Horizontal_calendar - Horizontal week view calendar pub for Flutter.



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Easy to use, highly customizable horizontal calendar.


  • Custom date range (First & Last Date)
  • Single or up to x days selection
  • onDateSelected, onDateUnSelected, onDateLongTap, onMaxDateSelectionReached events.
  • Support custom ScrollController
  • Initial selected dates
  • Granular control to disable dates.
  • Internationalization support
  • Month / Date / Week Day label order customization
  • Month / Week day label hide / show
  • Custom TextStyles for Month, Date, WeekDay
  • Custom TextStyles for selected Month, selected Date, selected WeekDay
  • Customizable month format (e.g. MM,MMM)
  • Customizable date format (e.g. dd,d)
  • Customizable week day format (e.g. EE,EEE)
  • Default date cell Decoration
  • Selected date cell Decoration
  • Disabled date cell Decoration


Property Name Property Type Description Default value
height double Height of widget 100
firstDate DateTime First Date of calendar -
lastDate DateTime Last Date of calendar -
minSelectedDateCount int Count of min selectable dates 0
maxSelectedDateCount int Count of max selectable dates 1
onDateSelected Function(DateTime dateTime) Callback when date is selected -
onDateLongTap Function(DateTime dateTime) Callback when date cell is long pressed -
onDateUnSelected Function(DateTime dateTime) Callback when date is unselected -
onMaxDateSelectionReached VoidCallback Callback when max date selection count is reached -
initialSelectedDates List<DateTime> List of initially selected dates Empty List
isDateDisabled bool Function(DateTime dateTime) Function that returns bool to check if particular date is disabled -
labelOrder List<LabelType> Order of labels [ LabelType.month, LabelType.date, LabelType.weekday]
scrollController ScrollController Scroll Controller of horizontal list -
monthTextStyle TextStyle Month label TextStyle titleTheme
selectedMonthTextStyle TextStyle Selected Month label TextStyle monthTextStyle
monthFormat String Format of month MMM
dateTextStyle TextStyle Date label TextStyle subTitleTheme
selectedDateTextStyle TextStyle Selected Date label TextStyle dateTextStyle
dateFormat String Format of date dd
weekDayTextStyle TextStyle Week day label TextStyle subTitleTheme
selectedWeekDayTextStyle TextStyle Selected Week day label TextStyle dateTextStyle
weekDayFormat String Format of week day EEE
defaultDecoration Decoration Default Decoration to be applied to date cell -
selectedDecoration Decoration Decoration to be applied to selected date cell -
disabledDecoration Decoration Decoration to be applied to disabled date cell -
spacingBetweenDates double Spacing between two cells of date 8.0
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry Padding to date cell EdgeInsets.all(8.0)

State Management in horizontal_calendar

initialSelectedDates will only be taken when the widget built for the first time. horizontal_calendar will manage the Subsequent dates selection and un selection.

To get the initial control over the host app, one can pass the UniqueKey.


      key: UniqueKey(),

Issues and Feedback

  • For any issue and feedback please create issue on Github repo.
  • feat: add minSelectedDateCount

    feat: add minSelectedDateCount


    • New attribute for HorizontalCalendar to set minSelection
    • Validation for HorizontalCalendar parameters
    • New Widget for example: CustomRangeSlider


    • Example
      • Using CustomRangeSlider you can select min and max selected date count. Once you want to set the new interval you have to tap on the "update" button and the widget is rebuilt with the new settings. If the setting can't be applied (range is too high for the available dates) a Snackbar is shown
      • General minor changes to optmize code indentation and remove some ambiguity (eg subtract(365) instead of add(-365) or DateTime.sunday instead of 7)
    opened by dariof28 2
  • Add minSelectedDateCount parameter

    Add minSelectedDateCount parameter

    Hi, and thanks for this beautiful widget.

    I wanna ask you if could you add an optional minSelectedDateCount parameter to avoid the no-selected-dates situations (this would be useful in such situations where a selected date is always required, for example retrieve a list of items that mathes that day).

    Right now I am able to initialize the initialSelectedDates but without this optional setting i am able to remove it by tapping on the element.


    @@ -149,1 +149,1 @@
    -} else {
    +} else if (selectedDates.lenght > widget.minSelectedDateCount ) {
      final isRemoved = selectedDates.remove(date);
      if (isRemoved && widget.onDateUnSelected != null) {

    Of course some validation should be added:

    assert(maxSelectedDateCount >= minSelectedDateCount);
    assert(initialSelectedDates.lenght >= minSelectedDateCount);
    opened by dariof28 2
  • I don't understand how update Internationalization 🤷‍♂️

    I don't understand how update Internationalization 🤷‍♂️

    Hi 👋, First of all, thank you for your widget. It's exactly what I need. I'm just stuck on the local date. My settings language device are set to French and my Region too.

    I use Locale myLocale = Localizations.localeOf(context); print(myLocale);to check the value. Everything look like ok, but the date format don't change.

    Have you any ideas ?

    opened by Smartiiez 1
  • feat: add the ability to show month and dayOfWeek labels in uppercase

    feat: add the ability to show month and dayOfWeek labels in uppercase

    In some layout situations the user could want to show the labels in uppercase. If no value for isLabelUppercase is given the label is shown in its original form


    opened by dariof28 1
  • [URGENT] fix: remove intl constraint

    [URGENT] fix: remove intl constraint

    The package cannot be installed anymore because of intl version conflict. This error is reported on pub.dev too -> https://pub.dev/packages/horizontal_calendar_widget/score

    Because horizontal_calendar_widget depends on flutter_localizations any from sdk which depends on intl 0.17.0, intl 0.17.0 is required. So, because horizontal_calendar_widget depends on intl ^0.16.1, version solving failed.

    flutter_localizations already include intl dependency so is not necessary to add a direct dependency with version constraint

    opened by dariof28 1
  • Internationalization


    This is not working: initializeDateFormatting("sl").then((_) => runApp(MyApp()));

    @milind-mevada-stl Can you tell what is the correct way to setup localization?

    opened by danilof 0
  • v1.0.2(Jun 9, 2020)

  • v1.0.1(Jun 9, 2020)

  • v1.0.0+1(Jun 9, 2020)

    • [x] Custom date range (First & Last Date)
    • [x] Single or up to x days selection
    • [x] onDateSelected, onDateUnSelected, onDateLongTap, onMaxDateSelectionReached events.
    • [x] Support custom ScrollController
    • [x] Initial selected dates
    • [x] Granular control to disable dates.
    • [x] Internationalization support
    • [x] Month / Date / Week Day label order customization
    • [x] Month / Week day label hide / show
    • [x] Custom TextStyles for Month, Date, WeekDay
    • [x] Custom TextStyles for selected Month, selected Date, selected WeekDay
    • [x] Customizable month format (e.g. MM,MMM)
    • [x] Customizable date format (e.g. dd,d)
    • [x] Customizable week day format (e.g. EE,EEE)
    • [x] Default date cell Decoration
    • [x] Selected date cell Decoration
    • [x] Disabled date cell Decoration
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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