Segment display widget for Flutter


Segment display widget

Segment display

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Segment display widget for Flutter. Supports multiple types of segment displays and segment customization.



  • 7-segment display
  • 14-segment display
  • 16-segment display
  • Customizable segment shapes (segment styles)
  • Supports . (decimal point) and : (colon) characters



  1. Depend on it

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  segment_display: ^0.5.0
  1. Install it

You can install packages from the command line:

$ flutter packages get

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter packages get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

  1. Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:segment_display/segment_display.dart';


Seven-segment display



  value: "123",
  size: 12.0,

Seven-segment display

Fourteen-segment display



  value: "123",
  size: 12.0,

Fourteen-segment display

Sixteen-segment display



  value: "123",
  size: 12.0,

Sixteen-segment display

Styles and customization

You can customize segment display with:

  • characterSpacing- space between individual characters
  • backgroundColor - display background color
  • segmentStyle - style for segments (shape, color,...), see segment style


  text: "123",
  textSize: 12.0,
  characterSpacing: 10.0,
  backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
  segmentStyle: HexSegmentStyle(

Segment style

To change segment color, size or shape, use segment style.

There are following segment styles:

  • DefaultSegmentStyle
  • HexSegmentStyle
  • RectSegmentStyle

and you can also create or own style (shape) - see custom segment styles


  value: "13:37",
  size: 12.0,
  segmentStyle: HexSegmentStyle(
    enabledColor: const Color(0xFF00FF00),
    disabledColor: const Color(0xFF00FF00).withOpacity(0.15),
    segmentBaseSize: const Size(1.0, 2.0),

Style example

  • enabledColor - color of enabled segments
  • disabledColor - color of disabled segments
  • segmentBaseSize - size ratio for segments; Size(1.0, 2.0) basically means that ratio will be 1:2 (width:length)

NOTE: SegmentStyle.segmentBaseSize * SegmentDisplay.textSize = segmentSize

Custom segment styles

To create your own segment style (shape), extends SegmentStyle class and implement methods createHorizontalPath, createVerticalPath, createDiagonalBackwardPath and createDiagonalForwardPath.

class CustomSegmentStyle extends SegmentStyle {

  const CustomSegmentStyle({
    Size segmentBaseSize,
    Color enabledColor,
    Color disabledColor,
  }) : super(
          segmentBaseSize: segmentBaseSize,
          enabledColor: enabledColor,
          disabledColor: disabledColor,
  Path createHorizontalPath(SegmentPosition position, Size segmentSize) {
    // ...
  Path createVerticalPath(SegmentPosition position, Size segmentSize) {
    // ...
  Path createDiagonalBackwardPath(SegmentPosition position, Size segmentSize) {
    // ...
  Path createDiagonalForwardPath(SegmentPosition position, Size segmentSize) {
    // ...

You can also customize shape for individual segments by overriding createPath** methods. For 7-segment display, there are createPath7* methods, for 14-segment display createPath14* and so on.

Example: if you want to change the shape of the top segment in 7-segment display, you just have to override createPath7A method.

class CustomSegmentStyle extends SegmentStyle {

  // ..
  Path createPath7A(Size segmentSize, double padding) {
    // ...
  // ...

NOTE: createPath** methods use createHorizontalPath/createVerticalPath/createDiagonalBackwardPath/createDiagonalForwardPath by default so you don't have to override all createPath7* methods.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

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  • Add

    Add "-" support in seven-segment display

    As seen in the sample image, a dash/minus/hyphen is not supported. Looking at the structure of a seven-segment display this could totally be a valid use case.

    Could this be added?

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  • Is it possible to define custom digits?

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    I am searching for a widget that allows me to enable only a symbols. E.g., taking the definition of a 16 segment display, it would be great, only to enable the three segments "a1", "g2" and "b", no matter that it is not mapped to any valid character.

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