Toor makes service locators compile-time safe and easy to manage



🌱 What is Toor

Toor makes service locators compile-time safe and easy to manage.

🚀 Getting Started

Define your dependencies somewhere in the project. It is recommended to make your locators lazily initialized via using the late keyword so that they are created only when used.

final toor = Toor.instance;

late final httpClientSingleton = toor.registerLazySingleton<IHttpClient>(,

late final authRepositoryFactory = toor.registerFactory<IAuthRepository>(
  () => AuthRepositoryImpl(httpClient: httpClientSingleton()),

After that, you can safely access your registered factories or lazy singletons:

void authenticate(String email, String password) {
  authRepositoryFactory().authenticate(email, password);

Toor in detail

Types of locators

Toor currently supports two types of objects: factories and lazy singletons.


Factories are locators that are created on each time you get them.

Use Toor.registerFactory to create factory locators:

final toor = Toor.instance;

late final authRepositoryFactory = toor.registerFactory<IAuthRepository>(,

Lazy Singleton

Lazy singletons are locators that are created only on the first call. The object, created at the first call, will be returned every time you get it afterwards.

Use Toor.registerLazySingleton to create lazy singleton locators:

final toor = Toor.instance;

late final credentialManager = toor.registerLazySingleton<ICredentialManager>(,

Async Factory

Async factories are locators that are asynchronously created each time you get them.

Use Toor.registerFactoryAsync to create async factory locators:

final toor = Toor.instance;

late final dataPersisterFactory = toor.registerFactoryAsync<IDataPersister>(
  () async => SharedPreferencesDataPersister(
    sharedPreferences: await SharedPreferences.getInstance(),

Await the creation of your factory to obtain and use it:

final dataPersister = await dataPersisterFactory();

Advanced usage

Resetting lazy singletons

You can reset lazy singletons via the reset method. This will delete the current object and create a new one on the next call.

final toor = Toor.instance;

String value = 'Initial';

late final lazySingleton = toor.registerLazySingleton<String>(
  () => value,

// Even though we change the `value` variable here,
// `lazySingleton`s value will remain 'Initial'.
value = 'Changed';

print(lazySingleton()); // 'Initial'

// Once we reset `lazySingleton`, it's value will be 'Changed' on the next call.

print(lazySingleton()); // 'Changed'

Resetting all lazy singletons

Toor lets you reset all lazy singletons at once via the reset method on its instance. This will call reset on every lazy singleton, registered with it.

final toor = Toor.instance;

String value = 'Initial';

late final lazySingleton = toor.registerLazySingleton<String>(
  () => value,

value = 'Changed';

print(lazySingleton()); // 'Initial'

// Once we reset `toor`, all lazy singletons, registered via
// `toor.registerLazySingleton` will be reset.

print(lazySingleton()); // 'Changed'

Creating new instances of Toor

You may want to create several instances of Toor, independent of each other. The Toor.instance getter will return the default instance but you don't have to use it. You can create new instances of Toor via Toor.newInstance(). You may want to do this in order to reset lazy singletons, related to a single domain (e.g. reset all singletons that hold user data on logout).

final authToor = Toor.newInstance();
final analyticsToor = Toor.newInstance();

late final credentialManager = authToor.registerLazySingleton<ICredentialManager>(,

late final sessionRecorder = authToor.registerLazySingleton<ISessionRecorder>(
  SessionRecorderImpl(upload: false),

void logout() {
  // `credentialManager` will be reset, however `sessionRecorder` won't, since
  // it's registered in `analyticsToor`, not `authToor`.

🧪 Testing with Toor

Sometimes, you need different (e.g. mock) objects to be created in tests. There are two ways to achieve that with Toor:

  1. Deciding what to register based on some variables / other toor singletons (e. g. flavor):
final toor = Toor.instance;

late final authManager = toor.registerLazySingleton<IAuthManager>(
  flavor.isTesting ? MockAuthManager() : AuthManagerImpl(),
  1. Overriding registered objects via override which is available in toor_test. The override method is annotated with visibleForTesting since it's intended to be used only in tests:
// dependencies.dart
import 'package:toor/toor.dart';

final toor = Toor.instance;

late final authManager = toor.registerLazySingleton<IAuthManager>(,
// app_test.dart
import 'package:toor/toor_test.dart';

void main() {
  setUpAll(() {
    authManager.override(() => MockAuthManager());
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