State notifier test - A testing library which makes it easy to test StateNotifier. Built to be used with the state notifier, riverpod or flutter riverpod packages



Package is a port of felangel's bloc_test, modified to work with StateNotifier class


Add to dev dependencies inside pubspec_yaml:

        state_notifier_test: [version]


import 'package:state_notifier_test.dart';

  'CounterNotifier emits [10] when seeded with 9',
  build: () => CounterNotifier(),
  seed: () => 9,
  actions: (stateNotifier) => stateNotifier.increment(),
  expect: () => [10],

class CounterStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<int> {
  CounterStateNotifier() : super(0);

  void increment() {
    state = state + 1;

stateNotifierTest can also be used to skip any number of emitted states before asserting against the expected states. skip defaults to 0.

  'CounterNotifier emits [2] when increment is called twice',
  build: () => CounterNotifier(),
  actions: (stateNotifier) {
  skip: 1,
  expect: () => [2],

stateNotifierTest can also be used to verify internal stateNotifier functionality.

  'CounterNotifier emits [1] when increment is called',
  build: () => CounterNotifier(),
  actions: (stateNotifier) => stateNotifier.increment(),
  expect: () => [1],
  verify: (_) {
    verify(() => repository.someMethod(any())).called(1);

Testing Options

setUp is optional and should be used to set up any dependencies prior to initializing the stateNotifier under test. setUp should be used to set up state necessary for a particular test case. For common set up code, prefer to use setUp from package:test/test.dart.

build should construct and return the stateNotifier under test.

seed is an optional Function that returns a state which will be used to seed the stateNotifier before actions is called.

actions is an optional callback which will be invoked with the stateNotifier under test and should be used to interactions with the stateNotifier.

skip is an optional int which can be used to skip any number of states. skip defaults to 0.

expect is an optional Function that returns a Matcher which the stateNotifier under test is expected to emit after actions is executed.

verify is an optional callback which is invoked after expect and can be used for additional verification/assertions. verify is called with the stateNotifier returned by build.

errors is an optional Function that returns a Matcher which the stateNotifier under test is expected to throw after actions is executed.

tearDown is optional and can be used to execute any code after the test has run. tearDown should be used to clean up after a particular test case. For common tear down code, prefer to use tearDown from package:test/test.dart.

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  • Added ignoreBuildCalls parameter to be able to ignore build method's additional method calls

    Added ignoreBuildCalls parameter to be able to ignore build method's additional method calls

    If the StateNotifier's constructor calls some method that will update the state it will interfere with the method being called directly in the actions callback of the test itself.

    For example if in the StateNotifier we have a constructor and method we would like to test like below:

    class ExampleStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<ExampleState> {
      final ExampleRepository _recipeRepository;
          : super(const ExampleState.initial()) {
      Future<void> loadExampleString() async {
        state = const ExampleState.loading();
        final result = await _exampleRepository.loadExampleString();
        state = result.fold(
            (failure) => ExampleState.error(error: failure.failureMessage()),
            (data) => ExampleState.loaded(string: data.string ?? ''));

    Now if we want in the test to test loadExampleString() method, because loadExampleString() is also being called from the constructor we won't get expected states in the test, ExampleState.loading() and ExampleState.loaded(string: string). By adding a short delay after build() method is called in the testNotifier() method, loadExampleString() call from the constructor will be ignored and then when testing loadExampleString() we will be able to get the exact states we are expecting.

    The proposed solution then is to add new attribute ignoreBuildCalls when instantiating stateNotifierTest class and adding a short delay (100 ms should be enough for testing with mock repository) after the build() method is being called.

    If you see a different and perhaps better solution for the described problem, feel free to share it :)

    Other similar solution that comes to my mind is to introduce just afterBuild optional Future callback that could be await executed after the build() call to maybe have a little bit more options in defining how long this delay should be. On the other hand ignoreBuildCalls attribute is maybe more clear how to use it but I would also like to hear your opinion on that.

    Kind regards, Ivan Celija

    opened by icelija 4
  • Except is not an optional Function, and cannot take a TypeMatcher comparison (isA<>())

    Except is not an optional Function, and cannot take a TypeMatcher comparison (isA<>())

    Hi there! I run in a little problem while trying to create a test for my UserNotifier (StateNotifier).

    This is the constructor of stateNotifierTest:

    void stateNotifierTest<SN extends StateNotifier<State>, State>(
      String description, {
      required FutureOr Function(SN stateNotifier) actions,
      FutureOr<void> Function()? setUp,
      FutureOr<void> Function(SN stateNotifier)? verify,
      FutureOr<void> Function()? tearDown,
      required List<State> Function() expect,
      Iterable<State> Function()? seed,
      int skip = 0,
      required SN Function() build,
      dynamic Function()? errors,
      bool expectInitialState = false,
    }) { ...

    You mentioned in the comment above that we can use expect with isA<>() type matcher, but it is not possible with the current constructor declaration.

    /// **Note:** when using [stateNotifierTest] with state classes which don't override
    /// `==` and `hashCode` you can provide an `Iterable` of matchers instead of
    /// explicit state instances.
    /// ```dart
    /// stateNotifierTest(
    ///  'emits [StateB] when EventB is called',
    ///  build: () => MyBloc(),
    ///  action: (stateNotifier) => stateNotifier.add(EventB()),
    ///  expect: () => [isA<StateB>()],
    /// );
    /// ```

    So while trying to start the test like this:

    stateNotifierTest<UserNotifier, AsyncValue<User?>>(
      'returns error when trying to edit a null user',
      expectInitialState: false,
      build: () => UserNotifier(
        userId: null,
        userRepository: mockUserRepository,
      actions: (un) {
      expect: () => [isA<AsyncError>()],

    I get this error Screenshot 2022-12-10 alle 13 16 23

    Removing the type doesn't work either. Screenshot 2022-12-10 alle 13 17 23

    I think being able to pass isA<>()would be very useful, since I have the editUser method that returns an AsyncValue.error, which requires the error object and also the current StackTrace, which is impossible to recreate as an object. I saw that there is an errors parameter, but still, since expect is required and must match exactly the test will fail.

    Thank you!

    opened by Ivaskuu 0
  • Stub with mocktail

    Stub with mocktail

    I'm trying to port the counter bloc example test link to Riverpod and the tests, bloc_test uses MockBloc/MockCubit to achieve this like this:

    class MockCounterCubit extends MockCubit<int> implements CounterCubit {}
    void main() {
    late CounterCubit counterCubit;
      setUp(() {
        counterCubit = MockCounterCubit();
    testWidgets('renders current CounterCubit state', (tester) async {
          when(() => counterCubit.state).thenReturn(42);
          await tester.pumpWidget(
              home: BlocProvider.value(
                value: counterCubit,
                child: CounterView(),
          expect(find.text('42'), findsOneWidget);

    What I got is this:

    class CounterProvider extends StateNotifier<int> {
      CounterProvider() : super(0);
      void increment() => state = state + 1;
      void decrement() => state = state - 1;
    class MockCounterStateNotifier extends Mock implements CounterProvider {}
    void main() {
      late CounterProvider counterProvider;
      setUp(() {
        counterProvider = MockCounterStateNotifier();
      group('CounterView', () {
        testWidgets('renders current Counter state', (tester) async {
          //when(() => counterProvider.state).thenReturn(42);
          await tester.pumpWidget(
            const ProviderScope(
              child: MaterialApp(home: CounterPage()),
          expect(find.text('42'), findsOneWidget);
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