976
    	4   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180ef1c04 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 7172
    	5   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180ef3950 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 14672
    	6   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180efb0ac 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 45228
    	7   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180efbc10 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 48144
    	8   libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180f06318 959CD6E4-0CE7-3022-B73C-8B36F79F4745 + 90904
    	9   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00000001f05b11b0 _pthread_wqthread + 288
    	10  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00000001f05b0f50 start_wqthread + 8

    Here's the flutter doctor -v:

    mfink@MacBook-Pro bin % flutter doctor -v
    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.5.1, on macOS 11.6 20G165 darwin-arm, locale en-US)
        • Flutter version 2.5.1 at /Users/mfink/Developer/flutter
        • Upstream repository
        • Framework revision ffb2ecea52 (4 days ago), 2021-09-17 15:26:33 -0400
        • Engine revision b3af521a05
        • Dart version 2.14.2
    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 31.0.0)
        • Android SDK at /Users/mfink/Library/Android/sdk
        • Platform android-31, build-tools 31.0.0
        • Java binary at: /Applications/Android
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7281165)
        • All Android licenses accepted.
    [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS
        • Xcode at /Applications/
        • Xcode 13.0, Build version 13A233
        • CocoaPods version 1.10.0
    [✓] Chrome - develop for the web
        • Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome
    [✓] Android Studio (version 2020.3)
        • Android Studio at /Applications/Android
        • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
        • Dart plugin can be installed from:
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7281165)
    [✓] VS Code (version 1.60.1)
        • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio
        • Flutter extension version 3.26.0
    [✓] Connected device (3 available)
        • Martin iPad Pro (mobile) • 00008027-001259C10CF8402E • ios            • iOS 15.0 19A346
        • macOS (desktop)          • macos                     • darwin-arm64   • macOS 11.6 20G165
        • Chrome (web)             • chrome                    • web-javascript • Google Chrome
    • No issues found!

    is there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

    opened by martin-robert-fink 6
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