Face Mask Detection with Tensorflow(Flutter)Face Mask Detection with Tensorflow(Flutter)


Face Mask Detection with Tensorflow(Flutter)

Face Mask Detection With TFlite


An app made with flutter and tensor flow lite for face mask detection.

⭐ Features

  • Delect mask on the live camera

  • Detect mask from a photo

  • MVVM architecture

πŸš€   Installation

  1. Install Packages
camera: get the streaming image buffers
tflite: run our trained model
image_picker: pick image from gallery

2. Configure Project
  • Android

android {
    aaptOptions {
        noCompress 'tflite'
        noCompress 'lite'

minSdkVersion 21

3. Train our model
* Download the dataset for training

* Training
    - go to https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com to train our model
    - Get Started
    - Image Project
    - Edit `Class 1` for any Label(example `WithMask`)
    - Edit `Class 2` for any Label(example `WithoutMask`)
    - Update image from dataset download above
    - Click `Train Model`(using default config) and waiting...
    - Click `Export Model` and select `Tensorflow Lite`
    - Download (include: *.tflite, labels.txt)

4. Load model
loadModel() async {
    await Tflite.loadModel(
        model: "assets/model.tflite", 
        labels: "assets/labels.txt",
        //numThreads: 1, // defaults to 1
        //isAsset: true, // defaults: true, set to false to load resources outside assets
        //useGpuDelegate: false // defaults: false, use GPU delegate

5. Run model
  Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnFrame(CameraImage image) async {
    var recognitions = await Tflite.runModelOnFrame(
        bytesList: image.planes.map((plane) {
          return plane.bytes;
        imageHeight: image.height,
        imageWidth: image.width,
        imageMean: 127.5,   //defaults to 127.5
        imageStd: 127.5,    //defaults to 127.5
        rotation: 90,       // defaults to 90, Android only
        numResults: 2,      // defaults to 5
        threshold: 0.5,     // defaults to 0.1
        asynch: true,       // defaults to true
    return recognitions;
  Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnImage(File image) async {
    var recognitions = await Tflite.runModelOnImage(
      path: image.path,
      numResults: 2,
      threshold: 0.5,
      imageMean: 127.5,
      imageStd: 127.5,
    return recognitions;
Output format:
    index: 0,
    label: "WithMask",
    confidence: 0.989

6. Issue
1.'vector' file not found
Open ios/Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode, click Runner > Tagets > Runner >Build Settings, 
search Compile Sources As, change the value to Objective-C++

2. 'tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h' file not found
The plugin assumes the tensorflow header files are located in path "tensorflow/lite/kernels".
However, for early versions of tensorflow the header path is "tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels".

7. Source code
please checkout repo github

πŸ’‘ Demo

  1. Demo Illustration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2er_XZb_oi4&ab_channel=HienNguyen
  2. Image
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