A Flutter Android Client for Kanboard

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A Flutter Android Application for Kanboard

A native app developed with Flutter framework which connects to the Kanboard API in your hosting or service.


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Download the latest release from github Here


What's all the bells and whistles this project can perform?

  • Create/Delete Projects.
  • Create/Modify/Delete/Close Tasks.
  • Create/Modify/Delete Subtasks
  • Mark subtasks as Completed
  • Kanban for Projects
  • More features coming soon!



  • Fill the credentials and your Kanboard's endpoint in the Login Form. With this, the app will login to your Kanboard Instance.


  • Task fails to save when Start Date is set to anytime before the day after tomorrow

    Task fails to save when Start Date is set to anytime before the day after tomorrow

    Whenever I'm creating a new task, or modifying an existing one, the below error will appear if "Start Date" is set. The task saves successfully as long as "Start Date" is not set.

    [UPDATE] This error only appears when "Start Date" is set to some time before the day after tomorrow. I tested this on August 30, and the screenshots below show that the task fails to save when "Start Date" is set to August 31 23:59, but succeeds when set to September 1 00:00. I tried many dates before August 31 23:59, and all failed. I also tried many dates after September 1 00:00, and all succeeded.

    [UPDATE 2] Of course, I have also tested doing this through the Kanboard web client, and I can set any date from there.

    Expected behaviour is to be able to set "Start Date" to any date, and for the task to save successfully.

    I'm using: Kanboard v1.2.20 Khanos v1.1.3

    Screenshot_20210830-103730_1 Screenshot_20210830-104247_1

    opened by murchu27 8
  • Make the need for `jsonrpc.php` in endpoint form field less confusing

    Make the need for `jsonrpc.php` in endpoint form field less confusing

    When I first downloaded the app I had a little bit of trouble getting it to work, as I hadn't realised that I needed to set the "khanos Endpoint" form field on the "Setup" page to https://myserver.me/jsonrpc.php, rather than just https://myserver.me, which is how I would normally reach Kanboard.

    The only reason I realised that jsonrpc.php was needed was because I happened to turn my phone to landscape, and see that the placeholder endpoint also ended in jsonrpc.php. Before that, all I could see in portrait was jsonrpc..., and thought that this was just an imaginary directory on the example server.

    It might be worth having a dialog/floating message that tells the user explicitly to specify their endpoint as https://myserver.me/jsonrpc.php.

    Or better yet, if it's possible, let the user leave this part off - just specifying https://myserver.me as a "base" API URL, and adding jsonrpc.php in the background. I don't know the ins and outs of the API though, so maybe this wouldn't work for everyone's setup.

    Some screenshots: Screenshot_20210827-072358 Screenshot_20210827-072408

    opened by murchu27 6
  • Login requirements?

    Login requirements?

    Hello, are there any special login-requirements to use Khanos? Always getting "unknown error" when I try to login with an flawlessly working Kanboard-instalation (current version 1.2.20, current app-version from the Playstore) :-(

    opened by lorddoumer 5
  • connexion


    Hello, thank you for your great application. I have a connection problem, I can only connect in admin mode and for managers and users I have a message like "error: forbidden" I can't find a way to give an access, it comes from the application or from the kanboard configuration ??? cordially

    opened by bobylapointe63 5
  • Is this project abandoned?

    Is this project abandoned?


    There is no activity on this project and users are losing hope in trying to connect to the Kaboard interface in the app which is half finished.... is it now abandoned?

    opened by aljawaid 4
  • Make login work with 2FA

    Make login work with 2FA

    If I enable 2FA for my user on Kanboard, I can't login to Khanos. I get the error in the below screenshot. If I disable 2FA, the error doesn't show, and I login successfully.

    I'm using: Kanboard v1.2.20 Khanos v1.1.2 (Pre-release)


    opened by murchu27 4
  • Login page should error when incorrect credentials are given

    Login page should error when incorrect credentials are given

    If I try to login with the wrong credentials, the login page lets me in to the app, and doesn't tell me that there was an issue - the dashboard just doesn't load.

    The login page should check my credentials before letting me in, and show an error message of some kind if my credentials didn't work.

    opened by murchu27 4
  • Login screen text is invisible in dark mode

    Login screen text is invisible in dark mode

    I haven't reviewed the code, but I can see that one effect of switching to Dark Mode is inverting black text to white text throughout the whole app.

    This works well in most places, but it makes the login screen text invisible, as the background that it sits against stays white, even in dark mode (see screenshot below).

    Expected behaviour is that, when in dark mode, either the login screen text should either be left as black, or the background should change to black, so that text is visible.


    opened by murchu27 2
  • Impossible to log in (using also LDAP as authentication) aligned to issue #23

    Impossible to log in (using also LDAP as authentication) aligned to issue #23

    I also have a problem with logging in via Android apps, and I can summarize it here with these key facts.

    • Using Kanboard 1.2.21
    • No 2fA is activated

    I have well-connected Kanboard to my locally running openLDAP server. I can log in via Web browser from any device, including my local PC and also my Android phone (Web browser - FF). I can login with LDAP users and with local users (e.g. Admin). Using via browser: "https://server-adress.de/kanban/?controller=AuthController&action=login" Now the strange situation comes, when logging in from my android device using your Khanos app (unfortunately same behavior with the F-Droid Kandroid app). If I use this address, "https://server-adress.de/kanban/?controller=AuthController&action=login" this error occurs: grafik If I use this adress, "https://server-adress.de/kanban/" this error ocures: grafik

    I tried it with the LDAP user but also the local admin. I tried it with the LDAP Users psw. but also with the users API code as psw. Could you please confirm the right definition of the Login Adress (URL). And maybe help me with, what could I try to change in the KanBoard config.php file, to solve this login problem. Any help is appreciated! Best


    opened by arminwedler 2
  • Task Comments cannot be viewed

    Task Comments cannot be viewed

    Khanos version 1.1.6

    adb shows an exception when opening comments for a task:

    adb logcat --pid=`adb shell pidof -s com.gojaponte.khanos`

    08-07 11:37:45.588 20327 20358 I flutter : type '_TypeError' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>'
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #0      _CommentPageState._commentBodyPage.<anonymous closure> (package:khanos/src/pages/comment_page.dart:66)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #1      _FutureBuilderState.build (package:flutter/src/widgets/async.dart:615)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #2      StatefulElement.build (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4919)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #3      ComponentElement.performRebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4806)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #4      StatefulElement.performRebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4977)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #5      Element.rebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4529)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #6      BuildOwner.buildScope (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:2659)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #7      WidgetsBinding.drawFrame (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:891)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #8      RendererBinding._handlePersistentFrameCallback (package:flutter/src/rendering/binding.dart:370)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #9      SchedulerBinding._invokeFrameCallback (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1146)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #10     SchedulerBinding.handleDrawFrame (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1083)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #11     SchedulerBinding._handleDrawFrame (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:997)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #15     _invoke (dart:ui/hooks.dart:151)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #16     PlatformDispatcher._drawFrame (dart:ui/platform_dispatcher.dart:308)
    08-07 11:37:45.591 20327 20358 I flutter : #17     _drawFrame (dart:ui/hooks.dart:115)
    opened by vmario89 0
  • add Local Storage support

    add Local Storage support

    First of all thanks for this awesome android app! It would be great if I could store my tasks locally when I'm not around my Karnboard server. I want to record my tasks while traveling, walking etc. But cannot even login to app because it requires an online server around. Thanks in advance!

    opened by savolla 0
  • Compilation error on Flutter

    Compilation error on Flutter

    Hi Jexos Its awesome app. I intend to do a little modifications, but the app is not compiling on flutter. Initially it is giving error of embedding version, and later fails to compile on a complex error. Can you guide about compilation? detail error is as under: flutter build apk --release --ignore-deprecation ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Warning ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Your Flutter application is created using an older version of the Android embedding. It is being deprecated in favor of Android embedding v2. Follow the steps at


    to migrate your project. You may also pass the --ignore-deprecation flag to ignore this check and continue with the deprecated v1 embedding. However, the v1 Android embedding will be removed in future versions of Flutter. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The detected reason was:

    /home/asmi/snap/khanos/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml uses android:name="io.flutter.app.FlutterApplication" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

    Running "flutter pub get" in khanos... 11.0s This app is using a deprecated version of the Android embedding. To avoid unexpected runtime failures, or future build failures, try to migrate this app to the V2 embedding. Take a look at the docs for migrating an app: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Upgrading-pre-1.12-Android-projects

    Building without sound null safety For more information see https://dart.dev/null-safety/unsound-null-safety

    ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/boardview-0.2.2/lib/board_item.dart:92:20: Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '!' has type 'WidgetsBinding' which excludes null.

    'WidgetsBinding' is from 'package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/binding.dart'). WidgetsBinding.instance! ^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/boardview-0.2.2/lib/boardview.dart:307:22: Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '!' has type 'WidgetsBinding' which excludes null. 'WidgetsBinding' is from 'package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/binding.dart'). WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((Duration duration) { ^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/boardview-0.2.2/lib/boardview.dart:569:22: Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '!' has type 'WidgetsBinding' which excludes null. 'WidgetsBinding' is from 'package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/binding.dart'). WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) { ^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_datetime_picker-1.5.1/lib/flutter_datetime_picker.dart:311:32: Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '??' has type 'Color' which excludes null. 'Color' is from 'dart:ui'. color: theme.backgroundColor ?? Colors.white, ^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/provider-5.0.0/lib/src/inherited_provider.dart:391:26: Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '!' has type 'SchedulerBinding' which excludes null. 'SchedulerBinding' is from 'package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/scheduler/binding.dart'). SchedulerBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((_) { ^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/git/GradientAppBar-37c4b1bea68eebaf29627cc696fcf8ed4701592e/lib/gradient_app_bar.dart:421:47: Error: The getter 'title' isn't defined for the class 'TextTheme'. 'TextTheme' is from 'package:flutter/src/material/text_theme.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/text_theme.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'title'. TextStyle centerStyle = widget.textTheme?.title ?? ^^^^^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/git/GradientAppBar-37c4b1bea68eebaf29627cc696fcf8ed4701592e/lib/gradient_app_bar.dart:422:32: Error: The getter 'title' isn't defined for the class 'TextTheme'. 'TextTheme' is from 'package:flutter/src/material/text_theme.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/text_theme.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'title'. appBarTheme.textTheme?.title ?? ^^^^^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/git/GradientAppBar-37c4b1bea68eebaf29627cc696fcf8ed4701592e/lib/gradient_app_bar.dart:423:36: Error: The getter 'title' isn't defined for the class 'TextTheme'. 'TextTheme' is from 'package:flutter/src/material/text_theme.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/text_theme.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'title'. themeData.primaryTextTheme.title; ^^^^^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/git/GradientAppBar-37c4b1bea68eebaf29627cc696fcf8ed4701592e/lib/gradient_app_bar.dart:424:45: Error: The getter 'body1' isn't defined for the class 'TextTheme'. 'TextTheme' is from 'package:flutter/src/material/text_theme.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/text_theme.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'body1'. TextStyle sideStyle = widget.textTheme?.body1 ?? ^^^^^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/git/GradientAppBar-37c4b1bea68eebaf29627cc696fcf8ed4701592e/lib/gradient_app_bar.dart:425:32: Error: The getter 'body1' isn't defined for the class 'TextTheme'. 'TextTheme' is from 'package:flutter/src/material/text_theme.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/text_theme.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'body1'. appBarTheme.textTheme?.body1 ?? ^^^^^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/git/GradientAppBar-37c4b1bea68eebaf29627cc696fcf8ed4701592e/lib/gradient_app_bar.dart:426:36: Error: The getter 'body1' isn't defined for the class 'TextTheme'. 'TextTheme' is from 'package:flutter/src/material/text_theme.dart' ('../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/text_theme.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'body1'. themeData.primaryTextTheme.body1; ^^^^^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/git/GradientAppBar-37c4b1bea68eebaf29627cc696fcf8ed4701592e/lib/gradient_app_bar.dart:1177:9: Error: No named parameter with the name 'vsync'. vsync: this, ^^^^^ ../flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/rendering/sliver_persistent_header.dart:500:3: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match. FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration({ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ../flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/platform-3.0.0/lib/src/interface/local_platform.dart:46:19: Error: Member not found: 'packageRoot'. io.Platform.packageRoot; // ignore: deprecated_member_use ^^^^^^^^^^^ FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    Where: Script '/home/asmi/snap/flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle' line: 1156

    What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:compileFlutterBuildRelease'.

    Process 'command '/home/asmi/snap/flutter/common/flutter/bin/flutter'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

    Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    Get more help at https://help.gradle.org/

    BUILD FAILED in 2m 45s Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'... 167.4s Gradle task assembleRelease failed with exit code 1

    opened by emzee1 1
  • Error with order of items in swimlanes

    Error with order of items in swimlanes

    Hi! I'm using server version 1.2.22 and Khanos version 1.1.6. Unfortunately, the order in the client app can not be properly set. Also, whenever there are changes in the sync between client and server, something gets messed up. Because of this bug, it gets impossible to set priorities of items between multiple app users.

    opened by los2pollos 0
  • Error with date format

    Error with date format

    My device is set with a French locale, with date format like dd/mm/yyyy. The app seems to expect a mm/dd/yyyy, so the behaviour is :

    • saving, for exemple, March 1st when trying to set Jan. 3rd
    • getting an error when trying to save a day number > 12 (screen shot attached)


    opened by s-les 0
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