A simple toggle switch widget for Flutter.


Toggle Switch

A simple toggle switch widget. It can be fully customized with desired icons, width, colors, text, corner radius, animation etc. It also maintains selection state.

Getting Started

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  toggle_switch: ^1.3.0

Import it:

import 'package:toggle_switch/toggle_switch.dart';

Usage Examples

Basic toggle switch

// Here, default theme colors are used for activeBgColor, activeFgColor, inactiveBgColor and inactiveFgColor
  initialLabelIndex: 0,
  totalSwitches: 3,
  labels: ['America', 'Canada', 'Mexico'],
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

Basic toggle switch

Basic toggle switch with custom height and font size

  minWidth: 90.0,
  minHeight: 90.0,
  fontSize: 16.0,
  initialLabelIndex: 1,
  activeBgColor: [Colors.green],
  activeFgColor: Colors.white,
  inactiveBgColor: Colors.grey,
  inactiveFgColor: Colors.grey[900],
  totalSwitches: 3,
  labels: ['Tall', 'Grande', 'Venti'],
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

Basic toggle switch with custom height and font size

With text or icon

  minWidth: 90.0,
  cornerRadius: 20.0,
  activeBgColors: [[Colors.cyan], [Colors.redAccent]],
  activeFgColor: Colors.white,
  inactiveBgColor: Colors.grey,
  inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
  totalSwitches: 2,
  labels: ['YES', ''],
  icons: [null, FontAwesomeIcons.times],
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

With text or icon

With icons, text and different active background colors

  minWidth: 90.0,
  initialLabelIndex: 1,
  cornerRadius: 20.0,
  activeFgColor: Colors.white,
  inactiveBgColor: Colors.grey,
  inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
  totalSwitches: 2,
  labels: ['Male', 'Female'],
  icons: [FontAwesomeIcons.mars, FontAwesomeIcons.venus],
  activeBgColors: [[Colors.blue],[Colors.pink]],
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

With icons, text and different active background colors

With border color, border width, icons, custom height and different active background colors

  minWidth: 90.0,
  minHeight: 70.0,
  initialLabelIndex: 2,
  cornerRadius: 20.0,
  activeFgColor: Colors.white,
  inactiveBgColor: Colors.grey,
  inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
  totalSwitches: 3,
  icons: [
  iconSize: 30.0,
  borderWidth: 2.0,
  borderColor: [Colors.blueGrey],
  activeBgColors: [[Colors.blue], [Colors.pink], [Colors.purple]],
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

With border color, border width, icons, custom height and different active background colors

With gradient border color, divider color and gradient active background colors

  minWidth: 90.0,
  minHeight: 70.0,
  initialLabelIndex: 0,
  cornerRadius: 20.0,
  activeFgColor: Colors.white,
  inactiveBgColor: Colors.grey,
  inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
  totalSwitches: 3,
  icons: [
  iconSize: 30.0,
  borderColor: [Color(0xff3b5998), Color(0xff8b9dc3), Color(0xff00aeff), Color(0xff0077f2), Color(0xff962fbf), Color(0xff4f5bd5)],
  dividerColor: Colors.blueGrey,
  activeBgColors: [[Color(0xff3b5998), Color(0xff8b9dc3)], [Color(0xff00aeff), Color(0xff0077f2)], [Color(0xfffeda75), Color(0xfffa7e1e), Color(0xffd62976), Color(0xff962fbf), Color(0xff4f5bd5)]],
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

With gradient border color, divider color and gradient active background colors

With bounceInOut animation

  minWidth: 90.0,
  minHeight: 70.0,
  initialLabelIndex: 0,
  cornerRadius: 20.0,
  activeFgColor: Colors.white,
  inactiveBgColor: Colors.grey,
  inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
  totalSwitches: 2,
  icons: [
  iconSize: 30.0,
  activeBgColors: [[Colors.black45, Colors.black26], [Colors.yellow, Colors.orange]],
  animate: true, // with just animate set to true, default curve = Curves.easeIn
  curve: Curves.bounceInOut, // animate must be set to true when using custom curve
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

With bounceInOut animation

With radius style

  minWidth: 90.0,
  cornerRadius: 20.0,
  activeBgColors: [[Colors.green[800]!], [Colors.red[800]!]],
  activeFgColor: Colors.white,
  inactiveBgColor: Colors.grey,
  inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
  initialLabelIndex: 1,
  totalSwitches: 2,
  labels: ['True', 'False'],
  radiusStyle: true,
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

With radius style

With custom text styles

  minWidth: 90.0,
  cornerRadius: 20.0,
  inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
  initialLabelIndex: 1,
  totalSwitches: 3,
  labels: ['Normal', 'Bold', 'Italic'],
  customTextStyles: [
        color: Colors.brown,
        fontSize: 18.0,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.w900),
        color: Colors.black,
        fontSize: 16.0,
        fontStyle: FontStyle.italic)
  onToggle: (index) {
    print('switched to: $index');

With custom text styles

With custom icons

    minWidth: 90.0,
    minHeight: 90.0,
    cornerRadius: 20.0,
    activeBgColors: [
    inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
    initialLabelIndex: 2,
    totalSwitches: 3,
    customIcons: [
            color: Color(0xff1a1f71),
            size: 55.0,
            color: Color(0xffF79E1B),
            size: 55.0,
            color: Color(0xff27AEE3),
            size: 55.0,
    onToggle: (index) {
        print('switched to: $index');

With custom icons

setState() inside onToggle

Example code with explanation



  • (radiusStyle: false) does not work when textDirection is set to TextDirection.rtl

    (radiusStyle: false) does not work when textDirection is set to TextDirection.rtl

    Hello, I upgraded to the new version, in the new version all the buttons are rounded at the borders. radiusStyle: false has no effect !!

    I mean the connection border between the two buttons. Not like before. d8d18130-d5a2-42b9-af18-a2b552f7bd35

    bug fixed 
    opened by ali-1989 10
  • How to change value programmatically

    How to change value programmatically

    How do I update the toggleswitch programmatically?

    I have tried using ValueListenableBuilder and changing initialLabelIndex but I wonder if there could be a better way, also this seems that isn't always working

    opened by robertsLando 9
  • SetState Switch wrong values on mistouch.

    SetState Switch wrong values on mistouch.

    Hi, I found this package to be very amazing but there is a strange issue that I just noticed. I saw that setState wasn't working at first in the switch. Luckily I found the example on this page. But there's is something I just noticed.

    Let's say we have two values [User, Service Provider]

    Now I have radiovalue variable set to 0.

      onToggle: (val){
                            setState(() {
                              radioval = val;

    The issue is that if a person in mistake presses the selected box more than once the value changes.

    for an instance before touch the value for user was 0 and service provider was 1 and if user selected the user button more than once the value will change from 0 to 1 and service provider's value will become 0 and vice versa.

    This is the issue. Is it possible to not change the value for selected index?

    opened by Umar-Khan-Yousafzai 8
  • setState in onToggle doesn't switch without showing an error

    setState in onToggle doesn't switch without showing an error

    When doing a setState() in the onToggle() function, suddenly it doesn't switch to the other value anymore but no error is occurring. Even the state value is switching properly but the view doesn't get updated.

    Everything works fine until I try to add some state, what am I doing wrong?

    Best regards.

    opened by jogee 6
  • setState  function doesnot work with the toggle

    setState function doesnot work with the toggle

    Describe the bug Sample code

                      minWidth: double.infinity,
                      minHeight: MySize.size40,
                      fontSize: 16.0,
                      initialLabelIndex: 0,
                      activeBgColor: [AppTheme.ovaOrange],
                      activeFgColor: Colors.white,
                      inactiveBgColor: AppTheme.ovaGrey,
                      inactiveFgColor: Colors.grey[900],
                      totalSwitches: 2,
                      labels: ['Orders', 'WIP'],
                      onToggle: (index) {
                        print('switched to: $index');
                        setState(() {
                        });                  },

    the right index is printed but the Active color doesnot change

    opened by Joezzy 4
  • Different width of each switch.

    Different width of each switch.

    Not able to give different width to each button. My tabs name are like "SMS", "Clarification", "Feedback"...but SMS text take up the same space as Clarification, which I don't want

    enhancement complete 
    opened by Shashwat-111 4
  • toogle shitch is not loading properly

    toogle shitch is not loading properly

    I am using the example code but getting this strange effect. Currently, I using this version toggle_switch: ^1.2.0

    ` ToggleSwitch( minWidth: 90.0,

              initialLabelIndex: 1,
              cornerRadius: 20.0,
              activeFgColor: Colors.white,
              inactiveBgColor: Colors.grey,
              inactiveFgColor: Colors.white,
              totalSwitches: 2,
              labels: ['Male', 'Female'],
              activeBgColors: [[Colors.blue],[Colors.pink]],
              onToggle: (index) {
                print('switched to: $index');


    not a bug 
    opened by akashlilhare 4
  • Added new features.

    Added new features.

    Added option minHeight which when set to null will allow the widget to find its natural size based on the font content. Added option setIndex to allow an user of ToggleSwitch to set its index programatically. Added bool return to onToggle so the toggle could be rejected.

    opened by bsutton 4
  • 0.1.5:



    Added support for disabling the Widget or one or more options it may contain; Added support to determine the colors for the background, text and divider when the widget or its children are disabled.

    opened by rmanenti 4
  • My toggleSwitch doesn't switch and my setstate doesn't work

    My toggleSwitch doesn't switch and my setstate doesn't work

    Describe the bug When I click on the ToggleSwitch, nothing switch, but my index are good when I print it

    To Reproduce

    Column(children: [
              minWidth: 100.0,
              initialLabelIndex: showIOSQrcode,
              totalSwitches: 2,
              labels: ['Apple Store', 'Play Store'],
              onToggle: (index) {
                print('switched index: $index');
                setState(() {
                  showIOSQrcode = index;
            Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 5)),
            showIOSQrcode == 0
                ? Image(
                    image: AssetImage(
                    width: 180,
                : Image(
                    image: AssetImage(

    Expected behavior I expected to see the switch between Apple and Play Store and to see the image change with it

    Additional information

    toggle_switch: ^1.3.0

    [✓] Flutter (Channel unknown, 2.0.6, on macOS 12.0.1 21A559 darwin-arm, locale fr-FR) • Flutter version 2.0.6 at /Users/lucas/Development/flutter • Framework revision 1d9032c7e1 (7 months ago), 2021-04-29 17:37:58 -0700 • Engine revision 05e680e202 • Dart version 2.12.3

    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.3) • Android SDK at /Users/lucas/Library/Android/sdk • Platform android-30, build-tools 30.0.3 • Java binary at: /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/jre/jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7281165) • All Android licenses accepted.

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    [✓] Android Studio (version 2020.3) • Android Studio at /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents • Flutter plugin can be installed from: 🔨 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9212-flutter • Dart plugin can be installed from: 🔨 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6351-dart • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7281165)

    [✓] VS Code (version 1.62.3) • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents • Flutter extension version 3.28.0

    [✓] Connected device (2 available) • iPhone Lucas (mobile) • baaa60cd2019dbd8bd0c781818b0fa03815e65c2 • ios • iOS 15.0.2 • Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 96.0.4664.55

    • No issues found!

    opened by LucaSappey 3
  • Feature Request

    Feature Request

    Hi Pramod, thanks for creating this!

    Just a qtn, can we decide the number of rows?

    Context: I have 2 rows of options for users to choose from. I could do a separate toggle switch for 2 created rows, but I reckon it would be harder to store the printed value as I want them to choose only one choice.

    it would be better if the toggle switch could allow 2 rows in the same widget and they just choose one option and that option is captured.

    Maybe this feature is already out. >.<, and is staring me in the face. Any guidance is appreciated.


    opened by vegeta-ssaiyan 3
  • Last switch item is always stretched to full width inside CustomScrollView

    Last switch item is always stretched to full width inside CustomScrollView

    Describe the bug When used inside CustomScrollView, last item in the switch always expand to full width.

    To Reproduce

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:toggle_switch/toggle_switch.dart';
    void main() {
      runApp(const MyApp());
    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
      const MyApp({super.key});
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          home: Scaffold(
            body: CustomScrollView(
              slivers: [
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 100),
                  sliver: SliverToBoxAdapter(
                    child: ToggleSwitch(
                      labels: const ['America', 'Canada', 'Mexico'],

    Expected behavior It shouldn't stretch the last item



    Additional information

    • toggle_switch version 2.0.1
    opened by khoadng 1
  • Allow Custom Font Style but still respect activeFgColor and inactiveFgColor

    Allow Custom Font Style but still respect activeFgColor and inactiveFgColor

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I would like a custom font that changes color on active and inactive.

    Describe the solution you'd like textStyle = widget.customTextStyles!.length == 1 ? widget.customTextStyles![0]! : (widget.customTextStyles!.length > index ~/ 2 && widget.customTextStyles![index ~/ 2] != null ? widget.customTextStyles![index ~/ 2]! : defaultTextStyle);

           change requested:
                  if (active && activeFgColor != null) {
                    textStyle = textStyle.copyWith(color: activeFgColor);
                  } else if (!active && inactiveFgColor != null) {
                    textStyle = textStyle.copyWith(color: inactiveFgColor);

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    opened by ryanheitner 1
  • Allow RichTitle or Widget for labels

    Allow RichTitle or Widget for labels


    I need to implement this design: image

    I think with the current lib, I cannot right? Maybe allowing a List for tabs or at least List might get the trick done, what do you think?

    Also maybe I should create a new issue about the possibility of disableling a tab (see my screenshot)?

    Thanks :)

    opened by baptistesx 1
  • v2.0.1(Apr 15, 2022)

    • Added vertical toggle switch option (PR 51):
      • parameter:
        • isVertical (type bool - default false)
    • Added active borders option (Partial implementation from PR 53):
      • parameter:
        • activeBorders (optional, type List)
      • list with only one Border value will apply that Border to all the active switches
      • different Border values can be provided for different switches
    • Added divider margin option:
      • parameter:
        • dividerMargin (optional, type double - default 8.0)
    • Made totalSwitches parameter optional.
    • Added new changes to customTextStyles:
      • list with only one TextStyle value will apply that TextStyle to all the active switches
    • Added new changes to customWidths:
      • customWidths can now reflect widths greater than device width
      • must use horizontal scroll view to prevent overflow
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.0(Jan 23, 2022)

    • Minor bug fix (PR 44).
      • return null when active switch is de-activated by re-tapping
    • Added changes to fix radiusStyle bug when text direction is set to TextDirection.rtl
      • parameter:
        • textDirectionRTL (optional, type bool - default false)
    • Added custom widths support
      • parameter:
        • customWidths (optional, type List)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Nov 2, 2021)

    • Added null support for initialLabelIndex (PR 39).
    • Added double tap support to de-select/de-activate active switch (PR 41):
      • parameter:
        • doubleTapDisable (optional, type bool - default false)
    • Added animation duration support:
      • parameter:
        • animationDuration (optional, type int - default 800)
    • Added package test
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Nov 1, 2021)

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