A Github mobile app built in flutter


flutter-GitConnect Twitter URL GitHub stars GitHub forks

GitHub pull requests GitHub closed pull requests GitHub last commit GitHub issues Open Source Love

Github mobile app built in flutter framwork.

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Home Inbox Search Repositries
Issues People Profile Repository
Gists Followers Settings About us
Profile (Light Theme) Home (Light Theme) Inbox (Light Theme) Search (Light Theme)


Click to expand


  • Login with Github account
  • Activities
  • Contribution graph.
  • Markdown and code highlighting support
  • Notifications
  • Repositories
  • Issues and Pull Requests
  • See your public, private and forked Repos
  • Search users/orgs, repos, issues/prs & code.
  • See repo stargazerrs and fork Repos
  • PRs statuses
  • Gists
  • Themes mode
  • Commits
  • Following/Followers
  • View Gists and their files
  • View user profile, contribution graph, activities, repositories, pullrequest and issues
  • Search Users, Repos, Issues,Pull Requests and Code

Project structure

Click to expand
|-- lib
|   |-- app_delegate.dart
|   |-- bloc
|   |   |-- User
|   |   |   |-- User_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- User_event.dart
|   |   |   |-- User_model.dart
|   |   |   |-- User_state.dart
|   |   |   |-- index.dart
|   |   |   '-- model
|   |   |       |-- event_model.dart
|   |   |       '-- gist_model.dart
|   |   |-- auth
|   |   |   |-- auth_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- auth_event.dart
|   |   |   |-- auth_state.dart
|   |   |   '-- index.dart
|   |   |-- bloc
|   |   |   |-- repo_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- repo_event.dart
|   |   |   |-- repo_response_model.dart
|   |   |   '-- repo_state.dart
|   |   |-- gist
|   |   |   |-- gist_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- gist_event.dart
|   |   |   '-- gist_state.dart
|   |   |-- issues
|   |   |   |-- index.dart
|   |   |   |-- issues_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- issues_event.dart
|   |   |   |-- issues_model.dart
|   |   |   '-- issues_state.dart
|   |   |-- navigation
|   |   |   |-- index.dart
|   |   |   |-- navigation_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- navigation_event.dart
|   |   |   '-- navigation_state.dart
|   |   |-- notification
|   |   |   |-- index.dart
|   |   |   |-- notification_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- notification_event.dart
|   |   |   |-- notification_model.dart
|   |   |   '-- notification_state.dart
|   |   |-- people
|   |   |   |-- index.dart
|   |   |   |-- people_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- people_event.dart
|   |   |   |-- people_model.dart
|   |   |   '-- people_state.dart
|   |   |-- pullrequest
|   |   |   |-- index.dart
|   |   |   |-- pullrequest_bloc.dart
|   |   |   |-- pullrequest_event.dart
|   |   |   '-- pullrequest_state.dart
|   |   '-- search
|   |       |-- index.dart
|   |       |-- model
|   |       |   '-- search_userModel.dart
|   |       |-- repo_model.dart
|   |       |-- search_bloc.dart
|   |       |-- search_event.dart
|   |       '-- search_state.dart
|   |-- exceptions
|   |   '-- exceptions.dart
|   |-- helper
|   |   |-- GIcons.dart
|   |   |-- config.dart
|   |   |-- git_config.dart.template
|   |   |-- shared_prefrence_helper.dart
|   |   '-- utility.dart
|   |-- locator.dart
|   |-- main.dart
|   |-- model
|   |   |-- forks_model.dart
|   |   |-- page_info_model.dart
|   |   '-- pul_request.dart
|   |-- resources
|   |   |-- dio_client.dart
|   |   |-- gatway
|   |   |   |-- api_gatway.dart
|   |   |   '-- api_gatway_impl.dart
|   |   |-- grapgqlApi
|   |   |   |-- gist_api.dart
|   |   |   |-- graphql_query_api.dart
|   |   |   |-- issues_api.dart
|   |   |   |-- people_api.dart
|   |   |   |-- pull_request_api.dart
|   |   |   '-- repo_api.dart
|   |   |-- graphql_client.dart
|   |   |-- repository
|   |   |   |-- User_repository.dart
|   |   |   |-- auth_repository.dart
|   |   |   |-- gist_repository.dart
|   |   |   |-- issues_repository.dart
|   |   |   |-- notification_repository.dart
|   |   |   |-- people_repository.dart
|   |   |   |-- pullrequest_repository.dart
|   |   |   '-- repo_repository.dart
|   |   '-- service
|   |       |-- auth_service.dart
|   |       |-- impl
|   |       |   |-- auth_service_impl.dart
|   |       |   '-- session_service_impl.dart
|   |       '-- session_service.dart
|   '-- ui
|       |-- page
|       |   |-- app.dart
|       |   |-- auth
|       |   |   |-- auth_page.dart
|       |   |   |-- repo
|       |   |   |   '-- repo_list_screen.dart
|       |   |   '-- web_view.dart
|       |   |-- common
|       |   |   |-- dashboard_page.dart
|       |   |   |-- no_data_page.dart
|       |   |   '-- under_development.dart
|       |   | (8 more...)
|       |   |-- splash.dart
|       |   |-- user
|       |   |   |-- User_page.dart
|       |   |   |-- User_screen.dart
|       |   |   |-- gist
|       |   |   |   |-- gist_detail.dart
|       |   |   |   |   |-- gist_detail_page.dart
|       |   |   |   |   |-- gist_detail_scree.dart
|       |   |   |   |   '-- gist_file_content.dart
|       |   |   |   |-- gist_list_page.dart
|       |   |   |   '-- gist_list_screen.dart
|       |   |   '-- widget
|       |   |       '-- git_contribution_graph.dart
|       |   '-- welcome_page.dart
|       |-- theme
|       |   |-- app_theme_provider.dart
|       |   |-- color
|       |   |   '-- dark_color.dart
|       |   |-- colors.dart
|       |   |-- custom_theme.dart
|       |   |-- export_theme.dart
|       |   |-- extentions.dart
|       |   |-- images.dart
|       |   |-- texttheme
|       |   |   '-- text_theme.dart
|       |   '-- theme.dart
|       '-- widgets
|           |-- bottom_navigation_bar.dart
|           |-- cached_image.dart
|           |-- flat_button.dart
|           | (5 more...)
|           |-- g_user_tile.dart
|           |-- markdown
|           |   |-- markdown_viewer.dart
|           |   '-- syntax_highlight.dart
|           '-- user_image.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml


If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing feature or add new in this repo, Send a pull request. I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24 hours to respond to any issue or request.

Created & Maintained By

Sonu Sharma (Twitter) (Youtube) (Insta) (Dev.to) Twitter Follow

If you found this project helpful or you learned something from the source code and want to thank me, consider buying me a cup of

Visitors Count


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  • Notifications not loading

    Notifications not loading


    Hey I have used your app and I loved it but I found an issue with your application in Android Operating System. I hope you can understand the problem when you see the image.

    opened by udaykumaruking 6
  • Text not rendering properly

    Text not rendering properly

    PS: Sorry, don't feel bad that I am submitting more issues I want to help you that is the reason I am submitting the issues.


    If you can see in the image the text is not rendering properly probably its issue with responsiveness. I hope you need to increase the height of the container on the profile screen.

    I would like to suggest one feature in the contribution section instead of sharp edges for the square you can make it rounded edges.

    opened by udaykumaruking 5
  • App title is not correct.

    App title is not correct.

    image image image

    If you see the above three images the title of the app is changing based on the screen we present. I have opened the WhatsApp application it's showing the same i.e., Whatsapp for all of the pages irrespective of chats, status, calls tab.

    opened by udaykumaruking 4
  • Hotfix


    • Updated Contribution.md.
    • Removed unused imports.
    • Removed warnings which make text readable.
    • Improved Performace due to the removal of unused imports.
    opened by udaykumaruking 0
  • v1.0.0(Oct 19, 2020)

    [1.0.0] - 19 OCT 2020

    • Login with Github account
    • Activities
    • Markdown and code highlighting support
    • Notifications
    • Repositories
    • Add to favourite
    • See your public, private and forked Repos
    • Search users/orgs, repos, issues/prs & code.
    • See repo stargazers and fork Repos
    • PRs statuses
    • Gists
    • Commits
    • Following/Followers
    • View Gists and their files
    • View user profile, contribution graph, activities, repositories, pull request and issues
    • Search Users, Repos, Issues, Pull Requests, and Code
    • Dual theme (Dark/Light)

    Install App

    Download app from Play Store

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Sonu Sharma
Just a passionate technology enthusiast whose flaw is curiosity. I like to figure out complex problems, working with teams.
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