A curated list of awesome Flutter UI design templates to integrate in your Flutter app

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Flutter UI/UX Examples 🍟

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Looking for an awesome UI kit for Flutter? Here is a curated list of a few awesome Flutter UI design templates to integrate in your Flutter app and save your time on designing widgets. You can check more UI design templates here.

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Index 📝

  1. Login Page
  2. Movie Streaming App
  3. Food order app
  4. Books App
  5. Profile Page
  6. Walkthrough Screen

1. Login Page UI 🍦

GIF Screenshot

Packages in use:

  1. flutter_svg
  2. flutter_screenutil


  1. Poppins

2. Movie Streaming App 🍨

GIF Screenshot

Packages in use:

  1. flutter_svg
  2. simple_animations


  1. Poppins

3. Food Order app 🎂

GIF Screenshot

Packages in use:

  1. flutter_svg
  2. line_awesome_flutter

4. Books app UI 🍨

GIF Screenshot

Packages in use:

  1. flutter_svg
  2. flutter_staggered_grid_view


  1. Poppins

5. Profile Page UI 🍧

GIF Screenshot

Packages in use:

  1. flutter_svg
  2. flutter_screenutil
  3. line_awesome_flutter


  1. Poppins (Custom Fonts)

6. Walkthrough Screen 🎂

This is a little special... Guess what?
I implemented this in Kotlin! 😱
This is the walk-through screen, that you can adapt according to your use, by changing images and number of screens. The top slider will scroll on any amount of screens you add!

GIF Screenshot


  1. Animations: cubic briezer
  2. Primary color: #6C63FF
  3. Images: undraw.co


  1. Poppins

Widgets 🚀

List of well-designed widgets that you will actually need and find useful rather than overwhelming you with a plethora of low-quality ones.

Index 📝

  1. Rounded input field
  2. Flushbar alert service

1. Rounded Input field 🍦



    textEditingController: controllerName,
    hintText: "Your Email",
    icon: Icons.email,
    cursorColor: Colors.black,
    editTextBackgroundColor: Colors.grey[200],
    iconColor: Colors.black,
    onChanged: (value) {
      name = value;

2. Flushbar alert service

To use this widget you have to include one denpendency called flushbar in your pubspec.yaml, if you want error alert you have to give AlertType.error in type feild same applies to warning


    text: "Add to Cart",
    onPressed: () {
         context: context,
         message: 'product has been added to cart',
         type: AlertType.success,

Doremon 🐱

Any doremon fans here? For relaxation I design some of cartoons

Thanks for coming here from doremon :xD

Author(s) ✍️

  1. Ajay Prabhakar @chromicle

Looking to contribute? ??

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md before writing a pull request. Any and all help we can get is welcome :)

License 📝

This repository is licensed under MIT License. Find LICENSE to know more.


These examples are open to all kinds of contribution in all of its categories. dude, they are completely free 😜
If you found this project useful, then please consider giving it a on Github and sharing it with your friends via social media.
Happy Coding 💻 .

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