MercadoPago Dart SDK


MercadoPago SDK module for Payments integration


To use this plugin, add mercadopago_sdk as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  • Basic checkout
  • Customized checkout
  • Generic methods

Basic checkout

Configure your credentials

import 'package:mercadopago_sdk/mercadopago_sdk.dart';


Instance with only access token

var mp = MP.fromAccessToken("TOKEN");


Get an existent Checkout preference

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> index() async {
    result = await mp.getPreference("PREFERENCE_ID");

    return result;

Create a Checkout preference

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> index() async {
    var preference = {
        "items": [
                "title": "Test",
                "quantity": 1,
                "currency_id": "USD",
                "unit_price": 10.4

    var result = await mp.createPreference(preference);

    return result;

Update an existent Checkout preference

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> index() async {
    var preference = {
        "items": [
                "title": "Test Modified",
                "quantity": 1,
                "currency_id": "USD",
                "unit_price": 20.4

    var result = await mp.updatePreference(id, preference);

    return result;


Search for payments

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> index() async {
    var filters = {
        "id": None,
        "external_reference": None

    var searchResult = await mp.searchPayment(filters)

    return searchResult;

Get payment data

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> index() async {
    paymentInfo = await mp.getPayment("PID");

    return paymentInfo;

Cancel (only for pending payments)

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> index() async {
    var result = await mp.cancelPayment("PID");

    // Show result
    return result;

Refund (only for accredited payments)

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> index() async {
    var result = await mp.refundPayment("PID");

    // Show result
    return result;

Customized checkout

Configure your credentials

import 'package:mercadopago_sdk/mercadopago_sdk.dart';

var mp = MP("ACCESS_TOKEN");

Create payment"/v1/payments", data);

Create customer"/v1/customers", {"email": "[email protected]"});

Get customer


Generic methods

You can access any other resource from the MercadoPago API using the generic methods:

// Get a resource, with optional URL params. Also you can disable authentication for public APIs
mp.get("/resource/uri", { params, authenticate });

// Create a resource with "data" and optional URL params."/resource/uri", { data, params });

// Update a resource with "data" and optional URL params.
mp.put("/resource/uri", { data, params });

// Delete a resource with optional URL params.
mp.delete("/resource/uri", { params });

For example, if you want to get the Sites list (no params and no authentication):

var result = mp.get("/sites");

  • Error of integration using analyzer

    Error of integration using analyzer

    Because mercadopago_sdk >=1.3.0 depends on test ^1.16.8 which depends on analyzer ^1.0.0, mercadopago_sdk >=1.3.0 requires analyzer ^1.0.0.

    So, because audasiuz depends on both analyzer ^0.40.6 and mercadopago_sdk ^1.3.0, version solving failed. pub get failed (1; So, because audasiuz depends on both analyzer ^0.40.6 and mercadopago_sdk ^1.3.0, version solving failed.)

    opened by LDHrez 1
  • Public key and access token

    Public key and access token

    According MercadoPago documentation to generate a preference, you need a Public Key and Access Token and not a Client Id and Client Secret.

    I tried to get preference sending using de constructor MP('public_key','access_token') but didn't work, so i suppose that the Client id is not the same as Public Key and Client Secret is not the same as Access Token.

    opened by eugenio-tesio 1
  • Error on calling get

    Error on calling get

    Im trying to get users or pay method and I have this error:

    [] Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'keys' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: keys

    If a try by the URL by web i receive the information.

    The caller is:

    mp.get("/v1/payment_methods", authenticate: true, params: {});


    opened by rmartinezalbano 1
  • preference info

    preference info

    hello! I'm having some problems trying to implement the funcionality "getpreference" It lead's me to an error message.

    the code is:

    import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:mood/classes.dart'; import 'package:mood/style/components/textFieldFormularios.dart'; import 'package:mood/style/fonts.dart'; import 'package:flutter_google_pay/flutter_google_pay.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; import 'package:flutter_webview_plugin/flutter_webview_plugin.dart';

    class CartaoPage extends StatefulWidget { CartaoPage(this.mediaHeight, this.mediaWidth, {Key key}) : super(key: key); final double mediaHeight; final double mediaWidth;

    @override CartaoPageState createState() => new CartaoPageState(); }

    class CartaoPageState extends State { @override void initState() { super.initState(); }

    @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { MercadoPago mercadoInstance = new MercadoPago(); _makeCustomPayment() async { var environment = 'rest'; // or 'production'

      if (!(await FlutterGooglePay.isAvailable(environment))) {
        print('Google pay not available');
      } else {
        PaymentBuilder pb = PaymentBuilder()
          ..addGateway( "PAYMENT_GATEWAY","3359798608018742195")
          ..addTransactionInfo("1.0", "USD")
          ..addAllowedCardAuthMethods(["PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS"])
              ["AMEX", "DISCOVER", "JCB", "MASTERCARD", "VISA"]
          ..addShippingSupportedCountries(["US", "GB","BR"])
        Result result = await FlutterGooglePay.makeCustomPayment( {
        if (result.status == ResultStatus.SUCCESS) {
        } else if (result.error != null) {
    Future<Map<String, dynamic>> index() async {
      var payer = {
        'email': '[email protected]'
      var preference = {
        "items": [
            "title": "Test",
            "quantity": 1,
            "currency_id": "BRL",
            "unit_price": 10.4,
      var result = await;
      return result;
    _launchURL(String url) async {
      if (await canLaunch(url)) {
        await launch(url);
      } else {
        throw 'Could not launch $url';
    return Scaffold(
      backgroundColor: Color(0xff5c31b8),
      appBar: AppBar(
        backgroundColor: Color(0xff5c31b8),
        elevation: 0,
        actions: <Widget>[],
      body: SingleChildScrollView(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              children: <Widget>[
                  constraints: BoxConstraints(
                    maxWidth: widget.mediaWidth * 0.9,
                  child: TextFieldFormulario(
                    style: AntipastoTextStyle(
                        color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20.0),
                    labelText: "Numero do Cartão ",
                    labelStyle: AntipastoTextStyle(
                        color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20.0),
              child: Text('Google Pay'),
              onPressed: ()async{
              child: Text('Mercado Pago'),
              onPressed: ()async{
                var payment = await index();
                var url = payment['response']["sandbox_init_point"];
                String iDe = payment['response']["id"];
                var result = await;

    } }

    it gives me the error message:

    Exception has occurred. NoSuchMethodError (NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'keys' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: keys)


    opened by luisNezi 1
  • Error using it with image_picker

    Error using it with image_picker

    Because mercadopago_sdk 1.2.0 depends on http ^0.12.0 and no versions of mercadopago_sdk match >1.2.0 <2.0.0, mercadopago_sdk ^1.2.0 requires http ^0.12.0. So, because .... depends on both http ^0.13.0 and mercadopago_sdk ^1.2.0, version solving failed.

    opened by joaquinperaza 0
  •  factory and method for access token

    factory and method for access token

    Add new changes

    1. Using factory

      var mp = MP.fromAccessToken('MYACCESSTOKEN');
      var preference = {
              "items": [
                      "title": "Test",
                      "quantity": 1,
                      "currency_id": "USD",
                      "unit_price": 10.4
      var result = await mp.createPreference(preference);```
    2. Using method

      var mp = MP("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET");
      var preference = {
              "items": [
                      "title": "Test",
                      "quantity": 1,
                      "currency_id": "USD",
                      "unit_price": 10.4
      // Change access token
      var result = await mp.createPreference(preference);```
    opened by hostelix 0
  • How do I create a card? No ```createCardToken``` found

    How do I create a card? No ```createCardToken``` found

    I am developing a marketplace in Flutter using this package to access the MercadoPago API to build a Transparent Checkout. However, to add a card, I believe I need the createCardToken function. But it doesn't exist in the package, right? How should I implement the adding card feature?

    opened by LucaDillenburg 2
  • ERROR de seguridad

    ERROR de seguridad

    Como ya lo han reportado, el "quemar" tanto el client id como el client secret y el access token es una brecha de seguridad gigante por lo que no es recomendado el uso de este plugin mientras no haya manera de cifrar esas credenciales.

    opened by neoacevedo 0
  • It's not a issue, it's a doubt

    It's not a issue, it's a doubt

    Can you tell me if with this api i can create a pending payment to be released in X days? I need to meet two scenarios:

    1. user makes a purchase, I hold this amount for 2 days, after two days I cancel and return it, like a guarantee.
    2. user makes a purchase, I hold for 2 days, after the two days I effect the payment.
    opened by mdmota 0
  • Basic Payment Flow Example?

    Basic Payment Flow Example?

    Any chance we could get a basic payment flow as an example? I've read the doc but I think I'm missing a lot of information.

    I have created this so far, but then I'm not sure what's next on the list.

    Future<void> startMP() async {
        MP mercadoPago = MP('6924219732628689', 'yd5kmBOBHhXE24GuOVK9iozt5D8vjyY2');
        String token = await mercadoPago.getAccessToken();
        var payer = {'email': '[email protected]'};
        var preference = {
          "items": [
              "title": "Test01",
              "quantity": 1,
              "currency_id": "USD",
              "unit_price": 0.01,
              "payer": payer,
        var result = await mercadoPago.createPreference(preference);

    What's next? Thank you.

    opened by herrmartell 1
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