The flutter_ibm_watson makes it easy to integrate IBM Watson


Flutter Ibm Watson

IBM Watson


  • Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
  flutter_ibm_watson: ^0.0.1
  • You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter packages get
  • Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use:
 import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/flutter_ibm_watson.dart';


Language Translator

    import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/flutter_ibm_watson.dart';
    // or import
    import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/language_translator/LanguageTranslator.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/utils/Language.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/utils/IamOptions.dart';
  • Code Flutter to translate text
IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "Your ApiKey", url: "Your Url").build();
LanguageTranslator service = new LanguageTranslator(iamOptions: options);
TranslationResult translationResult = await service.translate("Your Text", Language.ENGLISH, Language.SPANISH);
  • Example
void languageTranslator(String text) async {
    IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "fr8sBBKkjZidQJij6sadfxAwqwqe4S8yY_fdXmSrKZoH_F8LB", url: "").build();
    LanguageTranslator service = new LanguageTranslator(iamOptions: options);
    TranslationResult translationResult = await service.translate(text, Language.ENGLISH, Language.SPANISH);

*Code Flutter to identify language

IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "Your ApiKey", url: "Your Url").build();
LanguageTranslator service = new LanguageTranslator(iamOptions: options);
IdentifyLanguageResult identifyLanguageResult = await service.identifylanguage("You text to identify");
  • Example
void identifyLanguage(String text) async {
    IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "fr8sBBKkjZidQJij6sadfxAwqwqe4S8yY_fdXmSrKZoH_F8LB", url: "").build();
    LanguageTranslator service = new LanguageTranslator(iamOptions: this.options);
    IdentifyLanguageResult identifyLanguageResult = await service.identifylanguage(text);

Visual Recognition

    import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/flutter_ibm_watson.dart';
    // or import
    import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/visual-recognition/VisualRecognition.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/utils/Language.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/utils/IamOptions.dart';
  • Code Flutter for Visual Recognition Image Url
IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "Your ApiKey", url: "Your Url").build();
VisualRecognition visualRecognition = new VisualRecognition(iamOptions: this.options, language: Language.ENGLISH); // Language.ENGLISH is language response 
ClassifiedImages classifiedImages = await visualRecognition.classifyImageUrl("Your Image URLS");
  • Example
void visualRecognitionUrl(String url) async {
    IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "PtrAMdthejasdsaqqweXpRSs3gxwQAdsasdRPNzLEnLQ", url: "").build();
    VisualRecognition visualRecognition = new VisualRecognition(iamOptions: this.options, language: Language.ENGLISH);
    ClassifiedImages classifiedImages = await visualRecognition.classifyImageUrl(url);
  • Visual Recognition File
IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "Your ApiKey", url: "Your Url").build();
VisualRecognition visualRecognition = new VisualRecognition(iamOptions: this.options, language: Language.ENGLISH); // Language.ENGLISH is language response 
ClassifiedImages classifiedImages = await visualRecognition.classifyImageFile("Image File Path");
  • Example
void visualRecognitionFile(File image) async {
    IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "PtrAMdthejasdsaqqweXpRSs3gxwQAdsasdRPNzLEnLQ", url: "").build();
    VisualRecognition visualRecognition = new VisualRecognition(
        iamOptions: this.options, language: Language.ENGLISH);
    ClassifiedImages classifiedImages =
        await visualRecognition.classifyImageFile(image.path);


Text To Speech

  import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/flutter_ibm_watson.dart';
  import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/services/textToSpeech.dart';
  import 'package:flutter_ibm_watson/utils/IamOptions.dart';
  • Code Flutter to text to speech
IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "Your ApiKey", url: "Your Url").build();
TextToSpeech service = new TextToSpeech(iamOptions: options);
service.setVoice("Enter Voice"); //default en-US_AllisonV3Voice
Uint8List bi = await service.toSpeech("Your Text");
  • Example
void textToSpeech() async {
    IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "Your ApiKey", url: "Your Url").build();
    TextToSpeech service = new TextToSpeech(iamOptions: options);
    Uint8List bi = await service.toSpeech(text);
  • Get List Languages
IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "Your ApiKey", url: "Your Url").build();
TextToSpeech service = new TextToSpeech(iamOptions: options);
List<Voice> listVoice = await service.getListVoices();

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

For help on editing package code, view the documentation.

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    Hi, since Dart 2.12 and Flutter 2.0 the null safety language features were introduced into the Dart language. Could you migrate your package to sound null safety? For more info, please see

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  • Why this project needs Flutter dependency?

    Why this project needs Flutter dependency?


    I was wondering why this project has the Flutter dependency. Since it is only consulting IBM services, it should net depend on Flutter's framework.

    Removing it, would enable this librayr to run on other Dart environments like CLI, javascript, native, and also flutter!

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    await not working, I solved the problem

    put the code below on line 189 on the File VisualRecognition.dart

    var value =await; dynamic result; result = json.decode(value); classifiedImages = new ClassifiedImages(result); return classifiedImages;

    you may found better solution yourself but if you update your lib will work

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    Hi victor really nice effort you have put in this repository. I have clone the repository but when I opened it in IDE I'vent see any main.dart file in this project.

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