Automates CP 2077's "Breach Protocol" hacking minigame



Cyberpunk 2077 Hacking Minigame Resolver - Play Store:


- Flutter
    - Currently tested with version 2.0
- A personal Firebase project
    - Required to get a valid google-services.json file
- Android Studio/IntelliJ with Flutter plugin
    - Not entirely required, but should allow you to test the app without having to side-load it into your phone

Installing and running

Make sure you copy your google-services.json file to android/app, otherwise you'll get a build error and won't be able to compile the application.

There are several ways of trying out the app:

Default breach screen

Solved breach screen

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    Add toggle to ignore undesired sequences

    The current state works for hacking access points but there may be scenarios where the bottom-most sequences aren't the objectively best options, such as breaching enemies and devices.

    Example screenshot: Screenshot 2021-01-01 191522

    Toggling whether the sequence is to be used in calculation and adding a visual cue that the sequence will be ignored may create the desired user experience.

    Thank you.

    opened by jhumfreez 5
  • Is adding non-intrusive (IMO) ads a deal breaker for users?

    Is adding non-intrusive (IMO) ads a deal breaker for users?

    As I feared, the licensing cost for the iOS version is pretty high for someone living in Argentina.

    I was wondering if it was possible to add an advertisement in the lower half of the screen, thus still showing the code matrix. This way, the user would only need to watch the ad while the path is being calculated (usually instant anyways).

    Once the calculation finishes, the "close ad" button would appear (maybe after ~2 seconds, considering the user will still need to input the sequence).

    opened by nicolas-siplis 3
  • Single image upload?

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    Is it possible / straightforward to have one image upload?

    Maybe we could try a rough crop in software of like 2/3 1/3 or whatever the proportions are.

    Or even better, look at the max horizontal distance between two recognized symbols and use that?

    opened by jedahan 2
  • Would anyone be interested in the ability to hack Cyberpunk itself from within the app?

    Would anyone be interested in the ability to hack Cyberpunk itself from within the app?

    I haven't looked too much into this, but... Assuming the user is willing to install a separate application in their PC, it should be possible to read and write into Cyberpunk's memory. I doubt CDPR added something akin to anticheat measures into their game, so there'll be no need to worry about access protection.

    The client's PC application would still be open source, most likely a part of this repository or an entirely separate one depending on its size. I think it should be startable as a relatively small .NET application, or hopefully something even simpler than that.

    opened by nicolas-siplis 2
Nicolás Siplis
Backend engineer at @Klarna
Nicolás Siplis