Low-level link (text, URLs, emails) parsing library in Dart

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Templates dart linkify

linkify pub package

Low-level link (text, URLs, emails) parsing library in Dart.

Required Dart >=2.12 (has null-safety support).

Flutter library.

Pub - API Docs - GitHub


Install by adding this package to your pubspec.yaml:

  linkify: ^4.0.0


import 'package:linkify/linkify.dart';

linkify("Made by https://cretezy.com [email protected]");
// Output: [TextElement: 'Made by ', UrlElement: 'https://cretezy.com' (cretezy.com), TextElement: ' ', EmailElement: '[email protected]' ([email protected])]


You can pass LinkifyOptions to the linkify method to change the humanization of URLs (turning https://example.com to example.com):

// [UrlElement: 'https://cretezy.com' (cretezy.com)]

linkify("https://cretezy.com", options: LinkifyOptions(humanize: false));
// [UrlElement: 'https://cretezy.com' (https://cretezy.com)]
  • humanize: Removes http/https from shown URLs
  • removeWww: Removes www. from shown URLs
  • looseUrl: Enables loose URL parsing (should parse most URLs such as abc.com/xyz)
    • defaultToHttps: When used with [looseUrl], default to https instead of http
  • excludeLastPeriod: Excludes . at end of URLs


You can pass linkifiers to linkify as such:

linkify("@cretezy", linkifiers: [UserTagLinkifier()]);

Available linkifiers:

  • EmailLinkifier
  • UrlLinkifier
  • UserTagLinkifier

Custom Linkifier

You can write custom linkifiers for phone numbers or other types of links. Look at the URL linkifier for an example.

This is the flow:

  • Calls parse in the linkifier with a list of LinkifyElement. This starts as [TextElement(text)]
  • Your parsers then splits each element into it's parts. For example, [TextElement("Hello https://example.com")] would become [TextElement("Hello "), UrlElement("https://example.com")]
  • Each parsers is ran in order of how they are passed to the main linkify function. By default, this is URL and email linkifiers
  • added support for phone number

    added support for phone number

    I have added support for phone numbers like +91 99999 99999 +1 123 123 123 +41 (555) 555 555 9999999999 , etc Regex is: ^((?:.|\n)*?)((tel:)?([+0-9]{2,4}?\s?[0-9\s()]{8,15}))

    I have also added a way for user to provide a custom regex, in the linkify method using phoneRegex - which is an optional named parameter, so no breaking change is introduced

    opened by mannprerak2 9
  • Text preceded by an /r/n (carriage return + linefeed) causes REGEX parser to fail

    Text preceded by an /r/n (carriage return + linefeed) causes REGEX parser to fail


    Great plugin! Saved me so much time fiddling with text spans!!!!

    I ran into one problem, I'm pulling text from a database connection and the text is returned with carriage returns and linefeeds, which seems to make the REGEX parser fail. To fix it, I do a text replace of all '\r\n' to simply '\n' and Linkify works perfectly.

    Might be something to look at in a future release, but in the interim the fix is easy as in the below code:

      text: widget.kennel['kennelDescription'].toString().replaceAll('\r\n', '\n'),
      style: bodyStyle,
      linkStyle: bodyStyleYellow,
      humanize: true,
      onOpen: (LinkableElement link) async {
        if (await canLaunch(link.url)) {
          await launch(link.url);
        } else {
          Utilities.showAlert(context, 'Unable to open link', 'The app was unable to open ${link.url}', 'OK');
    opened by James-A-White 7
  • Email RegExp should be simpler.

    Email RegExp should be simpler.

    Currently, the only way to know if an email address is valid is to send an email address (and potentially wait for an action, like clicking a link to validate, etc.)


    Please use this RegExp:


    (No need for mailto: too)

    Boring stuff below

    Some examples for perfectly valid email addresses:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    #[email protected]
    [email protected]
    %[email protected]
    &[email protected]
    '[email protected]
    *[email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    /[email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    ^[email protected]
    [email protected]
    `[email protected]
    {[email protected]
    |[email protected]
    }[email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    "very.(),:;<>[]\".VERY.\"very@\\ \"very\".unusual"@strange.example.com
    [email protected]
    #!$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|[email protected]
    "()<>[]:,;@\\\"!#$%&'-/=?^_`{}| ~.a"@example.org
    [email protected]

    These addresses above are all valid!

    If you really, really want to be kinda (covers 99.99% of the cases) compatible with some of the RFCs, you can use this RegExp (I use it in production, but lately considering to drop it):


    More info:

    opened by komapeb 7
  • Could not able to find the linkify without https://

    Could not able to find the linkify without https://

    example : facebook.com www.google.com

    used loose, http://facebook.com considered url.

    if i used loose, all dots (.) consider that url. example. http://1. or something. also considered url.

    Please fix it asap.

    opened by SureShDood 6
  • Not able to detect Multiple URL.

    Not able to detect Multiple URL.

    I am trying two display two URLs with the below code but it's detecting only the first one. This is how it's displaying in the application.

    Screenshot 2020-06-09 at 5 20 22 PM

              onOpen: (link) async => {
                if (await canLaunch(link.url))
                    await launch(link.url),
                    throw 'Could not launch $link',
              text: message,
              style: TextStyle(
                color: color,
                fontSize: fontSize,
                fontWeight: fontWeight,
                fontFamily: Fonts.TITLE,
              options: LinkifyOptions(humanize: false),

    flutter_linkify: ^3.1.3

    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.17.0, on Mac OS X 10.14.5 18F132, locale en-IN)

    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.2) [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 11.3.1) [✓] Android Studio (version 3.6) [✓] VS Code (version 1.45.1) [✓] Connected device (1 available)

    opened by iavsm 6
  • [Url Linkifier] Expand to cover www. urls

    [Url Linkifier] Expand to cover www. urls

    This commit expands the UrlLinkifier to pick up http://, https://, and www. urls. If the url it picks up doesn't start with http:// or https://, then it will prepend http:// (or https:// depending on linkify options) to make it launchable from urlLauncher.

    opened by SpencerLindemuth 5
  • Fix loose URL not being parsed if the text have a non loose URL

    Fix loose URL not being parsed if the text have a non loose URL

    This PR fixes #40 where a text with both loose and not loose URLs was not being properly parsed.

    I've added 2 tests that reproduce the issue and then fixed it.

    The main issue is that even if the looseUrl option is set to true, the first match is using the full _urlRegex, so if the text contains both a loose and a not loose URL the first part of the text is parsed as TextElement even it has a loose URL.

    opened by EsteveAguilera 4
  • Could not able to identify the valid url

    Could not able to identify the valid url

    I have tried to without https://, Could not able to get the valid url.

    Example. I try to give www.facebook.com , facebook.com it's not recognised the valid url. i given the looseUrl option true. All dots (.) considered the url format.

    opened by SureShDood 4
  • looseUrl highlighting words at end of sentence with punctuation

    looseUrl highlighting words at end of sentence with punctuation

    SelectableLinkify( onOpen: onOpen, text: "github.com test.", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black), linkStyle: TextStyle( color: Colors.blue ), options: LinkifyOptions( looseUrl: true ), ), The above code results in the following text to be highlighted: Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 18 52 04

    The looseUrl option has done a good job of identifying most loose urls but its also highlighting anything with a period at the end. Is it possible to modify the _looseUrlRegex to require there be at least one non-whitespace character?

    opened by edgarhernandezch 3
  • Considers words at the end of a sentence as a valid url when looseUrl = true.

    Considers words at the end of a sentence as a valid url when looseUrl = true.


    Really thanks for making this package and it has proven to be quite useful for us. There's one issue however that I found. If looseUrl is set to true then words at the end of sentences are also considered as valid links. It disregards the space after the period. I'm not sure if this is the right package for this issue but I'm still going to add it here.

    Here's a live example. Screenshot 2020-06-08 at 2 37 39 PM

    And here's a code snippet.

                text: text,
                maxLines: maxLines,
                overflow: TextOverflow.clip,
                textAlign: TextAlign.start,
                options: LinkifyOptions(
                  looseUrl: true,
                onOpen: (link) async {
                  if (await canLaunch(link.url)) {
                    await launch(link.url);

    I'm using package version flutter_linkify: 3.1.2 and flutter version 1.12.13+hotfix.8.

    Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks again for this package. Cheers.

    opened by MustansirZia 3
  • Linkify highlights also

    Linkify highlights also "." at the end of a link.

    A "." at the end of a link should not highlighted. Like: www.google.de.


        style: _greyTextStyle(context),
        linkStyle: linkStyle(context),
        text: "Besuche für weitere Informationen einfach https://www.sharezone.info.",

    Result: image

    opened by nilsreichardt 3
  • UrlElement text argument when humanize and removeWww are false

    UrlElement text argument when humanize and removeWww are false

    The text argument is not passed here. It results in loosing original text (httpor httpsis added)


    opened by urfanalimov 0
  • Quotation mark characters are not detected in links

    Quotation mark characters are not detected in links

    For example, in the link (example.com/over/there?name="ferret") it is highlighted until the quotation mark. Edit: Only applicable for loose URL.

    opened by atillaturkmen 0
  • Support UserTagLinkifier on Safari

    Support UserTagLinkifier on Safari

    The regex used on UserTagLinkifier contains a negative lookbehind, which is unsupported on Safari.

    In order to being able to use the linkifier on Safari, I removed the lookbehind from the regex and refactored the code to do the same thing that the original regex.

    I also fixed some user tag tests that were failing.

    opened by jdosornio 0
  • ✨ Add Origin Text

    ✨ Add Origin Text

    Current State

    Currently there is not a way to capture the original text that contributed to a LinkifyElement. Instead, only the modified text is available.

    Desired State

    A LinkifyElement has the property originText where the original text is captured.


    An example of this is when parsing text containing a URL i.e.

    ssuper.co is one way to specify a website, https://ssuper.co is another way

    If using humanize=False, we get this when we recreate the phrase from the parsed elements

    https://ssuper.co is one way to specify a website, https://ssuper.co is another way

    Or, if using humanize=True, we get this

    ssuper.co is one way to specify a website, ssuper.co is another way

    This is an issue when using Linkify to parse text for a TextEditingController. Because the original text is not recoverable from LinkifyElement, there is no way to reliably mirror the original text the user types. Having an originText property fixes this.

    Current Workaround: https://stackoverflow.com/a/65914757

    opened by ghunkins 1
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Package provides light widgets [for Linkify, Clean] and extensions for strings that contain bad words/URLs/links/emails/phone numbers

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